With over 10,000 hits on the site, "Storm Chaser" has undoubtedly set another record for a genre-themed drama! And this is also the first drama in 2024 to exceed 10,000 hits on the site. Not only did the site's ratings exceed 10,000, but Kuyun's single-day ratings also exceeded 2

entertainment 8828℃
With over 10,000 hits on the

site, "Storm Chaser" has undoubtedly set another record for a genre-themed drama!

And this is also the first drama in 2024 to exceed 10,000 hits on the site.

With over 10,000 hits on the site, 'Storm Chaser' has undoubtedly set another record for a genre-themed drama! And this is also the first drama in 2024 to exceed 10,000 hits on the site. Not only did the site's ratings exceed 10,000, but Kuyun's single-day ratings also exceeded 2 - Lujuba

Not only did the site's ratings exceed 10,000, but Kuyun's single-day ratings also exceeded 2.

As for "Storm Chaser", as it nears its finale, its popularity and ratings have finally hit a new high, joining the list of hit dramas!

With over 10,000 hits on the site, 'Storm Chaser' has undoubtedly set another record for a genre-themed drama! And this is also the first drama in 2024 to exceed 10,000 hits on the site. Not only did the site's ratings exceed 10,000, but Kuyun's single-day ratings also exceeded 2 - Lujuba

Judging from the popularity on the site, it opened low but moved high. On the fourth day of the broadcast, the popularity exceeded the 9,000 mark, and has continued to stabilize above 9,000. Then near the finale, it first strongly exceeded 9,900, and finally exceeded the 10,000 mark now. .

With over 10,000 hits on the site, 'Storm Chaser' has undoubtedly set another record for a genre-themed drama! And this is also the first drama in 2024 to exceed 10,000 hits on the site. Not only did the site's ratings exceed 10,000, but Kuyun's single-day ratings also exceeded 2 - Lujuba

As a period drama, its popularity has also set a record for the genre. Although it was originally called a spy war, it is obviously not a pure spy war drama. It has financial battles and character growth, but it still shows the fierce and cruel struggle of that revolutionary era.

Judging from the ratings, it is a period drama broadcast on the Central Television Station, but it has a beautiful upward curve. Especially with more than half of the series aired, the average single-day ratings directly exceeded 1.9%, and the highest rating exceeded 2.5%. The appeal to TV viewers is increasing day by day. Nowadays, the average ratings of two episodes in a single day exceed 2, which is already a hit in the ratings of the year. This drama has been fully recognized by the audience.

's popularity and ratings have reached new highs, and "Storm Chaser" is about to reach its finale. Now that the character of Shen Jinzhen has been sacrificed, it is even more disappointing.

With over 10,000 hits on the site, 'Storm Chaser' has undoubtedly set another record for a genre-themed drama! And this is also the first drama in 2024 to exceed 10,000 hits on the site. Not only did the site's ratings exceed 10,000, but Kuyun's single-day ratings also exceeded 2 - Lujuba

Shen Jinzhen, played by Li Qin, has gone from an underground party to an instructor of the special company of a bank. His journey has been quite difficult. He has gone through many difficulties and dangers, and even narrowly escaped death.

has finally stabilized in the Soviet area, but he didn't expect to sacrifice himself offline to save his children, which is really disappointing. But such a sacrifice has no regrets for Shen Jinzhen. She is doing it for the people and for her own beliefs. She even compared her revolutionary path to chocolate, which is bitter first and then sweet, with a positive and optimistic revolutionary spirit!

With over 10,000 hits on the site, 'Storm Chaser' has undoubtedly set another record for a genre-themed drama! And this is also the first drama in 2024 to exceed 10,000 hits on the site. Not only did the site's ratings exceed 10,000, but Kuyun's single-day ratings also exceeded 2 - Lujuba

In terms of plot, when the Kuomintang launched its fifth campaign against the Soviet area, Shen Tunan was entrusted with the important task of launching an economic blockade and sanctions against the Soviet area. This also forced him, his apprentice Wei Ruolai and his sister Shen Jinzhen to start a series of A head-on confrontation. But after all, Shen Tunan still has principles and bottom lines, especially when dealing with ordinary people and his relatives, he still has humanity. But he has a cruel and vicious partner, Lin Qiaosong, who does all kinds of evil and has no conscience in order to perform meritorious deeds. In the end, it was the explosion that caused the gold and silver exhibition.

