These 8 movies tell you why Christopher Nolan was made a god!

movie 2081℃
There is a joke circulating on

: If Nolan lives long enough, he will contract the top 100 Douban...

is exaggerated, but I have to admit that every movie of Nolan is a fine product and worth it. Keep it in D drive.

Huh? You said the D drive is used to save love action movies?

These 8 movies tell you why Christopher Nolan was made a god! - Lujuba

Okay, don’t talk nonsense, just go to the list!

These 8 movies tell you why Christopher Nolan was made a god! - Lujuba

1. Memory Fragment

These 8 movies tell you why Christopher Nolan was made a god! - Lujuba

"Memory Fragment" was selected as one of the "Top Ten Brain Burning Movies". Douban scores 8.5 points. Those who like to watch puzzles should definitely not miss it. The protagonist of

woke up and found that his wife had been brutally murdered, and he also suffered from "short-term memory loss". He could only remember ten minutes of things, so he engraved on himself, recorded clues, and set foot on revenge. the road. The plot of

is relatively compact, and Nolan’s flashback technique is very familiar. The same theme and plot also include "Unknown Death" starring Indian national treasure actor Amir Khan, which can be watched together.

2. Insomnia

This movie is relatively old, and many people may not have seen it. The protagonist of

is played by Al Pacino. He and his partner investigate a murder case (yes, another crime thriller movie, hahaha). Under increasing pressure, he suffers from insomnia. The murderer of

is looming, and justice and evil have become unclear, and it depends on where the protagonist goes.

3. Fatal magic

Speaking of brain burning, this movie is not inferior to "Memory Fragment". The first time you watch it, you will definitely be surprised. The three protagonists of

: Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Scarlett Johansson, yes, they are Wolverine, Batman, and Black Widow. Haha, three superheroes in one play. The story of

tells the battle of wits and courage between two genius magicians, and they even took their lives.

By the way, there are also many scenes about Tesla, the “father of alternating current,” in the movie. At the end, the movie also describes the alternating current scene with dazzling special effects.

4. Follow

This is Nolan's first feature film, although it is only 70 minutes. But the sparrow is small and complete.

Speaking of sparrows, this movie can be described as "the mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind". You will never know who is leading everything until you see the end. The protagonist of

is a idle writer. He has a hobby of stalking others, then meets the heroine and falls in love with her. As a result, he causes trouble and takes his life.

5. Interstellar crossing

, even if it is a science fiction film, he still does not forget to "burn his brain", the last ten minutes, five-dimensional space, if you don't confuse you, I will not be Nolan! Under the guidance of "gohst", the protagonist of

flew to outer space and participated in a "saving humanity" plan. The movie presents a shocking cosmic scene for the audience, and the performance techniques of black holes and wormholes are even awe-inspiring by astronomy professionals. In addition to the visual effects, there are many warmth elements in the movie. After returning to the spaceship from the giant wave planet, when the protagonist watches the video sent from the earth, you will find that time is the most brutal weapon. The

movie lasts for 169 minutes, but Uncle Gun still feels uncomfortable. Anyway, I have watched it again n times...

​​6. Inception

"Inception" Douban scored 9.2 points, ranked 9th, a must-see for science fiction fans. When

was released, it set off a movie-watching frenzy. There was a steady stream of "tap water" for free publicity of this movie, and many people went to the cinema for 2 or even 3 movies.

didn't expect Nolan to be able to take the "dream" like this! In fact, the plot of multi-layered dreams is not too brainstorming, but adding the concept of "chaos" will make people feel in a daze: Did he finally return to the real world? The open ending of

​​is the biggest force in this movie.

Xiaolizi plays the protagonist Cobb, who was used in the Inception mission, and finally formed a group to participate in a more dangerous mission. The whole film has no urinating spots. Uncle Gun raised his hands and feet recommended!

Seven, the "Batman" series

"Dark Knight" trilogy, a profound superhero movie (yes, superhero themes are not all popcorn movies), and complicatedHis humanity is portrayed as good as possible.

's first "The Mystery of the Shadows" tells the story of Batman after suffering the death of his parents, he learned martial arts from the master ninja, and returned to Gotham to become a righteous policeman.

In the second "Dark Knight", Batman meets his mortal enemy: The Joker, and Harvey Dante is also bewitched and blackened by the Joker, becoming a double-faced man. This plot is more obscure than the previous one.

The third "Dark Knight Rises", the strengthener Bain wants to destroy Gotham. After the "retirement" Batman returns to the arena, but Baine breaks his ribs and is locked in a deep well. Catwoman

is a bright spot, and Jiao Cerf also performed well.

​​8. Dunkirk

This is a relatively "controversial" movie, with mixed reviews, some people praised it after watching it, and some people fell asleep after seeing the theater.

"Dunkirk", as one of the most famous events of World War II, must be known to everyone. See how Nolan condensed the battle game between the opposing parties and the psychological activities of the soldiers into one movie when the 400,000 Anglo-French Allied forces retreated. The sound effects of

are still shocking, well, Hans Zimmer, Nolan film standard.

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