In early March this year, the movie "Kong Xiu" hit the big screens in theaters across the country. It has received rave reviews since its release. The young actor from Liuyang, Shen Shiyu, plays the role of Kong Xiu. It was with the role of "Gong Xiu" that Shen Shiyu won the Best

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In early March this year, the movie "Kong Xiu" hit the big screens in theaters across the country. It has received rave reviews since its release. The young actor from Liuyang who plays the role of Kong Xiu is Shen Shiyu.

It is precisely with the role of "Gong Xiu" that Shen Shiyu won the best actress at the Eurasian International Film Festival.

In early March this year, the movie 'Kong Xiu' hit the big screens in theaters across the country. It has received rave reviews since its release. The young actor from Liuyang, Shen Shiyu, plays the role of Kong Xiu. It was with the role of 'Gong Xiu' that Shen Shiyu won the Best - Lujuba

Shen Shiyu, a young actor from Shashi Town, Liuyang City, won the Best Actress at the Eurasian International Film Festival for her movie "Kong Xiu". She was awarded the Best Actor of the Wave Film Week for "531 Red Ridge Road", the Best Actress of the North American Youth Film Festival for "Her Road", and played the role of "Lan Ge" in the film "Babusha" dedicated to the founding of the Party. .

She said: "It took me nearly 20 years to go out from Liuyang, from unrealistic dreams to the stage of realizing dreams. From making countless short films to finally winning awards at international film festivals, I have been recognized by more People see it, this is not only a kind of luck, but also a kind of persistence of faith..."

Let's take a look at the story behind her filming of the movie.

In order to play "Kong Xiu" well

she "thrown" herself in a printing and dyeing factory

One minute on stage, ten years off stage. For actors, opportunities often come to those who are prepared. Shen Shiyu understands this sentence very well -

When she saw the recruitment and training of actors for the movie "Gong Xiu", Shen Shiyu felt that there was a distance between herself and this role: it stated that the actress needed to be in her 40s. As I looked younger, I didn't have any hope and didn't submit any materials. Fortunately, the casting director had worked with her before, and he submitted information to the director, which made the director feel that this actor could be seen. When

went to the crew of "Gong Xiu" for an interview, the director and producer chatted with Shen Shiyu for two hours before deciding that she would play the heroine of "Gong Xiu". The reason is that they took a fancy to Shen Shiyu's "prime" feeling, which fit the simplicity of that era. The director also said that this Hunan girl has a lot of energy, just like Kong Xiu's tenacity.

In early March this year, the movie 'Kong Xiu' hit the big screens in theaters across the country. It has received rave reviews since its release. The young actor from Liuyang, Shen Shiyu, plays the role of Kong Xiu. It was with the role of 'Gong Xiu' that Shen Shiyu won the Best - Lujuba

After actually getting the script of "Kong Xiu", Shen Shiyu found that it was different from the scripts she had read before. There were not many lines, and there was not even a description of the character's specific action process or the character's inner emotional state, only a brief Environment description. This made Shen Shiyu very confused, and she was unable to construct an image of the character in her mind based on the information provided by the script.

"The script is only the starting point and reference for "Kong Xiu". We need to fill it in and enrich it during the creative process." After learning about Shen Shiyu's confusion, the well-known director Wang Chao dispelled her doubts with one sentence.

"Going back a few decades, Kong Xiu's working environment was relatively poor. So, what would Kong Xiu do in the factory? And how would he do it?" The filming location was a real printing and dyeing factory, and the machines were running 24 hours a day. Operations cannot be stopped due to filming of movies. Looking at the scene in front of him, Shen Shiyu secretly thought about how to play this character well.

In early March this year, the movie 'Kong Xiu' hit the big screens in theaters across the country. It has received rave reviews since its release. The young actor from Liuyang, Shen Shiyu, plays the role of Kong Xiu. It was with the role of 'Gong Xiu' that Shen Shiyu won the Best - Lujuba

In order to truly get close to "Kong Xiu", Shen Shiyu was determined to make the female workers very skilled in their work and skills, so that there would be no drama when the actual filming started. Immediately, she "thrown" herself alone in the factory, started working early in the morning, went to the canteen to eat at noon, and turned on the water... After living like this for a period of time, Shen Shiyu and the workers on site became real "workmates". Many viewers who have watched the movie asked her: How to look like a real worker? And "repeated practice" is her concise answer.

A good actor does not perform for the sake of performance

but grows together with the character

After various preliminary preparations, the filming of the movie started. But how can we really play Gong Xiu well?

"This is a life drama spanning 15 years. From a 19-year-old girl to a 34-year-old woman, I divided Kong Xiu's four stages and character keywords in the script. At different stages of Kong Xiu's life, Adjustments will be made to the voice shaping, body posture and gait, as well as the character's personality."

Although she has no systematic acting training, Shen Shiyu still tries hard to get close to the character and completely surrender herself to the character - but at the same time, the actor must retain his rationality on the set and cannot let himself completely fall into the character's emotions. Realize the difference between this one and the last one at this moment, and what adjustments should be made to the next one, so as to maintain a sense of clarity while maintaining uninterrupted emotions. And every time when filming hard, the director will still remind the actors not to copy the previous ones. The performance needs to be more sensitive and focused, and feel it from scratch.

In early March this year, the movie 'Kong Xiu' hit the big screens in theaters across the country. It has received rave reviews since its release. The young actor from Liuyang, Shen Shiyu, plays the role of Kong Xiu. It was with the role of 'Gong Xiu' that Shen Shiyu won the Best - Lujuba

In early March this year, the movie 'Kong Xiu' hit the big screens in theaters across the country. It has received rave reviews since its release. The young actor from Liuyang, Shen Shiyu, plays the role of Kong Xiu. It was with the role of 'Gong Xiu' that Shen Shiyu won the Best - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that because 80% of the scenes in the movie "Gong Xiu" are long shots, one shot to the end, some scenes will take a long time , a scene lasts three to four minutes. At the shooting scene, most shots require about thirteen shots. "Thirteen shots are required to pass" is an average line. Sometimes it may take twenty-six or seven shots. Long lenses are good for Actors have very high requirements, but Shen Shiyu feels that filming "Kong Xiu" is not only a job, but also a learning experience.

From "speculating" Kong Xiu to "acting well" Kong Xiu, and then looking back at Kong Xiu Show, Shen Shiyu said: "I have benefited a lot from all this. I also began to feel that I was not ‘acting for the sake of acting’, but really growing with the character. "

Source: Liuyang Daily

Tags: entertainment