The bloody story between Wang Xiaofei and his ex-wife really cannot be ended. He plans to go to Taipei to celebrate his daughter Xiao Yue'er's birthday in the near future. Because her daughter's birthday is April 24, Wang Xiaofei cannot contact her daughter and does not dare to g

entertainment 9688℃

The bloody story between Wang Xiaofei and his ex-wife is really unending. He plans to go to Taipei to celebrate his daughter Xiao Yue'er's birthday in the near future. Because her daughter's birthday is April 24, Wang Xiaofei cannot contact her daughter and dare not go to her ex-wife's mansion to look for her, so Wang Xiaofei had no choice but to go to her daughter's school to block her. Wang Xiaofei was too soft-hearted. She paid a large amount of child support and was treated like this. It was really exaggerated. She had seen arrogant ex-wives, but never such arrogant ex-wives.

The bloody story between Wang Xiaofei and his ex-wife really cannot be ended. He plans to go to Taipei to celebrate his daughter Xiao Yue'er's birthday in the near future. Because her daughter's birthday is April 24, Wang Xiaofei cannot contact her daughter and does not dare to g - Lujuba

Just because he owed his ex-wife NT$170 million in debt, and because he showed affection to his current girlfriend, proposed marriage, and showed off a NT$700,000 diamond ring, I feel that the method of punishing Wang Xiaofei by his ex-wife is a bit funny. It is a complete waste of social resources. As a father, he cannot call his daughter If you say the name, many people may not be able to accept it. They feel it is too funny, too cunning, and too trivial? There may be no other way to punish your ex-husband but this one.

The bloody story between Wang Xiaofei and his ex-wife really cannot be ended. He plans to go to Taipei to celebrate his daughter Xiao Yue'er's birthday in the near future. Because her daughter's birthday is April 24, Wang Xiaofei cannot contact her daughter and does not dare to g - Lujuba

During the live broadcast, Wang Xiaofei said that he was sued by his ex-wife again, and he did not dare to mention his wife in advance, let alone his wife's name. Because he called his daughter's name, he was sued by his ex-wife. Both children were raised by his ex-wife, and Wang Xiaofei could only have visitation rights. In fact, he had to pay NT$3 million in monthly alimony in the past. Because his ex-wife remarried, Wang Xiaofei stopped paying. If his ex-wife was not in a hurry to remarry, maybe Wang Xiaofei would Continue to pay, because she married a bald man and had someone to support her, so Wang Xiaofei stopped paying alimony.

I feel that the ex-wife found a weird reason to sue her ex-husband, and the purpose is to make him pay back the money. As long as he pays back the money and continues to pay child support, then he may be allowed to see his daughter and call her by her name. If he doesn't pay, he will still have to see the child. , and it is not allowed to call my daughter by her name. Whoever stipulates the law like this is really ridiculous. Maybe the ex-wife sued Wang Xiaofei for allegedly leaking privacy, so the case was filed?

The bloody story between Wang Xiaofei and his ex-wife really cannot be ended. He plans to go to Taipei to celebrate his daughter Xiao Yue'er's birthday in the near future. Because her daughter's birthday is April 24, Wang Xiaofei cannot contact her daughter and does not dare to g - Lujuba

Now the child is not allowed to see her. Wang Xiaofei took her fiancée and nanny to meet her daughter. As a result, a tear-jerking scene of father and daughter meeting was staged at the school gate. It lasted only 3 minutes. Wang Xiaofei won the sympathy of many people and many fans cried. I feel sorry that Wang Xiaofei's efforts have not been rewarded. Many people say that his ex-wife is too cruel.

The bloody story between Wang Xiaofei and his ex-wife really cannot be ended. He plans to go to Taipei to celebrate his daughter Xiao Yue'er's birthday in the near future. Because her daughter's birthday is April 24, Wang Xiaofei cannot contact her daughter and does not dare to g - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei was actually talking about some of the incredible behaviors of his ex-wife. In fact, because he refused to pay back the money, his ex-wife took illegal measures and would not make him feel better. She tried every means to torture him and make him pay back the money quickly.

In fact, repaying the money and whether to see her daughter are related to each other. Wang Xiaofei originally took her children to play at the beach, but she couldn't contact her ex-wife, who blocked him. In short, Wang Xiaofei is too soft-hearted. If you don't pay back the money, how can your ex-wife let you see your daughter? If Wang Xiaofei returns to the mainland and has no contact with the two children, what trouble will her ex-wife do?

Children actually have the same attitude towards their parents. The two children didn't seem very excited when they saw Wang Xiaofei at the school gate. They may have been trained by their ex-wife and they can no longer be friendly with Wang Xiaofei, so Wang Xiaofei has been blacklisted by her ex-wife. Wang Xiaofei loves these two children very much, and it is impossible to ignore them, because he will be very tormented inside, but this is exactly the trump card of his ex-wife to control him.

The bloody story between Wang Xiaofei and his ex-wife really cannot be ended. He plans to go to Taipei to celebrate his daughter Xiao Yue'er's birthday in the near future. Because her daughter's birthday is April 24, Wang Xiaofei cannot contact her daughter and does not dare to g - Lujuba

Zhang Lan has seen through everything and persuaded Wang Xiaofei not to be disconnected on this matter, because it is not good for the child's healthy personality growth. Wang Xiaofei often contacted her daughter and brought her to the new home she rented in Taipei. Of course, her ex-wife was not happy. She was worried that Wang Xiaofei would occupy an increasingly important position in her child's mind, which would make her lose control easily, so she stopped Wang Xiaofei from seeing the child.

Wang Xiaofei should actually learn from Zhang Lan. In order to be able to live smoothly with her children in the future, she should work hard to make money and pay off the debt early, so that her ex-wife will not constantly pester her and control her from seeing him.

Wang Xiaofei and Mandy get married and have children, live their own lives, and occasionally visit their two children. The ex-wife should not be entangled anymore. The more Wang Xiaofei refuses to pay back the money and the more entangled she is, the more self-righteous she becomes, so the problem still lies with Wang Xiaofei, and Mandy is in a good relationship and looks forward to getting married soon, having her own children, and living her own happy life.

The bloody story between Wang Xiaofei and his ex-wife really cannot be ended. He plans to go to Taipei to celebrate his daughter Xiao Yue'er's birthday in the near future. Because her daughter's birthday is April 24, Wang Xiaofei cannot contact her daughter and does not dare to g - Lujuba

I feel that Wang Xiaofei has been constantly stimulating his ex-wife, maybe because he needs to continue to have a certain degree of popularity for his own live broadcast, so he can't do it without rubbing his ex-wife. The ex-wife was disgusted, so she sued him, but she didn't let her father call the child's name, so The reason for filing the lawsuit is ridiculous and unacceptable.

The bloody story between Wang Xiaofei and his ex-wife really cannot be ended. He plans to go to Taipei to celebrate his daughter Xiao Yue'er's birthday in the near future. Because her daughter's birthday is April 24, Wang Xiaofei cannot contact her daughter and does not dare to g - Lujuba

Some netizens believe that the ex-wife went crazy because Wang Xiaofei found Mandy and got engaged, and Mandy was pregnant, so the ex-wife really felt that she had lost her charm and was completely eliminated in her ex-husband's world. Their bloody drama has been airing for more than a year, and they don’t know when it will end. It is probably difficult to end.

Tags: entertainment