Huasheng Online News (Correspondent: Wang Yan) In order to guide party members in the jurisdiction to enhance their understanding of law, reason, and emotion, and improve their ability to think about the rule of law, on the afternoon of April 18, the Changsha Xinfeng Community Pa

entertainment 6810℃

Huasheng Online News (Correspondent: Wang Yan) In order to guide party members in the jurisdiction to enhance their understanding of law, reason, and emotion, and improve their ability to think about the rule of law, on the afternoon of April 18, the Changsha Xinfeng Community Party Committee organized units in the jurisdiction and party members directly under the jurisdiction to Nanjiao Life Plaza Muyou Cinema held party day activities with the theme of "One Lesson, One Practice per Month" and "Party Building Gathering, Watching Red Movies", and watched the rule of law movie "Article 20".

Huasheng Online News (Correspondent: Wang Yan) In order to guide party members in the jurisdiction to enhance their understanding of law, reason, and emotion, and improve their ability to think about the rule of law, on the afternoon of April 18, the Changsha Xinfeng Community Pa - Lujuba

The film uses vivid real-life stories and the perspective of a small person as an incision to show the legal principles and human feelings behind Article 20 of the Criminal Law on "justifiable defense". It depicts the inner growth of prosecutor Han Ming and comprehensively analyzes it from his perspective. It systematically presents the process from being afraid or unwilling to apply to applying the legitimate defense system in accordance with the law to safeguard fairness and justice. Grassroots prosecutor Han Ming gave a six-minute speech at the case hearing, saying that "the law will never give in to illegality" and "the law makes it more expensive for bad people to commit crimes, rather than making it more expensive for good people to take action." "Big" and "What we handle are not cases, but other people's lives" and many other classic statements are also the people's simplest emotional expectations for the law.

After watching the movie, the content and presentation of the movie aroused deep thinking and discussion among party members. Everyone said that "Article 20" is not only a movie, but also a vivid rule of law lesson. Everyone has a deeper understanding of legitimate defense. The film inspired us to think about law, justice, and human nature. At the same time, they dare to use legal means to defend their rights when encountering difficulties, creating a good community legal education environment.

Tags: entertainment