On the 28th local time, Al Jazeera released a video saying that the Israeli army shot and killed two unarmed Palestinians and buried them with bulldozers. The Palestinian man waved a white flag and the Israeli army still opened fire on him. On the 28th, Al Jazeera released a vide

entertainment 1388℃

On the 28th local time

Al Jazeera released a video saying

Israeli troops killed two unarmed Palestinians

and buried them with bulldozers

On the 28th local time, Al Jazeera released a video saying that the Israeli army shot and killed two unarmed Palestinians and buried them with bulldozers. The Palestinian man waved a white flag and the Israeli army still opened fire on him. On the 28th, Al Jazeera released a vide - Lujuba

Palestinian men waved white flags

Israeli troops still opened fire on them

On the 28th, Al Jazeera released a video saying that Israel The army shot and killed two unarmed Palestinians in Gaza, after the two Palestinians had waved white flags before the incident.

"These unarmed men were preparing to return to their homes in northern Gaza. The only way back was Rashid Street in western Gaza City, and Israeli troops were deployed near the Nabulsi roundabout in the southwest of Gaza City."

On the 28th local time, Al Jazeera released a video saying that the Israeli army shot and killed two unarmed Palestinians and buried them with bulldozers. The Palestinian man waved a white flag and the Israeli army still opened fire on him. On the 28th, Al Jazeera released a vide - Lujuba

As can be seen from the video, a Palestinian man walked towards the Israeli army, waving a white flag in his hand. At the same time, another man turned back the way he came back, also waving a white flag. Then, the first man disappeared from sight. The Israeli army drove its chariot towards the man who turned back. Even though he was waving a white flag, Israeli troops opened fire on him.

On the 28th local time, Al Jazeera released a video saying that the Israeli army shot and killed two unarmed Palestinians and buried them with bulldozers. The Palestinian man waved a white flag and the Israeli army still opened fire on him. On the 28th, Al Jazeera released a vide - Lujuba

Shortly after, Israeli bulldozers arrived at the scene, shoveled away the man's body and buried it in the sand. Then the body of another man was buried in the same way.

Hamas condemns Israel's "shameful crime"

Israel has not yet responded

After the incident, Hamas issued a statement condemning Israel's indiscriminate shooting and arbitrarily burying of Palestinian people as an "extremely shameful crime", and said, This once again confirms Israel’s brutal extermination of the people in the Gaza Strip.

As of now, Israel has not responded to this matter.

United Nations Special Rapporteur:

Israel has committed the crime of "genocide"

27, at a press conference during the 55th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Albanese, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, said Israel's blatant and systematic massacre of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, deployment of illegal weapons, complete destruction of important civilian infrastructure, including deliberate attacks on hospitals in the Gaza Strip, and artificial starvation of the Palestinian people, all go beyond "war crimes" ” and the categories of “crimes against humanity”.

On the 28th local time, Al Jazeera released a video saying that the Israeli army shot and killed two unarmed Palestinians and buried them with bulldozers. The Palestinian man waved a white flag and the Israeli army still opened fire on him. On the 28th, Al Jazeera released a vide - Lujuba

26, Albanese submitted a report titled "Anatomy of Genocide" to the United Nations Human Rights Council and mentioned that she had "reasonable grounds to believe" that Israel had met the conditions for committing the crime of "genocide" , and called on United Nations member states to impose arms embargoes and sanctions on Israel.

Israel said it "completely rejects" the report, calling it a "ridiculous inversion of right and wrong."

Source: CCTV Military Comprehensive cctv-13 "International News"

Tags: entertainment