When talking about female power in Chinese-language films, Chen Chong is definitely a prominent representative figure. In an acting career that spans decades, Chen Chong has given stunning performances in many well-known works such as "Little Flower", "The Last Emperor", and "Red

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When talking about female power in Chinese-language films, Chen Chong is definitely a prominent representative figure.

In his acting career spanning several decades, Chen Chong has repeatedly given stunning performances in many well-known works such as "Little Flower", " The Last Emperor ", and "Red Rose and White Rose". In 1997, Chen Chong, who excelled in both acting and directing, made his directorial debut and won several important awards at international film festivals, entering the ranks of directors.

As an important guest at the forum and film master class of the 14th Beijing International Film Festival, Chen Chong is naturally one of the most high-profile filmmakers and has interviewed many media.

On the afternoon of April 21, a reporter from Nandu met Chen Chong. During the interview, Chen Chong always answered questions slowly and without restraint. Sometimes she showed an innocent and brisk smile, and sometimes she showed a fleeting melancholy on her face.

reminds people of Ang Lee's comment, "Her performance gives us infinite possibilities. We can't be sure of these. If you watch Chen Chong's performance several times, you will have a different understanding. But she is of that era. Representative, she made the whole movie finally come true."

During the conversation, Chen Chong was as enthusiastic about movies as ever, saying that he prefers movies with new ideas in expression and narrative structure. "Many, many things have had an impact on the big screen, but I still have confidence in the movie because I am extremely obsessed with it."

Similar to many middle-aged and elderly actresses, Chen Chong admitted that he has also received many requests for a single female image. Script, "I think the women of the same age around me, including myself, are richer than these characters, so why are they so flat on the screen? This starts with the creators and planners, and their ideas have not changed."

is worth mentioning Yes, outside the world of images, Chen Chong is also a person who loves reading and is good at writing. With the encouragement of the famous writer Jin Yucheng, she will open a column in "Shanghai Literature" magazine from 2021. In Chen Chong's view, to engage in writing, you must first be a reader. Literary works will help her supplement missing life experiences and better understand the characters' emotions.

When talking about female power in Chinese-language films, Chen Chong is definitely a prominent representative figure. In an acting career that spans decades, Chen Chong has given stunning performances in many well-known works such as 'Little Flower', 'The Last Emperor', and 'Red - Lujuba

At the Beijing International Film Festival, Chen Chong was interviewed by the media.

Nandu Dialogue:

Many very persistent and talented female directors have appeared

Nandu: In recent years, the movies " Barbie " and " Hot and Spicy " based on the female perspective have achieved enthusiastic market response, and literary and artistic works often Will project current social phenomena. What do you think of this trend?

Chen Chong: It’s actually time for . In the past few decades, most directors, screenwriters, and producers in the film industry have been male. This is a "men's club." Many women themselves assume the role of housewives or mothers, and directing is a job that requires immersion and long time away from home. Therefore, there were fewer female directors in the past, but now many very persistent and talented female directors have emerged. Yes, they are willing to pay such a price to tell the story from their own perspective. I think it is time.

One more thing, I think this does not mean that male directors cannot direct female works. I think the so-called female-themed works must respect women and treat women as complete people, not as sexual symbols or objects to be protected. As long as the film can present a complete, complex, and close-to-life image of women, Then this work is successful.

Nandu: Many middle-aged and elderly actresses have mentioned that they are facing career difficulties. There are too few stories about women of this age group on the market, so some people have begun to transform into directors or producers, and even move to overseas markets. What do you think about this issue?

Chen Chong: is actually quite difficult, because movies are a dream. Youth is indeed short-lived but so beautiful. It is understandable that people pay attention to youth and want to read youth stories.

I have seen that there are many mature female characters in American movies. She is well-rounded, still working, in love, still having sex, and still sexually attractive. However, perhaps in China, the roles of this age group are relatively single.I received a lot of invitations to star in scripts, and I thought the women around me, including myself, were richer than these characters, so why were they so flat on the screen? This starts with the creators and planners, and their ideas have not changed.

