The choice of whether to "resurrection" should be given to the family of the deceased. This is not only respect, protection and care for the family of the deceased, but also the best memory of the deceased. Recently, the use of AI technology to "resurrect" the deceased has attrac

entertainment 3301℃

should leave the choice of "resurrection" to the family of the deceased. This is not only respect, protection and care for the family of the deceased, but also the best memory of the deceased.

should leave the choice of "resurrection" to the family of the deceased. This is not only respect, protection and care for the family of the deceased, but also the best memory of the deceased.


used AI technology to "resurrect" the deceased.

It has attracted the attention of netizens.

has been on the hot search list many times.

The choice of whether to 'resurrection' should be given to the family of the deceased. This is not only respect, protection and care for the family of the deceased, but also the best memory of the deceased. Recently, the use of AI technology to 'resurrect' the deceased has attrac - Lujuba

ai's "resurrection" of the deceased was denounced by the family members of the deceased.

Previously, the well-known musician Bao Xiaobai

successfully used AI technology. "Resurrected"

My daughter who has been dead for two years

The daughter in the "digital world" can not only sing and dance

but also talk to her family

The scene is very touching

However, recently

AI videos of deceased stars

frequently appear on short video platforms

In the video,

ai Li Min said

"I hope you all live well."

ai Gao Yixiang said

"I feel every message and every concern

you have."

ai Qiao Renliang also said hello to fans

The choice of whether to 'resurrection' should be given to the family of the deceased. This is not only respect, protection and care for the family of the deceased, but also the best memory of the deceased. Recently, the use of AI technology to 'resurrect' the deceased has attrac - Lujuba

using AI technology. The behavior of "resurrecting" dead stars has become more and more controversial.

is also controversial.

On March 15,

, according to media reports,

Gao Yixiang's former agent

conveyed the opinions of Gao Yixiang's family, saying

did not want Gao Yixiang's portrait to be used arbitrarily by others.

severely condemned and resolutely resisted it. This behavior

If the infringement is not stopped immediately

The family will take legal action

On March 16

Qiao Renliang's father told media reporters

For the "son was resurrected" image spread on the Internet

He expressed that he could not accept it

Feel very uncomfortable

Hope that the other party will download it as soon as possible

"They did not ask for our consent, which is exposing scars."

On the morning of 17th,

Jiang Ge's mother also posted an article talking about "AI resurrecting relatives"

She said

"We do not accept the use of AI to resurrect relatives!"

"Why should we do it for us?" (My daughter and I) have decided!"

The choice of whether to 'resurrection' should be given to the family of the deceased. This is not only respect, protection and care for the family of the deceased, but also the best memory of the deceased. Recently, the use of AI technology to 'resurrect' the deceased has attrac - Lujuba

ai resurrecting the deceased service

The price ranges from dozens of yuan to tens of thousands of yuan

The media has previously reported

that many ai "resurrection" services have appeared on

e-commerce platforms

Some merchants have sold more than 400 orders

can range from tens of yuan per order

can range from thousands to tens of thousands of yuan

The reporter consulted the producer

as a potential buyer or

collaborator of ai video and learned that

is currently producing a video of 30 seconds to 1 minute.

The price is 80 yuan to 600 yuan

After getting the video,

can publish it on the video platform by itself

Many creators who publish videos

take external orders

Some are recruiting apprentices and agents

There are also low-priced ones on the e-commerce platform. Celebrity models

These "universal models" of female stars that "require no training and can be synthesized directly"

are almost all sold for less than 8 yuan to 25 yuan

ai synthetic stars are forming a gray industry

It is worth mentioning that

is resurrected with AI Coco Lee's blogger

claimed that she was obliged to do it due to requests from fans.

Some people in the video comment area

took the opportunity to start AI promotion and paid services

in the name of warmth. Many netizens also consulted the blogger

about the production death. How to charge for the "resurrection" video of a deceased artist

A reporter got in touch with one of the relevant bloggers

The other party quickly sent a list of fees

indicating that there is no charge for making videos of deceased artists

"Resurrection" of other deceased artists will be charged. There must be labor costs

The choice of whether to 'resurrection' should be given to the family of the deceased. This is not only respect, protection and care for the family of the deceased, but also the best memory of the deceased. Recently, the use of AI technology to 'resurrect' the deceased has attrac - Lujuba

Netizens: Respecting the wishes of family members is the first priority

In response, some netizens said "tears"

"just want to see her again"

The choice of whether to 'resurrection' should be given to the family of the deceased. This is not only respect, protection and care for the family of the deceased, but also the best memory of the deceased. Recently, the use of AI technology to 'resurrect' the deceased has attrac - Lujuba

The choice of whether to 'resurrection' should be given to the family of the deceased. This is not only respect, protection and care for the family of the deceased, but also the best memory of the deceased. Recently, the use of AI technology to 'resurrect' the deceased has attrac - Lujuba

Some netizens objected:

This is not her own wish

It is a secondary harm to the family.

The choice of whether to 'resurrection' should be given to the family of the deceased. This is not only respect, protection and care for the family of the deceased, but also the best memory of the deceased. Recently, the use of AI technology to 'resurrect' the deceased has attrac - Lujuba


vote "Do you agree with using AI to resurrect the deceased" with 7,257 participants was launched on CCTV.

More than half of the netizens believed that

"AI must obtain the consent of the family to resurrect the deceased and comply with the law."

36% of netizens said

"I disapprove of using AI to resurrect the dead. This kind of behavior is exposing scars."

The choice of whether to 'resurrection' should be given to the family of the deceased. This is not only respect, protection and care for the family of the deceased, but also the best memory of the deceased. Recently, the use of AI technology to 'resurrect' the deceased has attrac - Lujuba

Lawyer: AI resurrecting stars is suspected of infringement

Using AI to "resurrect" Coco Lee, Qiao Renliang, etc.

Is it suspected of infringement? ?

Attorney Chen Yongyong from Beijing Yingke (Shanghai) Law Firm said

Using AI to resurrect Coco Li, Qiao Renliang, Gao Yixiang and others without the consent of the deceased’s relatives

is suspected of infringement

The spouse, children and parents of the deceased have the right

Request the perpetrator to bear civil liability in accordance with the law

If the deceased has no spouse or children and the parents are deceased

Other close relatives have the right to request the perpetrator to bear civil liability in accordance with the law

Movie fans and music fans are not allowed to produce AI "resurrection" videos for the purpose of profit


still constitutes infringement

should bear civil liability in accordance with the law

must not be allowed to be "resurrected"

causing secondary harm to the family members of the deceased

As a new technology

we are happy to see AI becoming more and more satisfying in more new scenarios and new applications

More and more people's emotional needs

enrich and serve life

Some people use AI technology to "resurrection" the deceased

to express their longing for relatives and friends

This approach is understandable

but the premise of this behavior

is compliance with laws and regulations

We must not break the boundaries of morality and ethics

In particular, we must respect the thoughts of the family members of the deceased

Consider their feelings

Never let the act of "resurrection" cause psychological shock and secondary harm to them

Give them the choice of whether to "resurrection" Leave it to them

This is not only respect, protection and care for the family of the deceased

but also the best memory of the deceased

Tags: entertainment