On the morning of March 17, the "Xicheng Folk Art Transmission Society", a folk art box office focusing on drum performance, hosted by the Beijing Xicheng District Federation of Literary and Art Circles and hosted by the Xicheng District Music Association and Tianqiao Impression

entertainment 2418℃

On the morning of March 17, the "Xicheng Folk Art Transmission Society", a folk art box office focusing on drum performance, hosted by the Beijing Xicheng District Federation of Literary and Art Circles and hosted by the Xicheng District Music Association and Tianqiao Impression Museum, was officially launched in Tianqiao, the holy land of folk arts, becoming the first in the country Public drum music box office. At the opening ceremony of

, Wang Yuebo, chairman of the Xicheng District Music Association, introduced the basic situation of the Xicheng Folk Art Society. Tianqiao is the birthplace of folk culture in Beijing and the birthplace of many folk arts in the north. This time, the folk art box office, which has been suspended for many years, returns to Tianqiao to provide a place for folk art lovers to learn and communicate, while cultivating folk art talents and inheriting folk art. , creating a new landmark of Xicheng folk art culture.

On the morning of March 17, the 'Xicheng Folk Art Transmission Society', a folk art box office focusing on drum performance, hosted by the Beijing Xicheng District Federation of Literary and Art Circles and hosted by the Xicheng District Music Association and Tianqiao Impression  - Lujuba

The performance began. Famous crosstalk actors Ying Ning, Wang Yuebo, Xu Deliang, Ye Peng, who have been influenced by box office since childhood and embarked on the road of professional learning, as well as three generations of old, middle-aged and young folk artists such as Guan Guan, Wang Yulan, and Chen Xiumin, who performed drum music, took turns to perform, respectively. The audience was enthralled by the performance of classic repertoire of Shanxian Paiziqu, Chaqu, Jingyun Dagu, Meihua Dagu, Lianzhu Kuaishu, Tianjin Shidiao and other genres.

On the morning of March 17, the 'Xicheng Folk Art Transmission Society', a folk art box office focusing on drum performance, hosted by the Beijing Xicheng District Federation of Literary and Art Circles and hosted by the Xicheng District Music Association and Tianqiao Impression  - Lujuba

The accompaniment team led by the famous string master Mr. Sun Hongyan is even more eye-catching. The performance of the three young accompanists Song Hongzhe, Zhao Ruochan and Li Chenrui won the praise of the audience, fully reflecting the good inheritance of the art of drum music.

It is worth mentioning that young actor Li Yanwei improvised a piece of plum blossom drum "Down to the West Chamber". He told the reporter of Beijing Youth Daily that he had learned Beijing Yun drum before and had a foundation in this area. Later, I enrolled in the drum music class at the Xicheng District Cultural Center and learned the plum blossom drum under the words and deeds of the drum music artist Keyan.

On the morning of March 17, the 'Xicheng Folk Art Transmission Society', a folk art box office focusing on drum performance, hosted by the Beijing Xicheng District Federation of Literary and Art Circles and hosted by the Xicheng District Music Association and Tianqiao Impression  - Lujuba

Li Yanwei also said that folk arts such as Plum Blossom Drum, which require oral and heart-to-heart teaching, require more exchanges and discussions on the stage. Now the newly established Xicheng District Folk Art Club will provide young actors with a platform opportunity for exchange and presentation.

On the morning of March 17, the 'Xicheng Folk Art Transmission Society', a folk art box office focusing on drum performance, hosted by the Beijing Xicheng District Federation of Literary and Art Circles and hosted by the Xicheng District Music Association and Tianqiao Impression  - Lujuba

It is reported that the Xicheng Folk Art Club will perform open performances every Sunday morning at the Tianqiao Impression Museum for fans and residents. Chuanxi Club not only builds a platform for the new generation of actors and folk art lovers to learn, display and exercise, but also provides a good place for Beijing people who love folk arts to experience the charm of traditional folk arts and enrich their weekend cultural life.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Zhang Enjie

Photography/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Zhang Enjie

Editor/Qiao Ying

Tags: entertainment