Of course, the purpose of holding a gold and silver exhibition in the Soviet Area was to appease the people, and the reason why they wanted to appease the people was because Lin Qiaosong was sabotaging it, which caused people to panic. People in the Soviet Area went to banks to withdraw money. Suddenly, the run intensified, and the financial situation in the entire Soviet Area The system is facing a severe test.

Under this situation, Wei Ruolai proposed to hold a gold and silver exhibition to let the people see the Soviet family background, appease people's hearts, and stabilize the finance of the Soviet area.

Unexpectedly, Lin Qiaosong already had a countermeasure, placing bombs in boxes filled with gold and silver, which eventually caused a serious explosion. The explosion caused the house to collapse. Shen Jinzhen protected the child with her body. The child was rescued but she died.

With over 10,000 hits on the site, 'Storm Chaser' has undoubtedly set another record for a genre-themed drama! And this is also the first drama in 2024 to exceed 10,000 hits on the site. Not only did the site's ratings exceed 10,000, but Kuyun's single-day ratings also exceeded 2 - Lujuba

Shen Jinzhen sacrificed himself offline. From the perspective of the development of the entire plot and story, there is no problem. After all, bloodshed and sacrifice were the norm in that Revolutionary War era. Even though Shen Jinzhen was able to save the day time and again before, she was still an ordinary individual after all. The play did not have the character Shinhwa, but sacrificed herself in this way to make this character The characters are more three-dimensional and full, which also highlights the greatness of the revolutionary martyrs.

However, judging from the specific details, when Lin Qiaosong had penetrated deep into the Soviet area, and the branch was damaged and employees were killed, our personnel did not strengthen security and inspections, making the explosion seem too easy.

But no matter what, as the heroine Shen Jinzhen, she did not develop a love line with the male protagonist like usual in genre dramas. Although she was tested again and again, she always maintained a relatively pure revolutionary friendship, which is still rare in genre dramas. There are scarcity.

With over 10,000 hits on the site, 'Storm Chaser' has undoubtedly set another record for a genre-themed drama! And this is also the first drama in 2024 to exceed 10,000 hits on the site. Not only did the site's ratings exceed 10,000, but Kuyun's single-day ratings also exceeded 2 - Lujuba

As the heroine Shen Jinzhen, she is relatively independent and complete, not attached to anyone, and has a relatively complicated life background, but she always has her own firm beliefs and is also capable. Between her family and the revolution, she chose her faith until sacrifice, and it is this fearless dedication to the revolution that makes this character more powerful and profound.

With over 10,000 hits on the site, 'Storm Chaser' has undoubtedly set another record for a genre-themed drama! And this is also the first drama in 2024 to exceed 10,000 hits on the site. Not only did the site's ratings exceed 10,000, but Kuyun's single-day ratings also exceeded 2 - Lujuba

At a time when spy war dramas are rampant and vulgar, the narrative perspective and techniques of "Storm Chaser" are undoubtedly eye-catching. Spy war is the shell and finance is the mouth. It focuses on depicting the evolution of the emotional relationships of the characters and the reshaping and choice of beliefs in the revolutionary era. It truly allows ordinary audiences to enter the era of the revolutionary war and experience the hardships and dangers experienced by their ancestors. In the end, Resonate with it.

"Storm Chaser" is indeed not as suspenseful and reversal-heavy as previous spy dramas, but it pays attention to character creation and moves people with emotion. It can be convincing and immersive, and it is also fascinating. Naturally, the ratings and popularity will continue to grow. Climbing up and becoming another hit drama in 2024!

Tags: entertainment