"One day, those factories will belong to us Chinese! One day, the ships on the rivers and seas will be made by us Chinese! One day, the sovereignty of those railways will belong to us Chinese!" The lights slowly turned on. When the lights came on, a young man holding an oil-paper

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"One day, those factories will belong to us Chinese! One day, the ships on the rivers and seas will be made by us Chinese! One day, the sovereignty of those railways will belong to us Chinese!" The light slowly faded. The lights slowly lit up, and a young man holding an oil-paper umbrella walked onto the stage. Faced with the country's technological backwardness and bullying, he strengthened his great belief in "revitalizing the nation with science and technology"...

March 28 In the evening of the same day, a special performance was held in the auditorium of the Muxidi Campus of the People's Public Security University of China, one of the plays of "The Backbone of the Republic - Masters of Science Propaganda Project" and Tianjin University's original drama "Hou Debang". As the first performance of the 2024 publicity project, the three-story auditorium was packed with seats. Nearly two thousand students came to the scene to watch the performance. Together, they learned about the life of Mr. Hou Debang and understood the spirit of a scientist.

'One day, those factories will belong to us Chinese! One day, the ships on the rivers and seas will be made by us Chinese! One day, the sovereignty of those railways will belong to us Chinese!' The lights slowly turned on. When the lights came on, a young man holding an oil-paper - Lujuba


 This seemingly ordinary and unfamiliar chemical equation actually creates necessities used in daily life such as paper making, soap, textile and food and other light industrial manufacturing. ——Alkali, the invention of the "Hou's method of making alkali" that has appeared in chemistry textbooks since junior high school has created a monument for my country's alkali treatment industry and also laid the foundation for the development of China's modern chemical industry.

At the beginning of the 20th century, in the initial stage of my country's industrial development, acid and alkali, the two basic chemical raw materials used in basic industries, mostly relied on foreign imports. Among them, the import volume of alkali is as high as 1 million tons per year. The price of one pound of soda ash in the market is equivalent to the price of one ounce of gold, and the cost is very high. At that time, our country mainly extracted lye from plant ash and obtained trona from salt lake water. However, the production efficiency of this method was difficult to meet my country's industrial development and market demand. It was urgent to find our own way to produce alkali.

'One day, those factories will belong to us Chinese! One day, the ships on the rivers and seas will be made by us Chinese! One day, the sovereignty of those railways will belong to us Chinese!' The lights slowly turned on. When the lights came on, a young man holding an oil-paper - Lujuba

"Today we can only move forward, go through fire and water, and do not care. We only know where the responsibility lies and work hard for it." Hou Debang withstood tremendous pressure and returned to China in 1922 at the invitation of the patriotic industrialist Fan Xudong to serve as the chief engineer of the Wynn Alkali Plant. , breaking through the blockade of the "Solvay Alkali Production Method" and producing "Red Triangle" brand soda ash. In 1933, "Soda Ash Manufacturing" was published, making the entire process of "Solvay Alkali Production Method" public to the world and shared by Chinese and foreign chemical scholars. In 1937, he presided over the construction of the world-class Nanjing Yongli Ammonium Sulfate Plant, which gave China the ability to produce ammonia, nitric acid, sulfuric acid and fertilizers, and ushered in a new era of modern chemicals in my country.

The drama "Hou Debang" is based on Mr. Hou Debang, a professor at Tianjin University (Beiyang University), a famous chemist in my country, and the pioneer and founder of China's modern national chemical industry, and presents his magnificent life. Han Qinghua, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Tianjin University, introduced that the drama "Hou Debang" shows the patriotism of the scholar model, the ambition to revitalize the country, the dedication and the soul of seeking truth from facts, promotes the spirit of scientists, and uses his belief in science and industry to save the country. His lofty spirit has infected generations of students at Tianjin University.