Even in youth themes, there should be rich female images. Even if it is a supporting role, her color is there, and her rich life is there. This is indeed a place worth working for. Actresses can also think about how to create such opportunities.

When talking about female power in Chinese-language films, Chen Chong is definitely a prominent representative figure. In an acting career that spans decades, Chen Chong has given stunning performances in many well-known works such as 'Little Flower', 'The Last Emperor', and 'Red - Lujuba

As an important guest at the forum and film master class of the 14th Beijing International Film Festival, Chen Chong is one of the most high-profile filmmakers. Photo provided by the organizer

Movies must be ideological and stimulating to the senses.

Nandu: You have served as a judge and chairman of various film festivals many times. What qualities of a film do you pay more attention to when judging?

Chen Chong: I value more that movies require a breakthrough in a certain area, such as a breakthrough in a certain expression method or a certain narrative structure, or the ability to make people immerse themselves in a completely unfamiliar scene, movie area, and character. You can still see yourself in it, it comes from another place but makes you feel so identified, these are the things I like. If the movie is just a particularly traditional narrative, then it would be monotonous to me, and I hope it has some novelty.

Nandu: From an outside perspective, you may be more often defined as a director of literary and artistic films. How do you view this label? Are you worried that the literary and artistic label will affect the market performance of the film?

Chen Chong: The tags are all given by others. This is beyond my control. The movie I want to make must be a story that I particularly want to tell, a movie that I think is good-looking. I don’t necessarily have to make literary films. I don’t have this restriction. For example, I am also very interested in martial arts films and suspense films. It's just that if a company wants to hire me as a director, the materials and scripts they provide are all of a certain type, and they are directly typed.

In fact, movies can only be divided into good-looking and ugly movies. Many movies that are not literary and artistic films also failed at the box office. I think a movie must be ideological and stimulating to the senses. Only a combination of both is a good movie.

Nandu: Your writing style has always been praised. What does reading mean to you? In recent years, many young actors have been criticized for their lack of cultural background. Are there any young actors who impress you?

Chen Chong: As far as I am concerned, to engage in writing, you must first be a reader. I have loved reading since I was young. Literary works will help me supplement some things that I have not experienced in life, and help me better understand the emotions of the characters. For example, if a character makes an atypical choice, and if I want to find and understand this choice, I must get nutritional supplements from other places. This is what interests me.

I recently worked with two young actors, one is Huang Miyi and the other is Yi Yang Qianxi . Their performances amazed me, so there are still very outstanding young actors.

Nandu: We have entered an era of short videos. Some people are worried that such short and quick productions will greatly change people's viewing habits and occupy the space of the big screen. What do you think?

Chen Chong: short video is a very popular thing now, but if it just gives you the simplest entertainment, it may not satisfy your spiritual needs, and people may get bored in the long run. There is no contradiction between short videos and the big screen. People who watch short videos will still support good movies when they encounter them. For example, many viewers who love watching short videos will also go to IMAX theaters to watch "Oppenheimer".

Many, many things have had an impact on the big screen, but I still have confidence in movies because I am extremely obsessed with it. It may also be because I am old, but my daughter also likes movies, so I think there is still hope. of. Movies can give you an immersive feeling. When the lights dim, you enter another world completely and gain another feeling.Movies are also a holistic experience. You go to the theater with friends, sisters, lovers and other people you like, eat popcorn, drink drinks, and then sit in the theater environment and share the movie with strangers. After all, humans are still social animals, and just being alone at home is not enough.

Nandu: Can you describe your feelings about the movie in one sentence?

Chen Chong: movies are not just a kind of entertainment, they have become works of art that can bring rich and beautiful nourishment to people’s spiritual world and emotional life.

Interview and writing: Nandu reporter Huang Liling and Wang Zili from Beijing

Tags: entertainment