Every April and May, the north of our country will usher in the season when willows and catkins are flying. On April 7, the Beijing Landscaping and Greening Bureau and the Beijing Meteorological Bureau jointly released a forecast related to willow catkins in Beijing in 2024. The

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Every April and May, the north of our country will usher in the season when willows and catkins are flying. On April 7, the Beijing Landscaping and Greening Bureau and the Beijing Meteorological Bureau jointly released a forecast related to willow catkins in Beijing in 2024.

Beijing will enter the catkins flying period on April 7th

Every April and May, the north of our country will usher in the season when willows and catkins are flying. On April 7, the Beijing Landscaping and Greening Bureau and the Beijing Meteorological Bureau jointly released a forecast related to willow catkins in Beijing in 2024. The  - Lujuba

According to the forecast, the Beijing area will enter the catkins flying period on April 7. According to the prediction, the first high incidence period of willow catkins this year will occur from April 12 to 18, mainly affecting five In the inner urban area, the main flying catkin tree species is poplar tomentosa; the second high incidence period is from late April to early May, and the area is urban and plain areas. The main flying catkin tree species are European and American poplar, blue poplar, weeping willow and dry willow; third The second highest incidence period is in mid-May, and the main areas are mountainous areas. The impact on urban areas basically ended in mid-May, and the flying catkins lasted for about 50 days.

People with allergies should take precautions when going out

Every April and May, the north of our country will usher in the season when willows and catkins are flying. On April 7, the Beijing Landscaping and Greening Bureau and the Beijing Meteorological Bureau jointly released a forecast related to willow catkins in Beijing in 2024. The  - Lujuba

Statistics show that generally 10:00 to 16:00 is the time when flying catkins are most common. People with allergies should try to avoid going out during this time. If it is necessary to go out, you should also take protective measures and try not to wear clothes that are easy to stick to flying lint.

Every April and May, the north of our country will usher in the season when willows and catkins are flying. On April 7, the Beijing Landscaping and Greening Bureau and the Beijing Meteorological Bureau jointly released a forecast related to willow catkins in Beijing in 2024. The  - Lujuba

Flying catkins accidentally get into your eyes. Remember not to rub it with your hands, otherwise it will easily scratch the cornea and increase the chance of infection. The correct way is to rinse it with clean water. Wash your hands and face in time when you return from going out, and clean up the lint on your clothes in time.

Fire safety should be kept in mind

Willow catkins flying all over the sky not only affect people's travel and health, but also pose fire safety hazards. Willow catkins themselves contain a large amount of grease and are prone to burning when exposed to open flames. Also, because of their light texture and fast spreading speed, they are difficult to extinguish fires.

Every April and May, the north of our country will usher in the season when willows and catkins are flying. On April 7, the Beijing Landscaping and Greening Bureau and the Beijing Meteorological Bureau jointly released a forecast related to willow catkins in Beijing in 2024. The  - Lujuba

The fire department reminds:

Willow catkins should be cleaned up in time, and methods such as humidification, sweeping and burying can be used to avoid leaving fire hazards;

Private car owners should strengthen vehicle maintenance to prevent large amounts of catkins from accumulating in the engine compartment of the car and causing fires. ;

In places with many willow catkins, be sure to take good care of fires and do not throw cigarette butts to avoid causing fires;

Once a fire is discovered, dial "119" in time to avoid major fire accidents.

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