On March 29, the animated film "The Starry Sky of the Three Kingdoms", written and produced by Yi Zhongtian and directed by Yu Meng, released a poster, officially announcing that the film will be released in 2025. According to the synopsis of the recorded story: At the end of the

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On March 29, the animated film 'The Starry Sky of the Three Kingdoms', written and produced by Yi Zhongtian and directed by Yu Meng, released a poster, officially announcing that the film will be released in 2025. According to the synopsis of the recorded story: At the end of the - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News On March 29, the animated film "The Starry Sky of the Three Kingdoms", written and produced by Yi Zhongtian and directed by Yu Meng, released a poster, officially announcing that the film will be released in 2025. According to the synopsis of the recorded story: At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in chaos. Cao Cao conquered Dong Zhuo, welcomed the emperor, and fought against Guandu, becoming a generation of heroes. Together with Yuan Shao, Liu Xie and others, he used his choices and actions to answer the question: Where do I come from? What is my mission? Which star in the sky am I?

It is worth mentioning that "Starry Sky of the Three Kingdoms" has three titles. It is my country's first officially announced Three Kingdoms-themed animated film. It is the first animated film for which Yi Zhongtian serves as screenwriter and producer. He is also the chief producer of "King of the Sky". This is the first film directed by Yu Meng.

The journey of the sun and the moon, if it comes out of it. The stars are as brilliant as if they came out of it. The song "Guan Cang Hai" makes Cao Cao's talents and foresight as clear as watching fire, and at the same time, it vividly describes the grand momentum of the Three Kingdoms era. In the concept poster released this time, the slogan "I am heading north, I am heading west" seems to allude to the extremely controversial figure Cao Cao. He is a great man with both civil and military talents. His merits and demerits, rights and wrongs are all intriguing. The

poster also has an ingenious design. If you look at the picture upside down, it is not difficult to see that it is a person who is on the trend of independence, which means that Cao Cao in the film will subvert the inherent image in the audience's mind. This story under the water of history About to emerge. The legendary journey of a generation of heroes and the legendary world of the Three Kingdoms are endowed with an animation form of expression as vast as the starry sky. I believe it will push the theme of the Three Kingdoms to a new peak, highlighting the unique charm of oriental epics and traditional Chinese culture.

The animated film "Starry Sky of the Three Kingdoms" will meet the audience in 2025.

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