Beijing News (Reporter Zhang He) On March 26, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Capital TV Program Spring Promotion Conference and the Drama Development Theme Forum, directed by the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau and hosted by the Capital Radio and Television Progra

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Beijing News (Reporter Zhang He) On March 26, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Capital TV Program Spring Promotion Conference and the Drama Development Theme Forum, directed by the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau and hosted by the Capital Radio and Television Program Production Industry Association, were successfully held in Beijing. Li Jingsheng, Vice President of the China Federation of Radio and Television Social Organizations and Director of the First Production Co-creation Planning Steering Committee, Teng Yong, Vice President of the Radio and Television Planning Institute of the State Administration of Radio and Television, Han Yunsheng, Level 2 Inspector of the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau, Party Leadership Group of Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Station Deputy Secretary and Editor-in-Chief Zhang Zhaogang, President of Capital Radio and Television Program Production Industry Association Liu Yanming, Vice President and Chairman of Noon Sunshine Hou Hongliang, Resident Vice President Zhang Ping, Vice President, Senior Vice President of Perfect World, Perfect World Film and Television Business Leader Zeng Yingxue, Vice Chairman, founder and CEO of Xixi Pictures Yang Xiaopei, Professor Dai Qing of the School of Drama, Film and Television of Communication University of China, famous director Kang Honglei, Senior Vice President of iQiyi Dai Ying, Professor and screenwriter Zhang of Beijing Film Academy Wei, Zhou Zhaozhong, general manager of Youku Youxiang Studio, Tu Lagu, founder of Tiantuwanjing, and other guests were present to share their views and attend a "spring theater party" with industry colleagues.

Beijing News (Reporter Zhang He) On March 26, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Capital TV Program Spring Promotion Conference and the Drama Development Theme Forum, directed by the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau and hosted by the Capital Radio and Television Progra - Lujuba

spring promotion meeting scene.

At the beginning of the event, Inspector Han Yunsheng introduced the development achievements of "Beijing-produced drama" in the past year, and promoted a series of measures to promote the construction of the "Beijing Great Audiovisual" brand, which mainly include: First, optimize fund support and comprehensively strengthen The second is to support filming in Beijing and comprehensively expand the breadth of services; the third is to focus on talent development and comprehensively increase the level of care. President Liu Yanming reviewed the main work content of the association in 2023, and said that the spring promotion will continue to play the role of industry barometer and market vane, providing continuous impetus for the high-quality development of domestic film and television dramas.

2023 is a great year for TV dramas where hundreds of flowers bloom. Creators at all ends of the content industry chain have accumulated experience in theme creation. Zhang Wei attempts to tell female growth stories in multiple genres. She said that she will humbly adopt the opinions of Internet users, speed up the narrative rhythm, abandon misunderstandings, increase reversals, etc., and always maintain curiosity and exploration. Kang Honglei took "Glory of Our Fathers" as an example to explain the process-based attempt to connect young audiences from the perspective of intergenerational communication and co-create contemporary dramas with young people.

Zeng Yingxue said that Perfect World Film and Television will adhere to the high-quality diversified content production route and the talent cultivation mechanism of letting a hundred flowers bloom, and use multiple professional studios to incubate vertical projects. Ultimately, we hope to impress the audience and make them resonate, interesting and gainful. . Based on the creation process of four dramas broadcast within one year, Yang Xiaopei said that Xixi Films adheres to the creative idea of ​​putting the script first, "The script will not be started until the complete script is polished. The so-called business method is to come up with the right content." A sense of awe." Turaku shared five difficulties and five characteristics of current science fiction film and television content creation, believing that the future of Chinese science fiction works is full of infinite possibilities.

Regarding the next trends at the platform level, Dai Ying said that iQiyi will continue to explore new formats in the drama market, such as mini-series such as "My Altay", telling stories from innovative perspectives in existing themes, and in Explore new content in classic tracks such as war and history. Zhou Zhaozhong summarized the content creation of Youku TV series as "one vertical and three horizontal". He will continue to focus on exclusive broadcast library content and hot-blooded comic adaptations, historical mysteries, suspense mini-series and other tracks. He will also continue to invest in Hong Kong drama projects and encourage original costume content. Looking forward to more cooperation with original screenwriters such as Zhang Wei.

Beijing News (Reporter Zhang He) On March 26, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Capital TV Program Spring Promotion Conference and the Drama Development Theme Forum, directed by the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau and hosted by the Capital Radio and Television Progra - Lujuba

forum site.

With the strong advancement of artificial intelligence technology, AI technology is entering the field of film and television production, but is this technology an opportunity or a challenge to the existing TV drama market? The creators shared their cutting-edge content thinking based on their own exploration experience. Zhang Wei said that young screenwriters will pay more attention to the field of "Wensheng Video"; Kang Honglei, from a director's perspective, hopes that AI technology can solve the problem of background shooting.Dai Ying said that the next project to be produced by iQiyi will use the latest virtual shooting technology that iterates on green screen keying and LED screen simulation in Hengdian. This technology has been used in "Fox Fairy Matchmaker" and "Big Dream Returns". In projects such as "Living", real-time rendering and real-time editing can be achieved.

Yang Xiaopei shared that as early as 2017, when working on "The Master", the showrunners had initially used virtual shooting technology. In her view, the progress of AI technology is actually very close to everyone, but in the final analysis, it is people who operate the technology, and the imagination of creators will be more widely used in the new stage of technology. Zeng Yingxue also recognized that the advancement of AI technology will greatly promote traditional film and television production. Perfect World Film and Television has a dedicated AI research group that will also apply game technology in content creation. In the future, "director + AI" may be able to produce a work.

Zhou Zhaozhong reviewed the production experience of last year's comic drama "Under the Stranger", which was the first time that digital people and real people were co-starred. It has been possible to achieve real-time playback of the picture and real-time editing by the director, and real-time recording of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. Synchronization and rendering. He believes that AI technology will have great disruption in film and television production in the next two to three years.

editor, Tong Na

proofreader, Zhu Mingtian

Tags: entertainment