According to reports, on March 28, Faye Wong and Dou Wei’s daughter Dou Jingtong attended an event in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. Talking about his status as a second-generation star, Dou Jingtong said, "I think this is a has its benefits and pressures, but I think it

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According to reports, on March 28, Faye Wong and Dou Wei’s daughter Dou Jingtong attended an event in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. Talking about his status as the second generation star, Dou Jingtong said, "I think this is a has its benefits and pressure, but I think it is a good thing."

Since his debut, Dou Jingtong has launched many A music album with unique personal characteristics. As a daughter, Dou Jingtong said that she rarely asks her mother, Faye Wong, about music. She said that because the two of them rarely talk about such topics, and her music albums are only given to her after she is finished. My mother listened and said, "After she listens, she will give me advice." She also said that both Faye Wong and Dou Wei gave her a lot of freedom and would not interfere with her creation. When asked if Faye Wong was someone she was learning from, Dou Jingtong affirmed, "Of course. I admire her music very much."

According to reports, on March 28, Faye Wong and Dou Wei’s daughter Dou Jingtong attended an event in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. Talking about his status as a second-generation star, Dou Jingtong said, 'I think this is a has its benefits and pressures, but I think it - Lujuba

html On March 28, Dou Jingtong was at the event. Photo: Visual China

Faye Wong and Dou Wei have long been divorced. Their daughter, Dou Jingtong, has never said that she lacked paternal or maternal love. It can be seen that although her parents are separated from each other, they are both well. When asked at the scene which parent was stricter in discipline, Dou Jingtong said, "Actually, the two have different personalities, so I won't compare them like this. I think both of them are unique individuals."

As for Dou Jingtong's recent post on his personal social platform In the photo, you can see a ring on her ring finger, which is suspected of being married. Dou Jingtong denied this, "No, not married."

editor Zeng Qi

Tags: entertainment