1. The development of the "Mulholland Drive" film industry and related systems will also inevitably murder the traditional classical theater art. The orchestra is no longer important, and everything is pre-recorded and can be repeated over and over again. It is not just a game of

entertainment 5882℃

1.《Mulholland Drive》

The development of the film industry and related systems will inevitably murder the traditional classical theater art. The orchestra is no longer important, everything is pre-recorded and can be repeated over and over again. It is not just a game of power and relationships on the set. The hidden logic behind the story or dream is love and the hatred caused by it. In fact, it also has some physical expressions like porn films. Sound, editing, and photography all strive to achieve a sense of unreality. At 2 hours, hyperspace editing: a montage within a single scene. In short, this is really a god-like work. It is difficult to surpass a movie that talks about human psychology and dreams to this extent.

1. The development of the 'Mulholland Drive' film industry and related systems will also inevitably murder the traditional classical theater art. The orchestra is no longer important, and everything is pre-recorded and can be repeated over and over again. It is not just a game of - Lujuba

2. "The Silence of the Lambs"

Although I watched it on a computer and was interrupted by various interruptions and timidly covered my eyes, it did not affect the quality of this work at all. It is a very good thriller with a suspenseful and thrilling atmosphere. Dr. Hannibal's presence far exceeds his role. The presentation of the heroine's perspective also continuously declares the anti-patriarchal nature of the film through lens language. She strives to compete with powerful old men at all levels, until she is finally mentally defeated. Didn't give in to anyone. The director's various techniques are used extremely skillfully, especially at the end where the heroine and the teacher come to arrest the criminals. The montage is used very well. In the script, it seems that the suspense reasoning has been weakened and the psychological thriller has been emphasized, so it is still attractive to watch.

1. The development of the 'Mulholland Drive' film industry and related systems will also inevitably murder the traditional classical theater art. The orchestra is no longer important, and everything is pre-recorded and can be repeated over and over again. It is not just a game of - Lujuba

3. "The Seven Deadly Sins of "

is a great viewing experience, and I watched it carefully throughout. The plot is divided into seven days, a complete chain, the plot is very compact, the film has a strong texture, heavy rain pours, and the atmosphere of tension and suspense is full. We are drawn to the murderer's use of the Seven Deadly Sins' creed to kill, forcing us to wonder about his every killing method. The alternating combination of old and new is also a kind of training. The young police detective's vigor and desire to win, and the old police detective's calmness are all affected by the murder. They are the leads, and the righteous party becomes a pawn. In the end, we can also see that the young police detective Although he restrained his sharp edge, he was still buried in this cause and effect game of crime and punishment. All in all, this is a movie that can be watched over and over again.

1. The development of the 'Mulholland Drive' film industry and related systems will also inevitably murder the traditional classical theater art. The orchestra is no longer important, and everything is pre-recorded and can be repeated over and over again. It is not just a game of - Lujuba

4. " The Shining "

The Shining, which has been hailed as one of the best horror films in film history on various lists, is finally better than seeing it. Looking at it from today's perspective, this horror film shot in the 1980s is not particularly scary, nor is it very scary in terms of audio and video. But why Master Ku is a master is because this film has had a profound impact on later films of the same type. If you don’t believe it, you can ask Spielberg. Instead of relying on surprises and jump scares, it relies entirely on the language and atmosphere of the camera. Through slow narration, the audience can feel the bored and restless heart of the protagonist in an extremely claustrophobic environment, and feel the protagonist's failure and depression until he finally collapses. .

1. The development of the 'Mulholland Drive' film industry and related systems will also inevitably murder the traditional classical theater art. The orchestra is no longer important, and everything is pre-recorded and can be repeated over and over again. It is not just a game of - Lujuba

5. " The Sixth Sense "

I think this is a scary and tender movie. I really like movies that are full of details and have a reversal ending. I can watch a movie many times, and the more I watch it, the more I want to praise it! After watching it four or five times, the finale shocked me the first time! Then when I watched it for the second time, I subconsciously looked for details that echoed the ending. It was absolutely right. The male protagonist only had interactive conversations with the little boy from beginning to end. After watching it for the third and fourth time, I was thinking about what if I were the screenwriter. With the possibility of setting up branch lines and more options, is it possible for the ending to be more exciting than the original one? A very interesting movie, not too scary, totally worth watching!

