The Dulong people sang "Menzu" to praise their new life. "The road winds around the snow-capped mountains, and the cars come in with joy. I can't stop singing about the Party's kindness, and I will never forget the Communist Party in happiness..." In the evening, in the party and

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The Dulong people sang 'Menzu' to praise their new life. 'The road winds around the snow-capped mountains, and the cars come in with joy. I can't stop singing about the Party's kindness, and I will never forget the Communist Party in happiness...' In the evening, in the party and - Lujuba

Dulong people sang "Menzu" to praise their new life.

"The road winds around the snow-capped mountains, and the cars are overjoyed when they come in. I can't finish singing about the Party's kindness, and I will never forget the Communist Party in happiness..." In the evening, in the party and mass activity room of Kongdang Village, Dulongjiang Township, Ken Yu, the intangible cultural heritage inheritor of the Dulong ethnic group Jane sang "Happiness Never Forgets the Communist Party".

"Following the Communist Party has blazed a path of happiness." Ken Yuzhen said that she wants to sing out the gratifying changes in her hometown with the Dulong traditional singing tune "Menzu", so that the Dulong people will always listen to the Party from generation to generation. , be grateful to the Party, and follow the Party.

In the Dulong River with thousands of green mountains, beautiful houses are nestled among the green mountains and green waters. Bright national flags are flying over the villages. Spacious asphalt roads connect the city to the villages. Rainbow bridges stand across the river. The hard-working Dulong people use their sweat and wisdom to create a better life.

"The party and the government have helped us grow grass and fruits. Now our family has planted more than 50 acres, and our annual income is more than in the past ten years." Xiao Chengdong, a major grass and fruit grower, said.

Villager Bai Zhongping put down his old woodcutter and became a ranger. At the same time, he ran an inn and sold local specialties, and his income increased year by year.

Dulongjiang Township is changing with each passing day, and there are new changes every day.

html During 2010, the per capita net income of farmers in Dulongjiang increased from 2,236 yuan in 2014 to 18,244 yuan in 2023. Every family has an industry, their income can increase, and their lives are prosperous.

html In 2010, the mountains and deep valleys of Dulong River were covered with green, and beautiful villages and courtyards were spread all over the riverside hillsides, becoming a poetry and distant place that people yearned for.

"These 10 years have been the 10 years in which the Dulong people have the greatest sense of gain and happiness. They are also the 10 years in which we feel proud and proud." said Li Xuetao, secretary of the Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County.

Songs are the voice of the heart. From the peerless island to the happy canyon, from extreme poverty to common prosperity, the Dulong people who are good at singing and dancing sing their beautiful hometown and happy life with "ancestors" one after another.

"The sun shines on Dulongjiang River, and the golden deer walks out of the old dense forest; the sun is the Communist Party, and the thousand-year-old trees sprout..." After dinner, Adi, a 70-year-old man who lives in a nursing home in Dulongjiang Township, sang with his elderly friends. I started playing the song "The Sun Shines on Dulong River".

In the past, many Dulong elders still had to work in the fields when they were sixty or seventy years old. "Now we live in a nursing home, where we have people to take care of our illnesses and take care of our daily lives. We have three meals a day and meat for every meal." Adi said, "I couldn't imagine such a good life before, but now we can live it."

"lonely The good life that the Long people had not dared to imagine before has come true, and the happy days that they did not dare to hope for are now in front of them. As a witness and struggler of Dulongjiang's great changes over a thousand years, Gao Derong, a model of the people, said with great enthusiasm: " The land cannot be barren and people cannot rest. Keep working hard and work hard. Better days are yet to come! "

" When the word "ancestor" rings, Dulong's story tells the story of a happy life and thanks to the Communist Party. , Build your hometown well, protect your borders, and send letters to Beijing." Recently, the song "The Most Beautiful Dulong River" has been circulated in the circle of friends.

"I want to use this song to express the love of the children of all ethnic groups in the border areas for the Party and the motherland, and their longing for a better life in the future." Ye Qing, the lyricist of "The Most Beautiful Dulongjiang" said that in the past 10 years, the beautiful butterflies in Dulongjiang have With the changes, the borders are harmonious and stable, ethnic unity and progress are progressing, the ecology continues to improve, green industries and tourism are prosperous, and the lives of the villagers are getting better and better.

"Standing on Gaoligong Mountain, I look at the city of Beijing in the distance. The glory of the Party shines on the border and the road becomes wider and wider." The tune of the ancient "Menzu" remains the same, but the lyrics express the aspirations of the cadres and people of Dulongjiang Township in the new era. On the banks of the Dulong River, the magnificent movement of continuous struggle in the new era is being played. (Yunnan Daily reporter Li Shouhua, correspondents Zhu Linhua and Zhu Lina, text/picture)

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