Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. As one of the most notorious clubs in the LPL, RNG has recently disclosed that it is on the verge of bankruptcy and is seeking new solutions, including releasing cards and NFT products to find...

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Hello all LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. As one of the most notorious clubs in the LPL,

rng has recently disclosed that it is on the verge of bankruptcy and is seeking new solutions, including releasing cards and NFT products to seek help from fans.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. As one of the most notorious clubs in the LPL, RNG has recently disclosed that it is on the verge of bankruptcy and is seeking new solutions, including releasing cards and NFT products to find... - Lujuba

After that, they even carried out a series of funny actions and began to auction the club trophy.

lpl funny big event, rng auction trophy

brief summary, rng club CEO Li Jieming accepted a long interview, the content is public, the general idea is very simple, that is, rng club is now on the verge of bankruptcy, and it is even said that it can directly declare bankruptcy. The club has been difficult to operate, but rng The club doesn't want to give up and hasn't sold any spots before.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. As one of the most notorious clubs in the LPL, RNG has recently disclosed that it is on the verge of bankruptcy and is seeking new solutions, including releasing cards and NFT products to find... - Lujuba

Bai Xing has always had a championship dream and wanted to revive the All-China Class, but for the dream, he would do whatever it takes, so he took a step too far. He got stuck in a lot of contracts, fought a lot of lawsuits, and owed tens of millions. Li Jieming took his place.

After this year’s spring game, it became even more difficult. Li Jieming began to look for a solution. Simply put, it was to make money. He should imitate Oriental Selection and start promoting the game, and then issue cards and NFT products to seek help from fans and give fans rights. He said: It's not about cutting leeks, it's really about giving fans rights.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. As one of the most notorious clubs in the LPL, RNG has recently disclosed that it is on the verge of bankruptcy and is seeking new solutions, including releasing cards and NFT products to find... - Lujuba

The next big thing is, rng is going to auction trophies. It sent out a picture before, which shows that various trophies are packaged and ready to be auctioned. Then he explained the rules of the trophy auction. The trophies auctioned by rng were not originals but replicas, and the auction was for one-year use rights, and they had to be sent back after one year.

netizens commented that rng was able to card the fan contract

. After this wave of operations came out, the audience was dumbfounded. rng auctioned the championship trophy, a replica, and returned it a year later, and rng also issued a funny statement, saying that it was right Collectors will be bound by legal agreements and must not insult the trophy, team and players at any time.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. As one of the most notorious clubs in the LPL, RNG has recently disclosed that it is on the verge of bankruptcy and is seeking new solutions, including releasing cards and NFT products to find... - Lujuba

Netizens commented harshly on this, saying that rng could use fan contracts to create a replica trophy and then auction it off. Those who get the trophy will have to sign a contract. If they insult the team and the trophy in the process, Or if the trophy is damaged, when it is returned, the collector will be sued directly to court for compensation.

This is quite in line with the club’s usual style of doing things.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. As one of the most notorious clubs in the LPL, RNG has recently disclosed that it is on the verge of bankruptcy and is seeking new solutions, including releasing cards and NFT products to find... - Lujuba

rng only auctions the right to use it for one year. The implication is that if you use it for a year, I will get it back, and then continue the auction to continue making money. To put it simply, it is using a worthless fake trophy to make money everywhere. Cutting leeks, what kind of person would be interested in such a trophy? The audience directly said that RNG may not like to make money from smart people. The value of collecting this trophy is unimaginable from the audience's point of view. It may be that the IQ is not enough and it has touched the blind spot of knowledge.

rng is struggling to the death, and it is difficult to change the status quo.

I personally think that the biggest problem of the rng team now is that their reputation is too bad. If they want to make a comeback, rng wants to come up with such a way to win the sympathy of the audience and win the fans. Sympathy, but no one is willing to sympathize with this team. rng is suffering and crying, but with crocodile tears, the audience cannot empathize with rng from rng's perspective.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. As one of the most notorious clubs in the LPL, RNG has recently disclosed that it is on the verge of bankruptcy and is seeking new solutions, including releasing cards and NFT products to find... - Lujuba

To put it in more extreme terms, most of the audience now just want RNG to get out of the LPL competition area as soon as possible and stop polluting the LPL competition field with various strange operations.

Therefore, rng’s current attempts to reverse the situation of being on the verge of bankruptcy are probably all in vain, just like rng found a small clothing factory before and made a lot of peripherals. As a result, it could not sell, was not paid, and was sued by others. After going to court, I went to find the appraisal report on the unqualified clothing and submitted it to the court, but it was found to be illegal.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. As one of the most notorious clubs in the LPL, RNG has recently disclosed that it is on the verge of bankruptcy and is seeking new solutions, including releasing cards and NFT products to find... - Lujuba

rng’s peripherals could not be sold in the past. Nowadays, only the true die-hard fans of rng are willing to buy into the trophies, cards and NFT products. It is almost impossible to gain the understanding of the public. Things, rng once created brilliance, but now rng's road is coming to an end.

Tags: entertainment