1. The development of the 'Mulholland Drive' film industry and related systems will also inevitably murder the traditional classical theater art. The orchestra is no longer important, and everything is pre-recorded and can be repeated over and over again. It is not just a game of - Lujuba

6. " Butterfly Effect "

is really a very creative thriller and suspense movie. Evan's strange behavior in the front has traces behind it, and the plot is also very compact. It tells a wonderful story in a short time. . When I was watching it, I actually thought about why the first time didn't end well, but after watching it and reflecting on it, I realized that the reason why I went back to the past many times was "great love". Maybe the reason why Evan can succeed and Jason can't is because he can put aside his selfishness. As for the ending where Evan finally gets his umbilical cord, it fits the suspense loop very well, but I think the ending of the released version is more in line with our expectations for life and can better guide our lives.

1. The development of the 'Mulholland Drive' film industry and related systems will also inevitably murder the traditional classical theater art. The orchestra is no longer important, and everything is pre-recorded and can be repeated over and over again. It is not just a game of - Lujuba

7. "Chainsaw"

progresses layer by layer like a cocoon. Every time I thought it was the ending, I discovered that there was a reversal. It's really scary, and several scenes are really heavy and bloody. I don’t quite understand why the title of the movie translates to Saw. I thought it was the murderer chasing people with a chainsaw. Could it be because the hero used a saw to cut off his own foot? I actually thought maybe it would be easier for him to reach for the phone with a saw. And why do you want to tame the murderer, but he was killed in the end? If I really fired the shot first, although in the end the murderer was someone else, it was really unexpected. Very good thriller.

1. The development of the 'Mulholland Drive' film industry and related systems will also inevitably murder the traditional classical theater art. The orchestra is no longer important, and everything is pre-recorded and can be repeated over and over again. It is not just a game of - Lujuba

8. "Fatal ID"

In terms of plot, it should echo Agatha Christine's " No One Survived ", but it is novel and also combines elements from "24 Billies", which is very novel and very special. Have ideas. In terms of actors' performances, I love Pruitt Taylor Vince's performance the most. Although he only appeared for less than 15 minutes, he successfully performed a patient with 11 personalities with his superb eye play. The most important thing is He also performed the feeling of personality disappearing and personality awakening. He firmly caught my eye. What an actor! In short, the screenwriter is so awesome, and the cleverness of the echoes is so admirable.

1. The development of the 'Mulholland Drive' film industry and related systems will also inevitably murder the traditional classical theater art. The orchestra is no longer important, and everything is pre-recorded and can be repeated over and over again. It is not just a game of - Lujuba

9. "Dark Invasion"

Blood red represents fear, fighting and cowardice, fluorescent green represents rationality and unity, dim yellow is the main color of monsters, and the white light from the earth's surface is false and disillusioned hope, outlining endless lines on the road of life. Silhouette of bones. In terms of visual expression alone, it has reached its peak in the horror movies of the 00s. The last half hour is particularly exciting, and the scene where virtual and real dreams blend together at the end reminds me of " witch carrier ", not only because of the hand reaching out from the ground, but also the appearance of the heroine reborn from the blood. It’s hard not to make the association for me.

1. The development of the 'Mulholland Drive' film industry and related systems will also inevitably murder the traditional classical theater art. The orchestra is no longer important, and everything is pre-recorded and can be repeated over and over again. It is not just a game of - Lujuba

10. "Death is Coming"

"Death is Coming" I have watched the entire series a long time ago. I watched it again two days ago. It is a classic horror movie. I personally like the first one better. People who survive in the first part will also die in the second one. The plots are intertwined. The first part is They die one by one. The characters in the following movies die at a very fast pace. The male and female protagonists all die together. The ways of death are also all kinds of strange. Small accidents in life can cause death consequences. After watching this, I really become more aware of some of the safety risks around me. Pay attention, it’s a very good rice-drinking movie, not scary but a little bloody!

1. The development of the 'Mulholland Drive' film industry and related systems will also inevitably murder the traditional classical theater art. The orchestra is no longer important, and everything is pre-recorded and can be repeated over and over again. It is not just a game of - Lujuba

10 classic high-scoring thriller movies, which ones have you seen? Coding is not easy. Welcome to follow, like, and leave a message for discussion!

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