The 40-episode TV series "City Within a City" will be broadcast on a prime time slot on CCTV on the evening of April 9, and the online broadcast platform is iQiyi. The drama version of "City Within a City" is adapted from the novel of the same name by Lu Xun Literature Award winn

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The 40-episode TV series 'City Within a City' will be broadcast on a prime time slot on CCTV on the evening of April 9, and the online broadcast platform is iQiyi. The drama version of 'City Within a City' is adapted from the novel of the same name by Lu Xun Literature Award winn - Lujuba

40 episodes of the TV series "City Within a City" will be broadcast on a prime time slot on CCTV on the evening of April 9, and the online broadcast platform is iQiyi. The drama version of "City within a City" is adapted from the novel of the same name by Lu Xun Literature Prize winner Teng Xiaolan. It is directed by Teng Huatao, screenwriters are Bian Zhihong, Wu Nan, Tian Yu, Bai Yufan, Yu Hewei, Xia Meng, Long Ni, Wang Xiao, , Feng Jiayi lead the starring role, Wang Jinsong , Yang Zishan special starring. The drama version of "City Within a City" shows a fierce showdown between two generations of financial professionals around their interests and original intentions.

Shanghai writer Teng Xiaolan's message for the hit drama version of "City Within the City"

As a major literary and artistic creation funding project in Shanghai, the drama version of "City Within the City" was selected into CCTV's 2024 "Major Drama Watching Station" film list. For Shanghai writer Teng Xiaolan, "City Within the City" is also her third work to be adapted into a film and television drama. Previously, the novel "Moonlight in the City" was adapted into "My Youth Meets You" and was broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV , the novel "Heart Residence" was adapted into a popular TV series of the same name.

The 40-episode TV series 'City Within a City' will be broadcast on a prime time slot on CCTV on the evening of April 9, and the online broadcast platform is iQiyi. The drama version of 'City Within a City' is adapted from the novel of the same name by Lu Xun Literature Award winn - Lujuba

Teng Xiaolan, winner of the Lu Xun Literature Prize and Shanghai writer

In this issue of Morning News·Zhou Zao's "Shanghai Living Room" program, we invited Teng Xiaolan as a dialogue guest and asked her to share her experience in writing the original novel "City Within a City". Before the drama version of "City Within a City" was officially broadcast, Teng Xiaolan told us that her heart was the same as that of many viewers and readers, and she was full of expectations for this TV series.

Showing our city and the people in it

q Morning News · Thoughtful : As a Shanghai writer , what do you personally think of the magic of the city of Shanghai? Does the introduction to the book represent your understanding of Shanghai?

a Teng Xiaolan : For writers, Shanghai is a treasure, with so many places worth writing about. You can "see the big from the small", or you can "make a breakthrough head-on." "City Within a City" is a financial theme and is closely related to the background of the times, so compared to my previous works, this article is biased toward the latter. But not necessarily. The novel does not focus too much on the actual financial operations, but focuses more on the "people" in the financial city. Write about the fate of people when faced with major choices. Just like what I wrote in the novel - "Whether it's this end of the Huangpu River or the other end, the difference is only on the surface, but the things on the inside are actually the same." The meaning of Shanghai people's life is similar to that of Shikumen , office buildings, going around in circles, that's probably the case.

The 40-episode TV series 'City Within a City' will be broadcast on a prime time slot on CCTV on the evening of April 9, and the online broadcast platform is iQiyi. The drama version of 'City Within a City' is adapted from the novel of the same name by Lu Xun Literature Award winn - Lujuba

"City Within the City" displayed at Shanghai Bookstore's Fuzhou Road store (photographed on April 8)

q Morning News · Thoughtful : "City Within the City" was published in August 2020 and has been printed 4 times as of January this year. At that time you What was the reason for writing this novel?

a Teng Xiaolan : mainly wants to change the style. To show our city and the people in it from different perspectives. Shanghai is the financial center of China. When writing about Shanghai, finance is undoubtedly a good entry point.

The 40-episode TV series 'City Within a City' will be broadcast on a prime time slot on CCTV on the evening of April 9, and the online broadcast platform is iQiyi. The drama version of 'City Within a City' is adapted from the novel of the same name by Lu Xun Literature Award winn - Lujuba

The postcard that comes with the book "City in the City"

q Morning News · Thoughtful : I heard from friends in the cultural circle that in order to write this novel, you once went to a bank to experience life and feel the working atmosphere of bankers.

a Teng Xiaolan : yes. Before I started writing, I went to a certain bank branch and stayed there for about three months. Study relevant documents and cases, watch the actual operations of the staff, chat with them, and listen to them tell about their work and life, whether they are happy or unhappy. Integrate yourself completely into the atmosphere and be able to speak a few professional terms. This experience process was very helpful for me to write "City Within a City".

