Will you express your love generously? On March 31, as the finale of the 2024 "Jiading District Charity Culture Week" series of performances, the stage play "Guess How Much I Love You" adapted from the picture book was unveiled at the Shanghai Poly Grand Theater to encourage more

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Can you express your love generously? On March 31, as the finale of the 2024 "Jiading District Charity Culture Week" series of performances, the stage play "Guess How Much I Love You" adapted from the picture book was unveiled at the Shanghai Poly Grand Theater to encourage more families to express their love loudly. Materialize the love buried in your heart. The play

tells the story of a "competition" between a little rabbit and a big rabbit who loves each other more. It can be called a stage play for enlightenment on family love.

Beautiful butterflies flying into the auditorium, cute caterpillars and robins, short and brilliant rainbows, dancing leaves and snowflakes... The reporter saw at the scene that the stage design was like a dreamy forest, although it did not make people feel The exciting and dazzling stage lighting embodies beautiful imagination everywhere, which perfectly restores the original painting style and heart-warming atmosphere, making people feel like they are in a fairy tale.

Will you express your love generously? On March 31, as the finale of the 2024 'Jiading District Charity Culture Week' series of performances, the stage play 'Guess How Much I Love You' adapted from the picture book was unveiled at the Shanghai Poly Grand Theater to encourage more - Lujuba

Will you express your love generously? On March 31, as the finale of the 2024 'Jiading District Charity Culture Week' series of performances, the stage play 'Guess How Much I Love You' adapted from the picture book was unveiled at the Shanghai Poly Grand Theater to encourage more - Lujuba

"Guess how much I love you?" "How high I raise my hands, how much I love you; how high I jump, how much I love you..." At the end of each scene, the little rabbit will Leaning in the big rabbit's arms, he murmured the classic "Guess how much I love you" until he fell asleep. As day and night change, the four seasons change, the love between the big rabbit and the little rabbit touches the hearts of every audience.

"I read the picture book with my children, and it was very warm and healing. Watching the stage version not only made us understand how to express love better, but also more intuitively felt the visual effects that we never had when reading a book." Audience Chen Nuo said.

Will you express your love generously? On March 31, as the finale of the 2024 'Jiading District Charity Culture Week' series of performances, the stage play 'Guess How Much I Love You' adapted from the picture book was unveiled at the Shanghai Poly Grand Theater to encourage more - Lujuba

In addition, music is also one of the souls of "Guess How Much I Love You". The elegant jazz symphony sets the musical tone of the whole play and blends with the childlike storyline. The growth story of the Rabbit and his son is just like this. Tao Lai.

“The play combines a variety of musical elements, including Irish local music with national characteristics and romantic and energetic jazz, allowing children to feel the charm and diversity of music while enjoying the play. Chen Dandan, producer of the stage play "Guess How Much I Love You," said that the play also includes ukulele folk music and singing, with crisp timbre and brisk rhythm, just like what childhood should be, colorful and full of hope.

"Guess how much I love you? How fast I run, how much I love you..." After watching the performance, many children learned the lines of the rabbit and his son in the play.

Will you express your love generously? On March 31, as the finale of the 2024 'Jiading District Charity Culture Week' series of performances, the stage play 'Guess How Much I Love You' adapted from the picture book was unveiled at the Shanghai Poly Grand Theater to encourage more - Lujuba

Before the performance started, the main creative staff of the play also led the children onto the stage to explore the highly restored world of picture books. The children not only visited the home of the "little rabbit" on the stage, but also learned and experienced the stage performance on the spot, which was a fruitful experience.

"It is the first time that a child understands the story behind the stage and bravely stands on the stage for the first time. It is a rare experience." Parent Wu Xiujuan repeatedly lamented, "The ticket price of 30 yuan is well spent!"

Source: Shanghai Jiading

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