Hong Kong has implemented the first phase of "plastic-free" since April 22, which has caused great social repercussions. The so-called "plastic elimination", as the name suggests, is to get rid of disposable plastic tableware and other products from life. According to Hong Kong's

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Hong Kong has implemented the first phase of 'plastic-free' since April 22, which has caused great social repercussions. The so-called 'plastic elimination', as the name suggests, is to get rid of disposable plastic tableware and other products from life. According to Hong Kong's - Lujuba

Hong Kong has implemented the first phase of “plastic-free” since April 22, which has caused great social repercussions. The so-called "plastic elimination", as the name suggests, is to get rid of disposable plastic tableware and other products from life. According to Hong Kong's new laws on single-use plastics, restaurants are prohibited from selling or providing foam plastic tableware, plastic drink straws, stir sticks, cutlery, spoons and plastic plates to takeaway customers from the 22nd; Hong Kong hotels and guesthouses are not allowed to provide free plastic toothbrushes, Disposable toiletries such as combs and small bottles of shower gel, and disposable plastic bottles of water cannot be provided to guests for free. The Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department previously stated that the new law will have a six-month adaptation period and will not be enforced during this period.

Hong Kong's "Sing Tao Daily" said on the 23rd that the implementation of the "plastic-free" policy went smoothly on the first day. The newspaper's reporters inspected restaurants in many districts and found that many stores were ready to switch to new tableware. In the Tin Hau area, although many restaurants still provide plastic lunch boxes, some shop assistants said that the stock of plastic lunch boxes will be used up within a day. All stores have switched to paper straws and spoons are also made of sugarcane bagasse. We have not received any complaints from customers that it is not easy to use. In terms of cost, although the "plastic-free" policy has tripled the cost of tableware, there are no plans to increase prices for the time being.

Hong Kong citizens have mixed reactions to the “plastic-free” policy. Some citizens believe that everyone must contribute to environmental protection and suggest that policies should be accelerated. Some citizens mentioned that the quality of environmentally friendly tableware on the market varies, and they may consider bringing their own tableware in the future. Many citizens also reported that paper tableware is not good enough. Not resistant to moisture and heat, wooden tableware is difficult to use and takes some time to get used to. In addition, some industry insiders said that the catering industry has been under considerable operating pressure in recent years and they are worried about rising costs.

Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive Lee Ka-chiu said on the 23rd that there is an abundant supply of disposable plastic alternatives, and the Environmental Protection Department platform provides more than 700 different options. He believes that in the process of continuous improvement, alternatives will become more and more in line with public requirements. Hong Kong Toutiao Daily said that according to 2022 data, 2,369 tons of waste plastics need to be sent to landfills in Hong Kong every day, of which 227 tons of plastic tableware are discarded, and the decomposition time of plastic waste takes hundreds of years, causing a heavy impact on landfills. The burden will have a profound impact on the ecological environment and people's health, so "plastic elimination" is imperative. (Yang Weimin) ▲

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