'One day, those factories will belong to us Chinese! One day, the ships on the rivers and seas will be made by us Chinese! One day, the sovereignty of those railways will belong to us Chinese!' The lights slowly turned on. When the lights came on, a young man holding an oil-paper - Lujuba

"For the sake of heaven and earth, and for the livelihood of the people, I see the 'Chinese' in a scientist." According to Ren Dongyue, who plays Hou Debang and is the deputy dean of the School of Modern Music and Drama of Tianjin Conservatory of Music, Hou Debang and his wife, The sincere feelings with Fan Xudong and even Chef Gao are the most touching. "I saw the Chinese people's unique way of understanding the world and dealing with emotions. The warmth between people is what touches me the most."

During the performance, Mr. Hou Debang's family also came to the scene. Mr. Hou Debang's grandson Hou Shengzheng In the interview, he shared the four creeds of Nanjing Yongli Ammonium Sulfate Factory: in principle, he absolutely believes in science, in terms of career, he actively develops industry, in action, he is willing to sacrifice himself to protect the group, and in spirit, it is the greatest honor to be able to serve the society. . "I think the creed will never go out of style, and it has always inspired us to pass it on from generation to generation in work and life." Hou Shengzheng said firmly.

'One day, those factories will belong to us Chinese! One day, the ships on the rivers and seas will be made by us Chinese! One day, the sovereignty of those railways will belong to us Chinese!' The lights slowly turned on. When the lights came on, a young man holding an oil-paper - Lujuba

Hou Debang is an important founder of my country's modern chemical industry. Generations of scientists like him have worked tirelessly to promote my country's scientific and technological undertakings to achieve great achievements."The Backbone of the Republic - Masters of Science Propaganda Project" entered the People's Public Security University of China for the first time through the drama "Hou Debang". In the 75 years since its establishment, the Public Security University has adhered to its original mission of educating people for the Party, educating talents for the country, and forging swords for the police, and has trained more than 340,000 loyal guards of the Party and the people. This performance is not only an inter-school science and technology The collision with culture is also the exchange and integration of spirits. Cao Shiquan, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of the People's Public Security University of China, said that the scientist spirit of "patriotism, innovation, truth-seeking, dedication, collaboration, and education" is highly consistent with the motto of the Public Security University - "loyalty, truth-seeking, diligence, innovation". Students are the loyal guardians of the motherland's future, shouldering the heavy responsibility of history and the great trust of the times. I hope that everyone will inherit and carry forward the spirit of scientists and contribute wisdom and strength to the realization of a higher level of China's safety and rule of law.

In 2012, the "Backbone of the Republic-Scientific Masters Promotion Project" initiated and implemented by the China Association for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education has gone through more than 10 years. The majority of young people have gained an in-depth understanding of the Republic through 20 scientist-themed stage plays in 19 universities. With the glorious achievements and lofty image of Backbone, we can understand the spirit of scientists in the stories of scientific masters and bravely shoulder the important task of self-reliance and self-reliance in science and technology. Ran Jiayu from the People's Public Security University of China gained a lot after watching the drama: "After watching the drama "Hou Debang", I also have a deeper thinking and clearer understanding of the future growth path. The righteousness of our family and country in Mr. Hou Debang is our The aspirations of public security students, we must also inherit the spirit of dedication and dedicate our youthful strength to safeguarding a safe China."

'One day, those factories will belong to us Chinese! One day, the ships on the rivers and seas will be made by us Chinese! One day, the sovereignty of those railways will belong to us Chinese!' The lights slowly turned on. When the lights came on, a young man holding an oil-paper - Lujuba

"The spirit of scientists creates the backbone of science and technology, and young students shoulder the hope of the motherland. Just as Xu Ruisheng, a national first-level screenwriter and director and chief director of the drama "Hou De Bang", talked about his favorite part, which is also the end of the drama: "Although the two generations of old scientists and college students are in different times and have different expectations for life, they still have different expectations for life. We also hope that the country will be strong and the people's lives will be better. This is the common sentiment of the Chinese people about their home and country, regardless of age or era."

"Sprinkle some alkali powder to melt the ice in the West; write an alkali book to push China forward. Reach the top; lay a cornerstone and hold up the hope of rejuvenation." The story of Mr. Hou Debang has been written, and the young people of the new era who continue the spiritual blood of the scientific master are also ready to go!

Source: Guangming.com

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