Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe

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Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang

html On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the achievements of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film The ownership of various honors on the channel m list.

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

The 2023-2024 China Film Big Data and Movie Channel M List Honors Night Live (photographed by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

The honors of this M List comprehensively consider the market, reputation, communication, social influence, selection by experts of the Selection Committee, and m views The outstanding films and filmmakers from March 2023 to March 2024 were selected from six major dimensions, including movie group audience selection.

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

"Article 20" won the Film of the Year (photo by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Among them, Zhang Yimou won the honor of Outstanding Contribution of the Year, Jackie Chan won the honor of International Influence of the Year, Wu Ershan and Chen Kaige won the honor of Director of the Year, and Chen Sicheng won the honor of Producer of the Year , Huang Bo and Ma Li won the annual actor and actress honors respectively. Annual masterpieces such as "Article 20", " Conferred Gods Part 1 " and " Chang'an Thirty Thousand Miles", etc. Filmmakers such as Tony Leung Ka-fai, Ye Tong, Lei Jiayin and Zhang Xiaofei also received various honors.

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

Huang Bo won the Actor of the Year (photographed by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

Word-of-mouth actors Liang Jiahui and Ye Tong of the Year (photographed by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

Young Actor of the Year Fan Chengcheng (photographed by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

Young Actor of the Year Li Gengxi (photographed by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang) Photo)

"This is my second time coming to Jingzhou. The last time I came to receive honors, this time I came to present honors." Li Xuejian, chairman of the current promotion committee, said emotionally, thanking Jingzhou for its care and support for Chinese films.

has been in the art industry for more than 40 years and has influenced generations of audiences. As a leader in the Chinese film industry, director Zhang Yimou was awarded the honor of Outstanding Contribution Filmmaker of the Year. His Spring Festival film "Article 20" also won the Film of the Year.

At the 2023-2024 China Film Big Data and Movie Channel M List Honors Night, the audience was recording wonderful moments (photographed by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Like director Zhang Yimou, Jackie Chan, who just celebrated his 70th birthday and has been in the film industry for 53 years, also maintained With full creative enthusiasm, it is also a business card for Chinese films to go global. He won the "International Impact of the Year" honor.

"International influence is not only a commendation, but also a mission. I am very lucky because movies and Chinese culture have given me the opportunity to meet filmmakers and movie audiences around the world through the screen." Jackie Chan said.

The crew of "Fengshen Part 1" appeared (photographed by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Last summer, the mythological epic masterpiece "Fengshen Part 1" achieved a double harvest of box office and word-of-mouth, becoming the most popular movie on the Internet in 2023 Ranked first on the search index list, it won the honor of "Communication of the Year", and also allowed director Wu Ershan to win the honor of Director of the Year.

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

Zhang Xiaofei won the most influential actor of the year (photographed by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

In terms of actors, Huang Bo and Ma Li won the honors of actor and actress of the year respectively, Lei Jiayin and Zhang Xiaofei won the honor of influential actor of the year, Liang Jiahui and Ye Tong won the honor of "" I love you! The superb performance in "" won the honor of word-of-mouth actor of the year.

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

The crew of "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop" appeared (Photo by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

In 2024, the Chinese film market will have a "good start". The Spring Festival and Tomb-Sweeping Festival releases have frequently broken records, and many new films have been officially announced. That night, the creators of the most watched films of the year: "The Volunteer Army Part 2", "Jiangyuan Lane", "Fengshen Part 2" and other works took the stage to recommend new films.

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

The crew of "There is a Canteen in the Clouds" attended the meeting (photo by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Use big data as a navigational beacon and good movies to accompany the voyage. That night, the "Movie Channel M Index" was released. The index is an important part of the movie channel's film promotion platform. It aims to establish an authoritative, fair, professional and comprehensive national film viewing data and evaluation system using scientific, professional and diversified methods.

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

" predecessor 4" crew: Zheng Kai, Liu Yase, Han Geng (photographed by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

" The Eighth Suspect " crew Sun Yang and Qi Xi (photographed by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Based on the present, looking to the future , artificial intelligence will be an empowering trend that Chinese movies cannot miss. The movie channel launched the "AI Imaging Talent Selection Plan" and officially released it at this ceremony.

The 2023-2024 China Film Big Data and Movie Channel M List Honor Night Live (photographed by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Charming Jingchu, a feast of light and shadow, the stage design of this ceremony is unique and original, with the representative cultural relic of Chu culture, the Tiger Seat and the Bird Drum. Integrate with modern technological elements to create a light and shadow door from history to the future. That night, guests such as Zhou Shen, Liu Xijun, and Yu Kewei presented colorful singing and dancing performances.

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

Zhou Shen's "Little Beauty" won the movie song of the year (Photo by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Singer Yang Kun was singing (Photo by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

Singer Yu Kewei was singing (Photo by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

Jiang Qinqin attended the event (Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang) Photo by reporter Huang Zhigang)

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

Wen Yongshan won the annual attention actor (photo by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

Jiang Yiyi and Hu Lianxin attended the event (photo by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

Liu Haocun won the annual influential young actor (photo by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang On April 12, in Jingzhou, Hubei, hundreds of filmmakers and musicians gathered at the 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Film Channel M List Honors Night to share the results of the Chinese film market in the past year and witness the film channe - Lujuba

Wang Yinglu won the annual award Emerging actors (photographed by Jimu News reporter Huang Zhigang)

Attached: 2023-2024 Chinese Film Big Data and Movie Channel M List Honor Night Honor List

Annual Outstanding Contribution: Zhang Yimou

Annual International Influence: Jackie Chan

Annual Special Honor: "Volunteer Army"

Film of the Year: "Article 20"

Director of the Year: Chen Kaige, Wu Ershan

Producer of the Year: Chen Sicheng

Actress of the Year: Ma Li

Actor of the Year: Huang Bo

Influential Film of the Year: "Chang'an" Thirty Thousand Miles" " Desperate All "

Influential Actors of the Year: Lei Jiayin, Zhang Xiaofei

Influential Young Actors of the Year: Yu Shi, Liu Haocun

Word-of-mouth Film of the Year: "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop! 》《三级》

Reputable Actors of the Year: Tony Leung Ka-fai, Ye Tong

Young Actors of the Year: Fan Chengcheng, Li Gengxi

Newcomer of the Year: Liu Yaowen

Movie Music Producer of the Year: Han Hong

Movie Song of the Year: Zhou Shen's "Little Beauty"

Annual Screenwriter (original script): "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" 》Dong Runnian, Ying Luojia

Screenwriter of the year (adapted script): "Three Brigades" Zhang Ji

Actors of the year: Tong Liya, Man Yongshan, Sun Yang

Powerful actors of the year: Qi Xi, Gao Ye, Liu Yase

Audience favorite actor of the year: Zheng Kai, Han Geng

Enterprising actors of the year: Zhang Zixian, Wang Xun

New actors of the year: Hou Wenyuan, Huang Xiyan, Wang Yinglu, Zhang Yifan

Annual communication: " Gods Part 1: Chaoge Fengyun"

Annual market: "She Disappeared" "Flying Life 2", " Hot and Spicy "

Movies of the Year: "Volunteer Army Part 2", "Jiang Yuan Lane", "Fengshen Part 2", "Under the Stranger", "A Dream of Red Mansions: A Good Marriage" and "No Meal" "Things That Hot Pot Can't Solve" "Journey Across the Moon" "There is a Canteen by the Clouds"

(Source: Jimu News)

Tags: entertainment