On March 28, the 11th China Internet Audiovisual Conference opened in Chengdu. At the main forum of the conference held in the afternoon, Cai Huaijun, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Hunan Radio, Film and Television Group Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech

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On March 28, the 11th China Internet Audiovisual Conference opened in Chengdu. At the main forum of the conference held in the afternoon, Cai Huaijun, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Hunan Radio, Film and Television Group Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech. He specifically mentioned the AI ​​director "Aimang" in it, "He is the first variety show director in China created by us. Behind him are all the content production teams of Hunan Radio and Television, and they are training and growing at a geometric speed."

On March 28, the 11th China Internet Audiovisual Conference opened in Chengdu. At the main forum of the conference held in the afternoon, Cai Huaijun, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Hunan Radio, Film and Television Group Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech - Lujuba

Regarding "Aimang" "'s performance received mixed reviews in his variety show debut " we three ". On the morning of March 29, a Red Star News reporter chatted with Mango TV deputy general manager and chief technology officer Lu Haibo and his team about AI directors at the online audio-visual conference.

On March 28, the 11th China Internet Audiovisual Conference opened in Chengdu. At the main forum of the conference held in the afternoon, Cai Huaijun, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Hunan Radio, Film and Television Group Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech - Lujuba

Starting in 2023, "ai" will be one of the hottest topics. The production team of Hunan Radio and Television took the lead in giving practitioners an answer with "The Three of Us". As an AI travel exploration program, the director of "Aimang" accompanied and planned the journeys of Guo Qilin , Mao Buyi , etc., and skillfully demonstrated his various functions of dialogue, search, and editing during this trip. .

When talking about how "Aimang" collaborates with human directors in the program, Lu Haibo said bluntly, "In the TV directing industry, we need to have extensive knowledge and rich creativity, so the professional backgrounds of practitioners are diverse. Excellent Directors are often able to use cross-industry knowledge to solve problems when analyzing problems. This ability is particularly important when discussing creative ideas, and AI directors have outstanding abilities in this area."

On March 28, the 11th China Internet Audiovisual Conference opened in Chengdu. At the main forum of the conference held in the afternoon, Cai Huaijun, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Hunan Radio, Film and Television Group Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech - Lujuba

Red Star News reporter found that in "The Three of Us" "In "Aimang", "Aimang" can answer some common sense questions fluently, but he seems to be more flashy when it comes to the inside story of the entertainment industry. Is this an intentional result? "In the program scenes, we will lower the model's direct answers to some digging questions. 'Aimang' needs to maintain a neutral professional image." Lu Haibo said, "Aimang" has a wide range of learning data sources, and theoretically understands them Each program only uses different data sets in different application scenarios. For example, in "The Three of Us", it may not be able to answer questions unrelated to the program.

However, will the producers feel any pressure regarding the emergence of "Aimang"? "It's collaboration." Lu Haibo affirmed. At present, AI cannot replace humans for the time being, but the producer will have a sense of crisis sooner or later. He believes that AI directors will not make logical mistakes like humans, which is very important. At the same time, Lu Haibo also said that while training the AI ​​to become more powerful, it would also impose some restrictions. "I have always believed that humans and AI are irreplaceable and symbiotic."

Red Star News reporter Ren Hongwei editor Zeng Qi

Tags: entertainment