Reporter from Yangcheng Evening News Hu Guangxin The Hong Kong police and gangster drama "The Strange Case 2" is currently being aired on TVB Jade Channel, Youku and Biduidui APP. The previous work "The Strange Case" achieved good results when it was broadcast in 2021 and became

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Reporter from Yangcheng Evening News Hu Guangxin The Hong Kong police and gangster drama 'The Strange Case 2' is currently being aired on TVB Jade Channel, Youku and Biduidui APP. The previous work 'The Strange Case' achieved good results when it was broadcast in 2021 and became  - Lujuba

Reporter from Yangcheng Evening News Hu Guangxin The Hong Kong police and gangster drama 'The Strange Case 2' is currently being aired on TVB Jade Channel, Youku and Biduidui APP. The previous work 'The Strange Case' achieved good results when it was broadcast in 2021 and became  - Lujuba

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Hu Guangxin

The police and gangster Hong Kong drama "The Strange Case 2" is currently being aired on TVB Jade Channel, Youku and Biduidui App. The previous work "The Strange Case" achieved good results when it was broadcast in 2021, becoming TVB's drama with the highest average ratings in 2021, and the ratings of the finale reached 30 points. The ending of "The Strange Case" left the audience with unfulfilled expectations. Although the "Tiger Killing Case" that ran throughout the play came to an end, the emotional fate of several pairs of important characters was unknown, paving the way for the sequel. Three years later, "The Strange Case 2" assembled the original cast and continued to be produced by Liu Jiahao and Chen Zhijiang, starring Chen Zhanpeng, Lin Xiawei, Huang Zhixian, Zhang Yingkang, Liu Peiyue and others.

Reporter from Yangcheng Evening News Hu Guangxin The Hong Kong police and gangster drama 'The Strange Case 2' is currently being aired on TVB Jade Channel, Youku and Biduidui APP. The previous work 'The Strange Case' achieved good results when it was broadcast in 2021 and became  - Lujuba

Liu Jiahao, the director of the "Mysterious Case" series, can be called a "hot drama production machine". From the early "Great Heroes" and "He Comes from Jianghu" to the "Heart-breaking Storm" series and then to the "The Strange Case" series, his works have a wide range of styles and ups and downs of plots, which always make the audience unable to stop watching. In an interview with reporters, Liu Jiahao talked about the secret to creating a hit drama, giving the words "reasonable but unexpected": "To work hard on the script, it is important to be reasonable. It must be reasonable but unexpected In addition. The plot twists and turns again and again, making it difficult for the audience to easily guess the subsequent development, so they will continue to follow it. "

Reporter from Yangcheng Evening News Hu Guangxin The Hong Kong police and gangster drama 'The Strange Case 2' is currently being aired on TVB Jade Channel, Youku and Biduidui APP. The previous work 'The Strange Case' achieved good results when it was broadcast in 2021 and became  - Lujuba

"fills in the pit" of the previous work and continues the emotional line of the popular CP.

Liu Jiahao said, "The Strange Case" It has achieved good results in both ratings and word-of-mouth. "Secret Cases 2" has been upgraded on the basis of the first one. "The characters and stories in the second part are a continuation of the first part. After the first part, we have a better idea of ​​what the audience likes and doesn't like. What they like will be retained and strengthened in the second part. "

Several pairs of CPs in the drama are very popular, including the police "golden girls" Sir Mori (played by Chen Zhanpeng) and Wing (played by Lin Xiawei), O Ji Detective Shen Weili (played by Huang Zhixian) and the "goddess of law" Zhong Jiayu (played by Chiang Kai-shek) Zu Man), the villain couple Wei Zile (played by Zhang Yingkang) and Youli (played by Liu Peiyue)'s emotional development touches the hearts of the audience. The most important thing about the sequel is of course "filling in the holes". Liu Jiahao said that the personalities of these important characters are completely inherited from the previous film, and their emotional lines will be further developed in the second film. In the first part of

, Sir Mori and Wing broke up due to the intervention of Erna (played by Feng Yingying), which made many viewers sigh with regret. Liu Jiahao revealed that in the second part, Sir Mori will use all his strength to "pursue his wife". As for whether Wing is willing to get back together, the audience will have to watch to find out. Erna, the trigger of the two's breakup, still plays a heavy role in the second part. Liu Jiahao revealed: "In the last movie, should Sir Mori and Wing break up? When the creative team was writing the script, they were divided. In the end, they decided to separate, which turned out to be a big point of controversy. "

Reporter from Yangcheng Evening News Hu Guangxin The Hong Kong police and gangster drama 'The Strange Case 2' is currently being aired on TVB Jade Channel, Youku and Biduidui APP. The previous work 'The Strange Case' achieved good results when it was broadcast in 2021 and became  - Lujuba

Wei Zile and You Li are quite popular villain CPs. Liu Jiahao said: "The audience's response is similar to what we expected. When we discussed the script with Liu Peiyue and Zhang Yingkang, we were fully confident. Although they only appeared in the tenth episode or so, the audience will definitely like them very much. The result is really That's it." In the ending of the previous film, the two were trapped in a secret room, Youli died tragically, and Wei Zile was heartbroken. Thanks to their popularity, the couple will both return in the second installment. The first episode of the second part revealed that Wei Zile was rescued from the secret room, but suffered severe brain trauma and was admitted to a mental hospital. Liu Jiahao revealed that Wei Zile will not give up and his revenge will run through "The Strange Case 2". As for Yuri, although she died in the first film, she will return in another identity.

