The female-themed urban drama "Ode to Joy 5", which has been running for nearly seven years, landed on TV screens in March. Starting from the replacement of the cast in the third film, the power of this "first generation" female-themed IP continues to decline. The final Douban sc

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's female-themed urban drama " Ode to Joy 5", which has been running for nearly seven years, landed on TV screens in March. Starting from the replacement of the cast in the third film, the power of this "first generation" female-themed IP continues to decline. " Ode to Joy 3" Douban's final score is 4.8, and " Ode to Joy 4" has a final score of 5.7. Whether "Ode to Joy 5" can return to above the passing line remains a question mark.

Yunhe data shows that "Ode to Joy 5" has not performed well in the feature film market share since its broadcast, and its ranking fell out of the top 20. The show has adopted a set filming method since the third part. That is, the original cast and crew have completed filming three sequels as early as 2022. However, due to restrictions on broadcasting policies, it will take three years to complete the broadcast. The next part was released after a year. Many viewers have long forgotten the previous content and relied on the plot synopsis to recall the opening chapters.

The female-themed urban drama 'Ode to Joy 5', which has been running for nearly seven years, landed on TV screens in March. Starting from the replacement of the cast in the third film, the power of this 'first generation' female-themed IP continues to decline. The final Douban sc - Lujuba

The fifth part continues the suffocating "Five Beauties" crisis in the previous part. He Minhong, who was deceived by the scumbag, returned to the 22nd floor. Even though she knew the other party's terrible behavior of cheating on marriage and childbirth, and coming to threaten friends, she still took it with her The "love brain" targets the friends who helped him. She turned a blind eye to Ye Zhenzhen's kind care, Sister Zhu's advice, and others' acceptance regardless of past grudges. Instead, she always accused her friends of harboring evil intentions and did not distinguish between right and wrong. Ho Min Hung's "blackening" makes the entire character unreasonable. Mindless accusations and malicious speculations make people doubt that Ho Min Hung's IQ has completely dropped. Even Stanley Ho's parents, who were originally normal, gave illogical reactions in the play. Stanley Ho's mother seemed reasonable, but in fact she always took her daughter's interests as the starting point. Her father was even more aggressive and impulsive, putting himself in a passive position. situation. The intensive conflict scenes at the beginning of

do not arouse the audience's desire to watch continuously. On the contrary, these nonsensical quarrels make people feel meaningless and unsightly. As the plot progresses, Lucy's mother dies in the delivery bed at an advanced age, leaving behind a biological sister with an age difference of more than 30 years. It is hard to understand; Zhu Zhe finally paid for his brother's college education, but in exchange for the other's inability to Complaints and blind behavior; Ye Zhenzhen, the only one who is still normal, may have her boyfriend's family go bankrupt in the future, and be forced to start the drama of a wealthy family in decline.

The female-themed urban drama 'Ode to Joy 5', which has been running for nearly seven years, landed on TV screens in March. Starting from the replacement of the cast in the third film, the power of this 'first generation' female-themed IP continues to decline. The final Douban sc - Lujuba

At that time, the "Ode to Joy" IP was able to successfully launch the first shot of female themes. In the final analysis, it lies in its true depiction of the survival plight of urban women. From novices in the workplace to highly educated women, everyone has difficulties in their family of origin, from the mental fear of mental illness inherited in families to the real dilemma of "supporting younger brothers", to the various social prejudices faced by women in their marriage and love choices, " Ode to Joy "" once opened the window for female-themed group dramas with its bold and pioneering expression.

Since the third part, "Ode to Joy" has begun to go downhill towards stacking extreme characters. The origins of the story and characters have begun to deviate from real life, and ordinary pain and joy are no longer possible. Whether it is Ye Zhenzhen, the "second generation of mining", Lucy, the "workplace avenger", Zhu Zhe, a representative of hotel struggle, He Minhong, a "silly white sweet", and Yu Chuhui, a refined egoist, these characters all reveal typical traces of labels. The characters can start a lecture on interpersonal relationships in minutes, often giving long speeches and so-called practical plans, turning the female group drama into a "social science". The lovely soul has been lost, the true flavor of the characters has been lost, and the true feelings flowing between the stories have also disappeared. Three "Ode to Joy" films have been aired, leaving nothing but chicken feathers on the ground. How a great urban drama IP got to this point is worthy of serious reflection by the creators. (Reporter Li Xiazhi)

(Source: Beijing Daily Client)

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