Ingenious movies, small details that you can't notice—subtle shots of "Bright Sword"

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Ingenious movies, small details that you can't notice—subtle shots of 'Bright Sword' - Lujuba

shouted and fired the cannon.

Speaking of "Bright Sword", the post-80s to post-00s should be familiar with each other. Li Yunlong, who has a bright sword when he meets the enemy, has many ghost ideas, has a bloody soldier and a little peasant image; he has unique vision, strong overall concept, and resistance to war. At the end, you can think of Ding Wei, who is a potential threat to the former Soviet Union, and the scholar, Zhao Gang, who is the only political commissar who can pee into a pot with Li Yunlong. These characters are Li Li and bright; the Northwest Observation Team’s ambush In one fell swoop, one major general, more than a dozen big zombies, the battle of Ping An County, the scene of shouting and firing the cannon is vividly remembered. The main plot of the TV series can be said to be very classic and vivid. Fans of these plot independent groups have already deepened their minds. But a good TV series often not only has "big-handed", it is also meticulously crafted in some small shots of one second and two seconds. Below, I will take a look at the short shots and small details that are often not noticed. . When the monk

was killed, Li Yunlong desperately laid down the cottage to avenge him. When he was demoted and moved to pack his things, he casually called out the monk. Li Yunlong instantly realized that the monk had been killed and wept alone.

Ingenious movies, small details that you can't notice—subtle shots of 'Bright Sword' - Lujuba

The hero cried

Later, Li Yunlong and Chu Yunfei met. The two could be described as Tianya meeting confidants and admiring each other, but there were three scenes of death each other, one time when Chu Yunfei hosted a banquet at the Hongmen, Li Yunlong body Tying explosives to a banquet, the second time was the North Army of the Nakano Huaye Exhibition. Li Yunlong wanted to capture Chu Yunfei alive. The third time was a real battle of life and death. Li Yunlong swept Chu Yunfei and Chu Yunfei bombarded Li Yunlong. After all went to the ghost gate to swim around, many viewers might not understand, why do people who appreciate each other or even cherish each other have to die on the battlefield? This is explained in a later episode. I don't know if the audience still remember the plot of Li Yunlong's hospitalization. Chu Yunfei's subordinates asked Li Yunlong. This point helped some audiences to clarify their doubts.

Ingenious movies, small details that you can't notice—subtle shots of 'Bright Sword' - Lujuba

Explaining doubts

In short, if you ask the best film about the War of Resistance Against Japan in China, if you initiate a vote, "Bright Sword" is probably doing your part and tops the list. This is the end of today's classic details sharing of

. If you have some particularly touching details, please leave a comment below.

Tags: movie