The novel wants to portray two generations of financial people

q Morning News · Thoughtful : believes that "City within a City" not only focuses on the financial industry in Lujiazui, in the novel, we also see the conflict and opposition between the concepts of two generations of financial people. I believe that these It should also be shown vividly in the play.

a Teng Xiaolan : Yes, the novel really wants to portray two generations of financial people. They are mirror images of each other, reflecting each other. Write about their efforts and perseverance, as well as their difficulties and confusion. Some people keep their original aspirations, and some people lose themselves. When Zhao Hui finally looked at Tao Wuji, it was as if he was looking at himself back then, as outstanding and as full of ideals. No one can predict whether Tao Wuji will become Zhao Hui or Miao Che in twenty years. But at least at this moment, Tao Wuji made the right choice. I haven't seen the finished film yet, but I saw from the trailer that the actors selected for this drama are all very good, and I believe they will give wonderful performances.

The 40-episode TV series 'City Within a City' will be broadcast on a prime time slot on CCTV on the evening of April 9, and the online broadcast platform is iQiyi. The drama version of 'City Within a City' is adapted from the novel of the same name by Lu Xun Literature Award winn - Lujuba

q Morning News · Thoughtful : For Shanghai writers, dialect is often used when they write works with Shanghai themes. I noticed that you used some dialect in the novel and annotated it in the book.

a Teng Xiaolan : I will indeed add a bit of Shanghainese dialect to the novel (especially the dialogue). On the one hand, it can make the language more lively and regionally distinctive; on the other hand, some words seem to have to be used in specific places. Mandarin doesn’t have that feeling, nor is it accurate enough. For example, "Huo Lingzi" or even "Colorful Lingzi", it is really difficult for me to find a Mandarin sentence to replace it. Of course, the use of dialects must be flexible. It is not good to use too much and affect the reading experience.

We are born to have something to hold on to.

q Morning News · Thoughtful : "City within a City" begins with Tao Wuji reporting to the bank as a new employee on his first day, and encounters Mr. Dai who commits suicide by jumping off a building. The ending is Tao Wuji mentioned in the conversation that he went to prison to visit Zhao Hui, who was sentenced to three years in prison. I believe such a beginning and ending are intriguing.

a Teng Xiaolan : Yes, there is some echo between Mr. Dai at the beginning and Zhao Hui at the end. They are all gentlemen, impeccable in their conduct and conduct. But in that position, there are weaknesses that are eventually exploited, so one step is wrong and the other is wrong, and in the end it is irreversible. Mr. Dai really jumped down. Zhao Hui almost jumped. Fortunately, he finally chose to stay for his family and loved ones and live to atone for his sins.

The 40-episode TV series 'City Within a City' will be broadcast on a prime time slot on CCTV on the evening of April 9, and the online broadcast platform is iQiyi. The drama version of 'City Within a City' is adapted from the novel of the same name by Lu Xun Literature Award winn - Lujuba

q Morning News · Thoughtful : In the highlights of the play, there is a line that impressed me very deeply, "This white shirt, as long as you go out to socialize, there is nothing that is not dirty." Does this also reflect the financial industry's attitude towards human nature? test?

a Teng Xiaolan : This line is derived from the sentence in the novel: "A person is like a white shirt. No matter how much you cherish it, it will gradually turn yellow and black. This is a natural law. But you can't just because It will turn yellow and turn black if you mess around with it from the beginning. That won't work, and it will turn into a black shirt in two or three days. We still need to take good care of it, try to wash it by hand, don't expose it to the sun, iron it flatly, and don't get wet. Don't be eaten by insects, the sooner it turns yellow and black, the better -" This is what Teacher Ouyang said to his favorite student Zhao Hui. There is also what Miao Che said to his apprentice after drinking: "My child, even if you are disappointed with us, don't lose your ideals and abandon your faith. Even if it takes another twenty years, you will become a veteran who can't chew the cake." Son, the world will be a mess, but at least now, you have to work hard to be a noble person -" I think these two paragraphs actually express the helplessness of life to some extent. But no matter what, as a human being, you must have something to stick to. Not for others, but for yourself.

q Morning News · Thoughtful : Some people say that the drama version of "City Within a City" is "all experienced actors are involved". Is there any actor in the drama that you personally like?

a Teng Xiaolan : The cast of really surprised me. They are all my favorite actors and I am very much looking forward to watching them perform.

The 40-episode TV series 'City Within a City' will be broadcast on a prime time slot on CCTV on the evening of April 9, and the online broadcast platform is iQiyi. The drama version of 'City Within a City' is adapted from the novel of the same name by Lu Xun Literature Award winn - Lujuba

q Morning News · Thoughtful : The drama version of "City Within a City" will be broadcast simultaneously on CCTV 1 and iQiyi from April 9. As the original author, what are your expectations?

a Teng Xiaolan : is looking forward to it very much.I hope this drama will gain both ratings and word-of-mouth success, and I also hope that the audience will pay more attention to it.

Guest introduction: Teng Xiaolan, a professional writer from the Shanghai Writers Association. He is the author of five novels and more than ten collections of works. The novella "Beautiful Days" won the 6th Lu Xun Literature Award. Selected as one of the “four batches” of talents and cultural celebrities of the Central Propaganda Department in 2014. The novel "Heart Residence" was selected into the 2020 "Chinese Good Books"

Tags: entertainment