On April 18, local time, the 30th anniversary screening of "Pulp Fiction" directed by Quentin Tarantino was held at the Classic Film Festival hosted by the TCM channel in the United States. The film's leading actors, including John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson and Har

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On April 18, local time, the 30th anniversary screening of " Pulp Fiction" (pulp fiction) directed by Quentin Tarantino was held at the Classic Film Festival hosted by the American tcm channel. The film's leading actors, including John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson and Harvey Keitel, all attended to review the film's huge impact on their careers and "Pulp Fiction" 》its own historical status.

On April 18, local time, the 30th anniversary screening of 'Pulp Fiction' directed by Quentin Tarantino was held at the Classic Film Festival hosted by the TCM channel in the United States. The film's leading actors, including John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson and Har - Lujuba

From left to right: Harvey Keitel, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, John Travolta

At the audience meeting before the film was screened, Uma Thurman took the lead in saying, "My relationship with this movie has been changing and growing throughout my entire life over 30 years, so it's really hard for me to put into words what this movie means to me. All in all, I think It changed the development of movies, and every filmmaker I met after that was influenced to varying degrees by "Pulp Fiction."

John Travolta said frankly that while filming "Pulp Fiction". Before "Pulp Fiction", his film career was at a low ebb. "My first movie was a success, but after that, I was always looking for a second chance. Quentin was the one who got me going! After Pulp Fiction, I got the movie deal It’s unbelievable,” he recalled.

On April 18, local time, the 30th anniversary screening of 'Pulp Fiction' directed by Quentin Tarantino was held at the Classic Film Festival hosted by the TCM channel in the United States. The film's leading actors, including John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson and Har - Lujuba

"Pulp Fiction" stills

Later, the other leading actor Harvey Keitel smiled and recalled the first meeting with the director. It turned out that Tarantino mispronounced his last name at the time, and later explained, "But Quentin is such a genius, with the talent to change everything around him. And we are gathered here tonight for the same reason." The reason: we respect art, we respect artists. God knows how much we need to do this in this country. Look at what is happening in the United States every day. This reminds me of maga (make america great again). Slogan. In fact, I have always been a fan of maga. Make America strong again, yes, but if you want to do this, you must vote for the Democratic Party." Keitel's inflammatory words won the cheers of a large number of spectators. Voice.

Also received applause from the audience, as well as the wife and daughter of starring Bruce Willis. The former action star is now reclusive due to suffering from dementia, and his wife and daughter attended the commemorative event on his behalf.

On April 18, local time, the 30th anniversary screening of 'Pulp Fiction' directed by Quentin Tarantino was held at the Classic Film Festival hosted by the TCM channel in the United States. The film's leading actors, including John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson and Har - Lujuba

On April 18, local time, the 30th anniversary screening of 'Pulp Fiction' directed by Quentin Tarantino was held at the Classic Film Festival hosted by the TCM channel in the United States. The film's leading actors, including John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson and Har - Lujuba

"Pulp Fiction" stills

Samuel Jackson repeatedly mentioned his friendship with Bruce Willis during his speech. "It was Cannes in 1994, and Bruce and I were sitting down to watch the premiere. The audience loved it and it was a great atmosphere. But Bruce said to me, 'Yeah, this movie is going to make you famous. But, you should do Die Hard with me, that would make you a real star.' Later, I actually did Die Hard 3 with him, of course. Next, it was my role in "Pulp Fiction" that left a deeper impression on people. This role completely changed my life. Everyone suddenly had the impression that Samuel L. Jackson was the most powerful person on the planet. The coolest big bastard.”

On April 18, local time, the 30th anniversary screening of 'Pulp Fiction' directed by Quentin Tarantino was held at the Classic Film Festival hosted by the TCM channel in the United States. The film's leading actors, including John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson and Har - Lujuba

Quentin Tarantino (right) often plays a somewhat “nonsensical” character in the movies he directs.

It is a pity that director Quentin Tarantino does not Did not attend this event. At about the same time, the media reported that his new film project "The Critic" had been stillborn. Back last spring, Quentin revealed that he had completed the script of the film. The protagonist is a male film critic who wrote for American porn magazines in the late 1970s. Filming was originally scheduled to start last fall. However, the subsequent Hollywood Writers Guild strike caused the project to be delayed. On April 17 this year, the media revealed that Tarantino had decided to abandon the project. Starting with "Reservoir Dogs" in 1992, Quentin has completed nine feature films. As early as 2009, he stated that he planned to retire after making ten films.

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