On March 14th, the entry #张元成suffered from bipolar disorder# became a hot search topic. Subsequently, male singer Zhang Yuan responded to the news that he was suffering from bipolar disorder. He posted a number of his own emoticons and wrote in response: "Thank you yxh for 'feeli

entertainment 4632℃

On March 14th, the entry

#张元成suffered from bipolar disorder# became a hot search topic.

On March 14th, the entry #张元成suffered from bipolar disorder# became a hot search topic. Subsequently, male singer Zhang Yuan responded to the news that he was suffering from bipolar disorder. He posted a number of his own emoticons and wrote in response: 'Thank you yxh for 'feeli - Lujuba


male singer Zhang Yuan responded to the news that he was suffering from bipolar disorder.

He posted a number of his own emoticons and wrote in response: "Thank you yxh for 'feeling sorry' for me... But I personally don't think it's necessary to overexaggerate... In my opinion, life has its ups and downs, and it's normal to have emotional problems... So I always feel Even if there are some problems, it’s not a problem... People are as strong as they are fragile... Crossing the gap between the subjective world and the objective world... is called growth... I also hope everyone is happy... If you have something to do, think about what you will do tomorrow... It’s okay. Pier Get some French fries... Mr. Zhang Yuan is in a very stable mental state now... and he has released five songs in half a month... Tomorrow you can listen to my first song "Moon! Light! Flash!!!" which I haven't released in eight years. "."

On March 14th, the entry #张元成suffered from bipolar disorder# became a hot search topic. Subsequently, male singer Zhang Yuan responded to the news that he was suffering from bipolar disorder. He posted a number of his own emoticons and wrote in response: 'Thank you yxh for 'feeli - Lujuba

Public information shows that Zhang Yuan was born in June 1985 and graduated from Nanjing University of Finance and Economics. He is a male singer and actor in Mainland China. His representative works include "Marshmallow" and "Guest".

On March 14th, the entry #张元成suffered from bipolar disorder# became a hot search topic. Subsequently, male singer Zhang Yuan responded to the news that he was suffering from bipolar disorder. He posted a number of his own emoticons and wrote in response: 'Thank you yxh for 'feeli - Lujuba

Picture source Zhang Yuan’s personal Weibo

Netizen comments:

Just face it positively now

Netizen comments

Let’s turn around: The boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains, and those difficult days have passed.

Jian Jian: It’s great to know how to look forward and be positive and optimistic now.

Gradually you will know: You are in the best condition now, and you will only get better and better in the future.

This is all that can be seen: But you can't live in the past forever. Let the past go. The present is good, and the future will definitely be better.

Behind the positivity and optimism,

is a problem in life that is not smooth.

In a variety show in 2023, Zhang Yuan said bluntly: Maybe everyone thinks he is optimistic and positive, but in fact, he is not living a good life. "Loss of love, loss of money, and life and death of close relatives more than once in two or three years."

On March 14th, the entry #张元成suffered from bipolar disorder# became a hot search topic. Subsequently, male singer Zhang Yuan responded to the news that he was suffering from bipolar disorder. He posted a number of his own emoticons and wrote in response: 'Thank you yxh for 'feeli - Lujuba

Later, he responded to the matter on his social account, saying that he did not want to magnify the so-called "suffering".

On March 14th, the entry #张元成suffered from bipolar disorder# became a hot search topic. Subsequently, male singer Zhang Yuan responded to the news that he was suffering from bipolar disorder. He posted a number of his own emoticons and wrote in response: 'Thank you yxh for 'feeli - Lujuba

In 2011, Zhang Yuan posted a photo of himself smashing a wall until it was red and swollen. That was not the first time he smashed a wall. The first time was when he broke up with someone earlier, and the second time was for his brother. This time he posted it, It's for work.

On March 14th, the entry #张元成suffered from bipolar disorder# became a hot search topic. Subsequently, male singer Zhang Yuan responded to the news that he was suffering from bipolar disorder. He posted a number of his own emoticons and wrote in response: 'Thank you yxh for 'feeli - Lujuba

Bipolar disorder is easily misunderstood, what exactly is it?

Bipolar disorder, also called bipolar disorder, is a mood disorder that includes both depressive episodes and manic or hypomanic episodes. If bipolar disorder is treated as depression, it will not only be difficult for the patient to benefit from antidepressant drug treatment. It may benefit you, but it may also cause you harm.

In fact, even if a doctor accurately diagnoses bipolar disorder, it is not easy for patients and their families to accept it. Compared with the well-known depression, bipolar disorder faces greater prejudice - many people think that mania is mental illness, hysteria and loss of reason, which is a shameful thing, so they will subconsciously resist and deny it.

As the saying goes, "Manic and depressed people have many talents since ancient times." Many celebrities in history suffered from bipolar disorder, such as Van Gogh, Pushkin, Goethe, etc.

A prospective study in Sweden showed that students with excellent academic performance were four times more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder between the ages of 17 and 31 than those with average academic performance. Although smart people are more susceptible to the disease, bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness that needs to be treated. About 200 to 400 people per 100,000 people commit suicide due to bipolar disorder, and the risk is 10 to 30 times higher than that of the normal population, even higher than that of depression.

Some family members of patients believe that bipolar disorder does not require treatment and that they can just get over it. This is a serious misunderstanding.

For patients with bipolar disorder, it is important to take medications as prescribed by your doctor. At present, drugs are still the most important treatment for bipolar disorder. Drugs can reverse pathological changes in the brain and help nerve cells repair.

Patients with bipolar disorder tend to be strong, eager to succeed, pursue perfection, and hope to have a vigorous life. But as Yang Jiang said: "We once longed for the waves of fate, but in the end we discovered that the most beautiful scenery in life is actually inner calmness and calmness."Therefore, for bipolar disorder, Gan Zhaoyu, chief physician of the Department of Psychiatry at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, suggests that they lower their expectations, learn to accept the ordinary, and maximize their potential while maintaining physical and mental health.

Source: Morning News, parties’ social media, Guangdong Health Online, netizen comments, etc.

Tags: entertainment