On April 10 this year, South Korea will usher in a congressional election, which is also regarded as "a general election that will determine the fate of the Yoon Seok-yue government." On the one hand, since Yoon Seok-yue came to power, South Korea's political arena has maintained

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On April 10 this year, South Korea will usher in a congressional election, which is also regarded as "a general election that will determine the fate of the Yin Xiyue government."

On April 10 this year, South Korea will usher in a congressional election, which is also regarded as 'a general election that will determine the fate of the Yoon Seok-yue government.' On the one hand, since Yoon Seok-yue came to power, South Korea's political arena has maintained - Lujuba

On the one hand, since Yin Xiyue came to power, South Korea's political arena has maintained a "domestic and small opposition" situation. South Korea's largest opposition party, the Common Democratic Party, has a majority of seats in the National Assembly. This has made the Yin Xiyue government and the ruling National Power Party quite passive. .

On the other hand, due to the involvement of Yoon Seok-yue's wife, South Korea's first lady Kim Gun-hee, and her family in the "real estate fraud case" and the "stock price manipulation case" , the Democratic Party of Korea once filed an investigation bill on Kim Gun-hee in Congress, although the bill was ultimately It was rejected by Yoon Seok-yue using the "presidential veto power", but this does not mean that the storm has come to an end. The Democratic Party of Korea is still waiting for an opportunity to launch another investigation into Kim Kun-hee.

Therefore, if the National Power Party can win the next general election and hold more than half of the seats, it will be able to largely prevent the Minjoo Party from launching another attack on the Kim Gun-hee incident, and the Yoon Seok-hye government's decrees will also be unimpeded. of execution.

On April 10 this year, South Korea will usher in a congressional election, which is also regarded as 'a general election that will determine the fate of the Yoon Seok-yue government.' On the one hand, since Yoon Seok-yue came to power, South Korea's political arena has maintained - Lujuba

On the contrary, if the National Power Party fails to win, not only will Kim Jianxi be investigated, but Yin Xiyue will also be "in trouble", and Yin Xiyue will become more passive in his subsequent presidential career. Even if this situation cannot be reversed, the possibility of Yin Xiyue being "liquidated" after stepping down cannot be ruled out.

It is worth noting that due to Yin Xiyue's unsatisfactory performance in power after taking office, the so-called "values ​​diplomacy" policy he adheres to has strongly favored Japan and the United States, which has aroused strong dissatisfaction among the people, causing his support rate to continue to decline.

However, just as Yin Xiyue's situation became worse and worse, an important turning point came.

A few days ago, due to the Yin Xiyue government's promotion of the "medical school enrollment expansion" policy, the Korean medical community was strongly dissatisfied. More than 6,000 interns and resident doctors from South Korea's five major hospitals announced their resignation, demanding that Yin Xiyue stop the medical reform measures.

In response, Yin Xiyue remained tough and threatened to revoke the licenses of striking doctors, causing conflicts between the two parties to continue to ferment.

On April 10 this year, South Korea will usher in a congressional election, which is also regarded as 'a general election that will determine the fate of the Yoon Seok-yue government.' On the one hand, since Yoon Seok-yue came to power, South Korea's political arena has maintained - Lujuba

This is not over yet. On the 13th, according to CCTV news, the Korea Medical University Professors Association issued a statement stating that if the interests of interns, residents, and medical university students suffer losses and the Yin Xiyue government fails to come up with a sincere solution, then the professors will be affected by the 18th Japan "collectively resigned" and held the Yin Xiyue government accountable.

Obviously, neither the Yin Xiyue government nor the Korean medical community has any intention of compromising. After more than 6,000 doctors resigned, the Korea Medical University Professors Association also issued a warning of "collective resignation". This is undoubtedly an attempt to join forces with Yin Xiyue to "force the palace" .

But it should be noted that Yin Xiyue's confrontation with the medical community seems to have won the support of the Korean people.

html On March 8, the polling agency Gallup Korea released data saying that the Korean people's evaluation of Yin Xiyue's governance performance has changed. The favorable rating rose to 39%. Before that, Yin Xiyue's approval rate was only about 30%. Wander.

One of the important reasons for the increase in Yin Xiyue's support rate is that he was "decisive, courageous and perseverant" in "promoting the expansion of medical school enrollment".

On April 10 this year, South Korea will usher in a congressional election, which is also regarded as 'a general election that will determine the fate of the Yoon Seok-yue government.' On the one hand, since Yoon Seok-yue came to power, South Korea's political arena has maintained - Lujuba

In fact, the Korean government's implementation of medical reform measures is good news for ordinary people. However, in the eyes of the Korean medical community, the expansion of medical school enrollment means that their interests may be threatened or affected.

Therefore, when the previous presidents of South Korea prepared to implement health care reform measures, they were often strongly obstructed by the medical community and eventually had to cancel them. But now, the Yin Xiyue government has a tough attitude, which is in contrast to previous presidents. This is one of the reasons why the Korean people have changed their view of it.

In addition, South Korea’s congressional election is about to take place. After seeing the support rate rebound, Yin Xiyue is obviously more unwilling to compromise.

html On the 13th, Yin Xiyue issued instructions, requiring "rapid promotion in accordance with principles" medical reform measures, including the expansion of medical school enrollment.

It can be seen that Yin Xiyue is planning to fight with the Korean medical community to the end this time.

Let’s talk about three superficial views on this.

On April 10 this year, South Korea will usher in a congressional election, which is also regarded as 'a general election that will determine the fate of the Yoon Seok-yue government.' On the one hand, since Yoon Seok-yue came to power, South Korea's political arena has maintained - Lujuba

1, if Yin Xiyue continues to strongly promote health care reform measures, this may become one of the key factors for his "comeback" in the congressional election.

Moreover, winning the parliamentary election will be beneficial to the National Power Party. At present, almost all conservative forces in South Korea have chosen to "remain silent" with a tacit understanding. If this attitude continues, it is not ruled out that Yin Xiyue can successfully promote the medical reform.

Of course, as for whether Yin Xiyue will take other measures to appease the medical community after the congressional election, that has to be said separately. After all, once the medical community goes on strike completely, South Korea's medical system will face paralysis and society will be in chaos.

At present, the Yin Xiyue government has dispatched military doctors to temporarily replace the resigned doctors, but this is not a long-term solution.

On April 10 this year, South Korea will usher in a congressional election, which is also regarded as 'a general election that will determine the fate of the Yoon Seok-yue government.' On the one hand, since Yoon Seok-yue came to power, South Korea's political arena has maintained - Lujuba

2, Yin Xiyue plans to "come back", and the Democratic Party may not let it happen easily. It cannot be ruled out that the Democratic Party will intervene in the matter, causing the turmoil to further escalate and the situation to get out of control.

By then, if South Korea’s medical system collapses before the congressional election, Yin Xiyue is likely to be slammed.

On April 10 this year, South Korea will usher in a congressional election, which is also regarded as 'a general election that will determine the fate of the Yoon Seok-yue government.' On the one hand, since Yoon Seok-yue came to power, South Korea's political arena has maintained - Lujuba

3, the internal situation in South Korea is chaotic, and Yin Xiyue is likely to ask Park Geun-hye to come out again.

After all, Park Geun-hye’s influence in Korean society cannot be underestimated. In recent months, Yin Xiyue has been trying her best to win over Park Geun-hye, hoping that she can visit Seoul more and say that the people miss her very much.

Therefore, if Yoon Seok-yue can invite Park Geun-hye to come back and stabilize the social situation in South Korea, it will be an important boost to the Yoon Seok-yue government.

Next, let’s see how Yin Xiyue will respond.

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