The ticket price for Xu Meijing's meet-and-greet concert was as low as 680 yuan and lasted about 100 minutes. However, she only sang 5 songs. The rest of the time was spent by her manager to interact with fans; or other singers and bands sang Xu Meijing's songs on her behalf. Mas

entertainment 6596℃

Xu Meijing's meet-and-greet concert, with tickets priced at as low as 680 yuan, lasted about 100 minutes, but she only sang 5 songs. The rest of the time was spent by her manager interacting with fans; or other singers and bands sang on Xu Meijing's behalf. 's masterpiece - the fans in the audience were so angry that they shouted "refund the ticket" , and the manager responded on the microphone: "You are dreaming!"

The ticket price for Xu Meijing's meet-and-greet concert was as low as 680 yuan and lasted about 100 minutes. However, she only sang 5 songs. The rest of the time was spent by her manager to interact with fans; or other singers and bands sang Xu Meijing's songs on her behalf. Mas - Lujuba

Although the fans felt that they were seriously deceived by their idols, they advocated "refund the ticket" ” seems really difficult to achieve.

Because from the beginning, the organizers played a word game with the fans. Xu Meijing was not holding a "concert", but a "meeting concert".

The so-called "meet-and-greet concert" means that Xu Meijing shows up, sings a few songs, and chats with fans - there are no clear regulations on how many songs to sing and whether there is a band accompaniment.

The ticket price for Xu Meijing's meet-and-greet concert was as low as 680 yuan and lasted about 100 minutes. However, she only sang 5 songs. The rest of the time was spent by her manager to interact with fans; or other singers and bands sang Xu Meijing's songs on her behalf. Mas - Lujuba

However, Xu Meijing's "meet-and-greet concert" was held in full accordance with the standards of a concert. Not only was the venue chosen as a stadium with thousands of people, but the ticket price was also completely in line with the concert standards of 380, 680, 980, and 1280.

fans also exposed that the 380 yuan ticket was directly "locked" by the organizer, and each fan spent at least 680 yuan to enter the venue.

The ticket price for Xu Meijing's meet-and-greet concert was as low as 680 yuan and lasted about 100 minutes. However, she only sang 5 songs. The rest of the time was spent by her manager to interact with fans; or other singers and bands sang Xu Meijing's songs on her behalf. Mas - Lujuba

debuted almost 30 years ago, and her career peak was only 7 years old. However, Xu Meijing has many masterpieces. The ones everyone is familiar with include "Behind the Bar", "Happy Innocence", "Sunshine Always After the Storm", "Regret" and "Moonlight in the City" "Knowing It", "Allure", "Spreading", "Put You in My Heart", etc.

When she broke into the Hong Kong music scene in 1997, her album sales broke records and she topped the charts for three consecutive weeks. She was dubbed the "Queen Killer" and many people praised her for being able to compete with Faye Wong.

But even if Faye Wong held a concert, she would not dare to fool the fans like this.

The ticket price for Xu Meijing's meet-and-greet concert was as low as 680 yuan and lasted about 100 minutes. However, she only sang 5 songs. The rest of the time was spent by her manager to interact with fans; or other singers and bands sang Xu Meijing's songs on her behalf. Mas - Lujuba

Her fans are mainly in their 80s and 90s, which means that many fans "leave their families and careers behind" to support their idols and miss their youth.

A sincere person was trampled on in this way. No wonder the audience shouted "refund the ticket"; after the meeting, the event approval department received hundreds of complaint calls.

The ticket price for Xu Meijing's meet-and-greet concert was as low as 680 yuan and lasted about 100 minutes. However, she only sang 5 songs. The rest of the time was spent by her manager to interact with fans; or other singers and bands sang Xu Meijing's songs on her behalf. Mas - Lujuba

Currently, "Nanjing Cultural Tourism" has intervened in the investigation, hoping to give fans an explanation.

believes that the fans who went to the concert were not disappointed by the 680 yuan ticket price, but by their own sincerity.

There are also die-hard fans who use "Xu Meijing suffers from depression" as an excuse to try to get away with it.

The ticket price for Xu Meijing's meet-and-greet concert was as low as 680 yuan and lasted about 100 minutes. However, she only sang 5 songs. The rest of the time was spent by her manager to interact with fans; or other singers and bands sang Xu Meijing's songs on her behalf. Mas - Lujuba

In March this year, Xu Meijing accepted Li Yuchun's invitation to participate in the recording of "I Want to Sing with You". Her live performance was not amazing, but at least it was normal.

During the meeting, Xu Meijing was not only able to sing, she also introduced her new manager logically and clearly, and stood on the sidelines of the stage the whole time.

If she is really in the stage of illness, she should inform fans in advance and refund or reschedule the event.

held this meet-and-greet concert, and the ticket revenue was hundreds of thousands. Didn't she get paid?

The ticket price for Xu Meijing's meet-and-greet concert was as low as 680 yuan and lasted about 100 minutes. However, she only sang 5 songs. The rest of the time was spent by her manager to interact with fans; or other singers and bands sang Xu Meijing's songs on her behalf. Mas - Lujuba

The ticket price for Xu Meijing's meet-and-greet concert was as low as 680 yuan and lasted about 100 minutes. However, she only sang 5 songs. The rest of the time was spent by her manager to interact with fans; or other singers and bands sang Xu Meijing's songs on her behalf. Mas - Lujuba

It is worth noting that Xu Meijing’s reputation has completely turned upside down, but she will have a so-called “meeting” in Wuhan in May. Will any fans pay for her “spoiled youth”?

Tags: entertainment