The TV series "Cheng Huan Ji" continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus

entertainment 8488℃

TV series " Cheng Huan Ji " continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama.

Especially the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play, with her unique outlook on life and wisdom in life, has become the focus of heated discussions nowadays.

The values ​​​​conveyed by the role of Mai Chenghuan played by Yang Zi, and the life lessons she teaches us when facing life are what we gain after watching the drama.

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

Mai Chenghuan in the workplace, an independent woman

"Rather than sitting in a glamorous office with the name of a related household, I would rather rely on my own hands to make money diligently."

"I will not do it for myself. to trample on anyone's selfish desires. "

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

Mai Chenghuan, an ordinary woman living in a government low-rent housing, although her living conditions are not well-off, she has successfully entered the society with her firm will and unremitting efforts. job.

The original Mai Chenghuan was a marketing employee of a high-end hotel.

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

Although she is in a low-level position, she has an extremely serious attitude towards work, a strong heart, and strives to be perfect in all aspects, showing extremely high professionalism.

Whether dealing with daily work or facing emergencies, Mai Chenghuan can calmly respond and solve problems, which can be regarded as a model in the workplace.

These trials and tribulations became valuable experiences for Mai Chenghuan to eventually become the owner of a hotel management company.

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

Judging from her life story, no matter where you come from, as long as you have perseverance and perseverance, you can break through environmental limitations and realize your personal value.

Mai Chenghuan in life, a sober and emotional woman

"Maybe there is some relationship, because I want to cherish and protect more, so I don't want to use it."

"My marriage is not a one-sided marriage, but a one-sided marriage. It's a two-way street."

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

In the play, the emotional entanglement between Mai Chenghuan and her boyfriend from a well-off family also shows her sobriety and maturity in dealing with relationships.

During the engagement turmoil and the twists and turns of love, she stuck to herself, dared to face reality, dealt with emotional distress decisively, and finally chose to be loyal to her heart and pursue true love instead of relying on material things.

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

Mai Chenghuan teaches us that true love should be based on mutual respect and understanding, and women should maintain the right to independent thinking and choice in emotional relationships.

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

"Even if I get married, I am still my mother's baby."

The drama also focuses on the subtle relationship between Mai Chenghuan and her mother. The "fighting" between mother and daughter is not only full of dramatic conflicts, but also rich in deep love and love. understand.

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

In the interaction with her mother, Mai Chenghuan learned to find a balance between respecting tradition and insisting on herself, skillfully resolving intergenerational conflicts and building a harmonious family relationship.

Family love requires communication and tolerance. Understanding and accepting differences is the key to maintaining close relationships.

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

Mai Chenghuan is able to flexibly adapt and actively respond to the turbulent social background, showing strong social adaptability and survival wisdom. The image of

reminds us that in the face of the irresistible torrent of the times, individuals should have keen insight and flexible adaptability in order to remain invincible in the change.

"Cheng Huan Ji" interprets the ups and downs of modern young people, and the apocalypse in the TV series

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

"Cheng Huan Ji", which has topped the list for 11 consecutive days, continues to gain popularity. The life journey of

heroine Mai Chenghuan is like a vivid textbook, conveying to the audience multiple life issues such as growing up tenaciously in adversity and handling emotional entanglements rationally.

Her story is not only a praise of individual fighting spirit, but also an inspiration to modern people on how to stick to themselves and live intelligently in a complex social environment.

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

The TV series 'Cheng Huan Ji' continues to dominate the charts, and its influence is at its peak. It has been the ratings champion for 11 consecutive days, triggering a nationwide craze to watch the drama. In particular, the heroine Mak Cheng Huan in the play has become the focus - Lujuba

The success of "The Story of Cheng Huan" lies in the fact that it has created a character that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people - Mai Cheng Huan. Her life wisdom is like a bright star, illuminating the audience's spiritual path.

So, do you think Mai Chenghuan is worth liking?

Tags: entertainment