Reporter from Yangcheng Evening News Hu Guangxin The Hong Kong police and gangster drama 'The Strange Case 2' is currently being aired on TVB Jade Channel, Youku and Biduidui APP. The previous work 'The Strange Case' achieved good results when it was broadcast in 2021 and became  - Lujuba

The production has been upgraded, and the case still focuses on the word "odd"

In terms of production, "The Strange Case 2" has also been upgraded. Liu Jiahao lamented in the interview that today's audiences are well-informed, and TV drama producers must be more serious: "In terms of filming, "The Legend of God 2" is all real scenes, because now the audience no longer likes to watch things shot in video studios. Makeup, costumes, etc. all need to be upgraded, because the 4k image will clearly show every flaw. It also takes a lot of time in post-production, and the editing needs to be more careful."

As for the case part, the second part still focuses on the word "odd". "If the case is good-looking, it will attract the audience to follow it. "Liu Jiahao revealed that in order to prevent the audience from guessing the direction of the story, the team spent a lot of thought in the script creation stage, "This one will involve many cases, about one case in two or three episodes, and at the same time, one major case will connect the whole drama." Liu Jiahao is particularly special. Speaking of the new character in the second part - the genius biology professor Tang Guanfeng played by Alex Fong, "He is the bridge between the police and Wei Zile. Wei Zile's brain was severely damaged, so the police had to rely on Tang Guanfeng's expertise to know what was going on in Wei Zile's mind. "Liu Jiahao also sold it off: "His biggest role is to help the police solve the case, but he is not that simple and will play a very key role in the story. "

The previous film "The Case Against Heaven" was fast-paced, and the opening scene of "Tiger Killing Case" was impressive - the police officer played by Qian Xiaohao died in the operation, which had a huge impact on Sir Mori played by Chen Zhanpeng. The second part The beginning of "The Movie" is equally ambitious, telling a cross-border assassination case, with gunfight scenes, speeding scenes and fist-pumping fight scenes, which immediately caught the audience's attention. Liu Jiahao said that action scenes are indispensable in police dramas, but they cannot be "for the sake of action." Action”: “The plot is the most important thing. If the plot requires action scenes to advance, then you should shoot them, and they must be reasonable and reasonable. The first episode of "Secret Case 2" is about mercenaries. We strived to be realistic and invited many foreign actors to play the part. Their fights are beautiful and the scenes look very textured. "

Reporter from Yangcheng Evening News Hu Guangxin The Hong Kong police and gangster drama 'The Strange Case 2' is currently being aired on TVB Jade Channel, Youku and Biduidui APP. The previous work 'The Strange Case' achieved good results when it was broadcast in 2021 and became  - Lujuba

recalls Chen Dick and calls on the audience to pay more attention to the new actor

Lau Ka-ho is very popular and invited many friends from the industry to help him in "Secret Case 2". Sun Yaowei, who has not appeared on the small screen for a long time, played an important guest role in the first episode; Mak Lingling I have also been addicted to drama, playing the role of a wealthy businessman, and even challenging the gunfight action scene. "Queen of Costumes" Liang Xiaobing, Li's Times' popular youngster Liu Weimin, etc. will appear one after another. "We are a unit case, and many characters can appear. "Liu Jiahao revealed that Ma Guoming will also come to help out with friendship. " Chen Zhanpeng guest-starred in "The Man of Law" starring Ma Guoming. This time it is Ma Guoming's turn to guest-star in "The Strange Case 2".

A veteran TVB actor who passed away due to illness earlier Dick Chen also starred in "The Strange Case 2", and this drama became his legacy. Liu Jiahao praised Chen Dick's line skills: "Every time I work with him, I will assign him a role with more dialogues. Because he grasped the tone of his lines very well. TVB does not do dubbing when filming, it is all recorded directly at the filming site. He is quite outstanding in this aspect. "

In recent years, many veteran actors have passed away or left the nest. Liu Jiahao said frankly that it was a pity, and also called on the audience to pay more attention to the new generation of actors. "They all work hard, love acting, and have always adhered to their position as actors." Liu Jiahao performed in those days Dao's "He Came From Jianghu" and "The Greatest Heroes" made Stephen Chow rise from a bit player to a new star. He said that there are many good actors in TVB who deserve to be seen by the audience: "Liu Peiyue and Zhang Yingkang in "The Strange Case 2" performed very well. , many young actors in "News Queen" are also on the rise. The most important thing is to encounter good scripts and production. TV dramas are teamwork, so this time when we make "A Strange Case 2", we must win over the original cast. I have been cooperating with the editors and reviewers of the "Mysterious Case" series for many years, and we have a tacit understanding. We all have a relatively accurate idea of ​​the selling points of the story and know what the audience wants. "

Tags: entertainment