According to foreign media reports, Peter Weir, the director of "The Truman Show", recently announced his retirement. The 80-year-old told foreign media: "I have no energy anymore." "The World of Doors", "Dead Poets Society" and "Witness" have been nominated for the Oscar for Bes

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According to foreign media reports, Peter Weir, the director of 'The Truman Show', recently announced his retirement. The 80-year-old told foreign media: 'I have no energy anymore.' 'The World of Doors', 'Dead Poets Society' and 'Witness' have been nominated for the Oscar for Bes - Lujuba

1905 Movie News According to foreign media reports, "The Truman Show" director Peter Weir recently announced his retirement. The 80-year-old told foreign media: I have no energy anymore.

Peter Weir has been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director four times with "The Walking Dead", "The Truman Show", "Dead Poets Society" and "Witness". His most recent directorial work was 2010's "The Way Back".

According to foreign media reports, Peter Weir, the director of 'The Truman Show', recently announced his retirement. The 80-year-old told foreign media: 'I have no energy anymore.' 'The World of Doors', 'Dead Poets Society' and 'Witness' have been nominated for the Oscar for Bes - Lujuba

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