The movie "Dadeo" directed and written by Christy Harr, starring Dakota Johnson and Sean Penn, is scheduled to be released in North American theaters on June 28.

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Dakota Johnson and Sean Penn star in the new film "Dadeo" released a preview Duration: 01:16 Source: Movie Network

Dakota Johnson and Sean Penn star in the new film "Dadeo" "Dadio" released a pilot trailer Close

Duration: 01:16 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News The movie "Dadio" directed and written by Kristi Haar, starring Dakota Johnson and Sean Penn, has been finalized. It will be released in North American theaters on June 28.

The movie 'Dadeo' directed and written by Christy Harr, starring Dakota Johnson and Sean Penn, is scheduled to be released in North American theaters on June 28. - Lujuba

The film tells the story of a young woman who jumped into the back seat of a yellow taxi after her plane landed at New York's John F. Kennedy Airport. Unexpected conversations. What starts out as fun chit-chat quickly turns to something mysterious and playful. The film will explore the complexities of human connection and will prove that a chance encounter with a complete stranger can change a person's life.

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