Because of frustrations in real life, some people are actually keen on "metaphysics" and hope to "transfer fortune" through divination, astrology, palm reading, tarot cards and other methods. Can luck really be predicted and reversed? Ms. Xu, who was at a low point in her life, f

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Because of frustrations in real life, some people are keen on "metaphysics" and hope to "transport" through divination, astrology, palm reading, tarot cards and other methods. Can luck really be predicted and reversed? Ms. Xu, who was at a low point in her life, firmly believed in this, but was unexpectedly defrauded of more than 100,000 yuan by the so-called "fortune teller".

Because of frustrations in real life, some people are actually keen on 'metaphysics' and hope to 'transfer fortune' through divination, astrology, palm reading, tarot cards and other methods. Can luck really be predicted and reversed? Ms. Xu, who was at a low point in her life, f - Lujuba

Encountering the “Cultivation Guide for Common Women” on a wrong road in life

The story begins 4 years ago. At that time, Ms. Xu encountered a trough in her life just after graduating from college, and her relationship, work, and family were not going well. One day, Ms. Xu accidentally came across a Weibo account called "Public Women's Cultivation Guide." The blogger would continuously and intensively output her life insights every day, which resonated with many women of the same age.

She also has a Weibo account, which she uses to post about her daily life, mostly luxury cars, bags, watches and other luxury goods. Ms. Xu often browses these Weibo contents and becomes a loyal fan of the blogger.

In her eyes, although the blogger comes from an ordinary background, she relies on her own efforts and understanding to achieve a comeback. She is an inspirational heroine. What is the password for the successful counterattack of "Pu Nu"? This is the "password" that Ms. Xu really wants to know.

In order to interact closely with the blogger, Ms. Xu also added her personal WeChat account and confided to her the troubles in her personal life. After going back and forth, the two established a certain personal relationship and even met in private. Ms. Xu also disclosed a lot of personal information to her.

"Master" appears and is keen on spending money to do things.

As the relationship deepens, Ms. Xu firmly believes that the "common girl" has grown from a passerby in a third-tier town to a financially free Bai Fumei in Shanghai. In addition to personal efforts, "masters" are also indispensable. Guidance".

In order to help Ms. Xu's luck, the blogger enthusiastically recommended to her a "fortune teller" called "Canglan Astrology", and claimed that he also did many metaphysical projects with this master. Since then, his annual income has increased from seventy to eighty. From one hundred thousand to three to four million now, we have achieved financial freedom, which shows that the effect is very good.

Out of trust in the blogger, Ms. Xu calculated it once with the attitude of giving it a try, and felt that it was pretty accurate. So under the crazy brainwashing of the "fortune teller master", Ms. Xu came to see the master for advice every now and then. The "master of numerology" is also proficient in everything and specializes in everything, ranging from "transferring the souls of the dead" to "exorcising ghosts for free", and can do everything from disaster relief to seeking wealth.

Just like that, within one year, Ms. Xu transferred 150,000 yuan to the other party for fortune telling, fortune telling and other things, most of which was money she borrowed from online loans.

Because of frustrations in real life, some people are actually keen on 'metaphysics' and hope to 'transfer fortune' through divination, astrology, palm reading, tarot cards and other methods. Can luck really be predicted and reversed? Ms. Xu, who was at a low point in her life, f - Lujuba


After rumors about her relationship with a rich second generation were refuted, a scam was revealed

Days passed like this, and Ms. Xu was addicted to metaphysics and could not extricate herself. During this period, the "common girl" often transformed into a "sister Tao" to care about her daily life and mood. .

It was not until May 2023, when a statement refuting rumors that the rich second generation of a well-known company was in love or even getting married with this "common girl" hit the hot searches, that Ms. Xu realized that she had been deceived, so she chose to call the police.

It turns out that this fortune teller and the female blogger are actually the same person, and the inspirational life about her growing from a "passerby" in a third-tier city to a "white, rich and beautiful" person with wealth and freedom is purely fabricated. In addition to her, there are also Hundreds of people have been defrauded of money by this female blogger. They are all young women, and the amounts defrauded range from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands of yuan.

After investigation, it was found that the actual users of Weibo’s “Pu Nu Cultivation Guide” and WeChat’s “Canglan Astrology” were both Rong.

At the beginning of 2020, she "debuted" as a female emotional blogger and began to operate the "Practice Guide for Common Women". By exporting chicken soup for the soul, selling original courses, and creating a grassroots counterattack character, she gained a group of loyal fans. The luxurious daily life shared on Weibo’s trumpet account undoubtedly gave a strong endorsement to the counterattack character established by the big account.

In order to make money and attract traffic, when interacting with fans, Rong will subtly convey a concept to fans that "her success is inseparable from the blessing of the so-called master." This operation successfully recommended the "master" pretending to be himself to the fans. Then, the master defrauded money by making up excuses such as "doing things", "burning accessory bags" and "lighting candles".

The reason why "Masters" are so familiar with fans' personal troubles is because many fans will tell bloggers about their personal troubles on WeChat. Rong Mou grasped the fans' fear of the unknown and the strong yearning for a better life. He played multiple roles and amassed money crazily. With the support of his fans, he lived the "white, rich and beautiful" life he dreamed of.

In May 2023, Rong announced his relationship on his Weibo account, and his love partner was a rich second generation of a well-known company. Unexpectedly, the man posted a statement refuting the rumors on Weibo the next day, and Rong's classmates and friends also joined the "battlefield" and tore apart her layers of disguise, making the scam she had worked hard for many years completely explode.

According to Rong’s self-report after arriving at the case, she was born in a third-tier city in Guangdong. Her family’s financial conditions were not good since she was a child. After dropping out of school due to family reasons, she soon became a well-known blogger on Weibo. However, her growing Vanity and greed led her to eventually embark on the path of fraud.

After review, the Changning District Procuratorate believes that for the purpose of illegal possession, Rong used fictitious facts and concealed the truth to defraud multiple victims of property, with a particularly huge amount. His behavior has violated Article 26 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. Article 16 constitutes the crime of fraud. In the end, after the court launched a public prosecution, the court sentenced Rong to ten years and six months in prison for fraud, deprived him of political rights for one year, and fined him RMB 100,000.

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