The plot of "Xi Huazhi" is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu

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The plot of "Xi Huazhi" is getting more and more exciting.

Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage and whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

Mrs. Hua deserves to be a noble daughter of a noble family. She has been in charge of the Hua family for forty years and has seen the storm. She said not to think that the most difficult time has passed. Sailing with the current may not be easier than sailing against the current. The most difficult days are from now on, and you will have to work hard in the future.

Hua Jing

No, Hua Jing (played by Zhang Zixuan), the eldest daughter of the Hua family ), the only daughter of Mrs. Hua came to the door. She didn't care at all how her mother, who had been driven out of the city, was living these days. She just wanted to take a concubine for her husband, and what she wanted was her niece Hua Zhi's maid Fu. winter.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

After the Hua family has experienced this, everyone has shared the joys and sorrows, so naturally they refuse. So Hua Jing became angry because of shame, and was afraid that she would be beaten if she could not keep up with her husband Song Chengzu when she returned home. So he behaved and wallowed in front of his mother, even exposing his wounds, hoping to gain sympathy.

Hua Jing was exiled from the Hua Mansion, and the husband she chose turned against her and often beat and scolded her.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

Everyone knows that Hua Jing’s husband Song Chengzu is definitely not attracted to Fudong, but her craftsmanship. He said that he had seen her from a distance in the shop, which meant that he was not interested in beauty, but coveted the craftsmanship. Behind the important person was the fact that the Song family was jealous of the business and wanted to drain the bottom of the business.

In the past, Hua Jing relied on her eldest daughter of the Hua family to marry low and act arrogantly, unable to control her husband. When the Hua family fell into decline, she was even less able to win over her husband's heart. Became his punching bag.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

Hua Xian

Coincidentally, she is not the only woman who is subjected to domestic violence in the play. Hua Xian, the concubine of the Hua family, is also abused by others.

Hua Xian’s dowry was misappropriated completely by her husband, not to mention that he often attacked Hua Xian.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

Something happened to the Hua family. Mrs. Hua said she must not disturb her married daughter. But Hua Xian still came, secretly taking her son to see the Hua family and letting her son study at the Hua family. She came in a hurry and left without going to see her mother. When

came back for the second time, he also came secretly. He gave Xia Jin'e some of his frugal money and asked her to buy supplements for the old lady Lin Wan.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

While pulling, Xia Jin'e saw the injury on Hua Xian's arm and realized that she had been beaten by the Yang family husband again. Hua Zhi gave Hua Xian's money to Berlin and asked him to take Sui'an to make some clothes and shoes.

She was also subjected to domestic violence. Hua Jing had no choice but to hang herself from a beam, but Hua Xian was saved by her family.

Song Chengzu was a lustful person and had several concubines. Hua Jing's life was not easy, and even his servants did not care about him. She took it seriously. Hua Jing did not reflect on herself, but put all the blame on Hua Zhi, feeling that all the faults were caused by Hua Zhi.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

In front of her own mother, the mother who always loves her the most, she has no intention of repaying anything in return, and just asks for it. As long as her wishes cannot be satisfied once, she will feel that her mother is partial and owes her.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

She enjoyed the honor brought by the Hua family, but she did not want to share the honor and disgrace with the Hua family. It can be seen from this that Hua Jing was brought up to be narrow-minded, claiming to be a direct descendant, and only seeking profit. Her vision and knowledge were not affected by her eyes and ears even though she was a member of the Hua family with four Jinshi qualifications.

The son he raised also only thinks about himself, and only cares about whether he can pass the scientific examination. He turned a blind eye to his mother's domestic violence and was indifferent to what his father did. He was even afraid that his mother would harm him.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

Hua Jing angered her mother to death, which was a serious crime in ancient times. She speaks harsh words but does not have a heart of stone. She is afraid of angering her mother to death, for fear that others will retaliate.

After being divorced by her husband, I couldn't think about it anymore. I even disgusted Hua's family and hung it at the door of Hua's house. Her death can be said to be her own fault.

Hua Xian, who avoided Mrs. Hua every time she went home, was beaten half to death again. Her son Sui'an ran to Hua's house in panic for help.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

Of the same sons, one doesn't mind watching his mother being beaten, while the other feels distressed and asks for help.

Hua Zhi wanted to reconcile with Aunt Hua Xian, so she went to Yang's house several times, and even went to jail herself. Everyone in the Hua family even thought out of their wits and asked Gu Yanxi to pretend to be the commander of the Qisu Division. He even went to court to demand justice and a divorce letter. After picking up Sui'an and Hua Xian, the Hua family is lively again.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

And how did Huazhi treat her eldest aunt Hua Jing at that time? Hua Jing stayed at the Hua Mansion, but was discovered by Gu Yanxi and sent back to the Song family. After the death of a person, the Song family sent a memorial tablet. Hua Zhi directly said that this person had nothing to do with my Hua family and asked someone to send the memorial tablet back to the Song family.

Hua Jing never knew until her death why Hua Xian was able to get help from her whole family to escape from the misery despite being subjected to domestic violence, but she was on the road to death.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

First, Hua Xian is more filial than Hua Jing. Even if she is soft-spoken and her life is not going well, she will still think about helping the Hua family in distress. To her, this is family. Hua Jing only wants to exploit the Hua family and wants the Hua family to provide her with a steady stream of wealth and glory.

Hua Jing cursed the decline of the Hua family, which caused her to end up where she was now, but she didn't expect how much honor she had enjoyed from the Hua family. A princess of a country still knows that she must bear the responsibilities she deserves when she is supported by all the people.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

No one can be born with only rights without obligations.

Secondly, Hua Jing killed her mother, which was really unfilial. It was too late for everyone in the Hua Mansion to hate her, so why would they lend a helping hand?

Thirdly, Hua Jing usually behaves like the eldest daughter who is aloof and not very close to others. Relatives, family affection, are obtained by getting along closely with each other, a person who does not interact with others and is a bit hostile. When you are in trouble, it would be considered generous if you don't add insult to injury, so why would you lend a helping hand?

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

Therefore, Hua Jing's death may have been doomed from the beginning. It has nothing to do with others, it’s all due to your own temperament. Ancient people talked about destiny, which actually meant that personality, behavior, and habits eventually turned into destiny.

The plot of 'Xi Huazhi' is getting more and more exciting. Since the Hua family was exiled, relying on Huazhi (played by Zhang Jingyi)'s outstanding courage, whimsy, and Fu Dong's craftsmanship, they have moved step by step from the farm where they lived back to the city. Mrs. Hu - Lujuba

Some people say that the character Hua Jing died just like that, which was a bit too cheap for her. On the contrary, Xiao Qing felt that if she went offline quickly, the Hua family would not have the energy to compete with such people. The only way out was to make a lot of money.

So do you think Huazhi’s approach is right? What do you want to say about the character Hua Jing? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area, and thank you all for your likes, forwarding, collection, and following


Tags: entertainment