Although public figures such as Leslie Cheung and Coco Lee have left us, they still leave unforgettable memories in the hearts of many viewers. Recently, some people have used AI technology to generate videos of these deceased celebrities. The pictures and sounds have reached a l

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The legal and moral bottom line cannot be crossed. The AI ​​"resurrection" star has caused controversy Duration: 01:27 Source: Movie Network

The legal and moral bottom line cannot be crossed. The AI ​​"resurrection" star has caused controversy Collapse

Duration: 01:27 It is recommended to open

1905 Movie Network News Although public figures such as Leslie Cheung and Coco Lee have left us, they still leave unforgettable memories in the hearts of many viewers. Recently, some people have used AI technology to generate videos of these deceased celebrities. The pictures and sounds have reached a level that can be fake and real, attracting attention on the Internet. Some netizens think this is a way to remember these celebrities, but many voices also pointed out that this is a secondary harm to their loved ones.

Article 994 of my country's Civil Code clearly stipulates: If the deceased's name, portrait, reputation, etc. are infringed upon, his spouse, children, and parents have the right to request the perpetrator to bear civil liability in accordance with the law. In other words, making and using the portrait and voice of the deceased without the consent of relatives may lead to corresponding legal liability. Not to mention, there are some bloggers who, under the guise of commemorating the deceased, take the opportunity to promote AI and provide paid services in the comment area, trying to make profits through the portraits of these celebrities.

Now, amid doubts, many accounts that have posted videos of so-called AI resurrected celebrities have removed the relevant videos from the shelves.

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