China News Service, Ningbo, March 11th (Linbo Yangyang) On March 11th, Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province joined hands with Xiamen to establish a cross-provincial blue carbon ecological carbon account, completing the first "blue carbon + property rights + justice" ”

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China News Service, Ningbo, March 11 (Lin Bo Yang Yang) On March 11, Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province joined hands with Xiamen to establish a cross-provincial blue carbon ecological carbon account, completing the first "blue carbon + property rights + "Judicial" transactions, and issued insurance clauses for project excess carbon emission losses and carbon account comprehensive insurance.

China News Service, Ningbo, March 11th (Linbo Yangyang) On March 11th, Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province joined hands with Xiamen to establish a cross-provincial blue carbon ecological carbon account, completing the first 'blue carbon + property rights + justice' ” - Lujuba

event site. Photo by Ying Lei

As an area where low-carbon construction started early in Zhejiang Province, Xiangshan has blue carbon resources such as salt marshes, silty beaches, and shellfish and algae fishery carbon sinks. It has unique natural conditions for developing a blue carbon economy.

The Blue Carbon Ecological Carbon Account is jointly created by Xiangshan, Ningbo Property Rights Trading Center and Xiamen Property Rights Trading Center (Xiamen Carbon and Emissions Rights Trading Center). It is led by the government, participated by enterprises and all sectors of society, served by national property rights trading institutions, and can be A sustainable development platform for realizing the value of blue carbon ecological products.

China News Service, Ningbo, March 11th (Linbo Yangyang) On March 11th, Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province joined hands with Xiamen to establish a cross-provincial blue carbon ecological carbon account, completing the first 'blue carbon + property rights + justice' ” - Lujuba

Xiangshan County releases blue carbon ecological carbon account. Photo by Xu Neng

"Relying on this blue carbon ecological carbon account is conducive to exploring and establishing blue carbon trading standards and models, and better exploring the path for national blue carbon work." According to Zhang Jing, general manager of Ningbo Property Rights Trading Center, Ningbo and Xiamen As a coastal city, both have made some explorations and experience in blue carbon work, and the two real estate trading institutions have established a close strategic cooperation relationship in serving the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises and the marketization of factors.

Cai Kangjian, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Xiangshan County Development and Reform Bureau, said that following the completion of the country’s first blue carbon auction transaction last year, the county continues to innovate blue carbon carriers, such as the implementation of dual carbon “one thing, one time” value-added services, The purpose of the "blue carbon + property rights + justice" transaction completed this time is to explore the blue carbon "resources-assets-funds" conversion path.

In February 2023, the Supreme People's Court issued the "Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Completely, Accurately and Comprehensively Implementing the New Development Concept and Providing Judicial Services to Actively and Steadyly Promote Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality" (Fafa [2023] No. 5), proposing Continue to deepen environmental judicial reform and innovation, and apply carbon sink trading to the ecological and environmental judicial mechanism as a new judgment and enforcement method that performs alternative restoration functions.

The first "blue carbon + property rights + justice" ecological compensation transaction completed this time was in a criminal incidental civil public interest litigation case filed by the procuratorate. The parties involved illegally fished aquatic products and caused losses to the ecological environment and resources in the ocean. , voluntarily subscribed for 422.5 tons of blue carbon ecological value products from Huangbi'ao Township, Xiangshan County, and deposited them into the Xiangshan County Blue Carbon Ecological Carbon Account.

Xiangshan County Court and Procuratorate have innovated and broadened the liability mode for ecological environment damage compensation obligors to alternatively repair the ecological environment. Ningbo and Xiamen real estate trading institutions have provided one-stop professional services in the realization of the value of blue carbon ecological products and factor trading. Advantages, jointly build a direct mechanism between ecological justice and marine carbon sink trading platforms. (End)

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