See you at 8 o'clock for news, more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. As the temperature rises, how can we not go out for a walk on the weekend? From March 2nd to 3rd, the Beijing Baoguo Temple Old Book Market and the

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As the temperature rises, how can we not go out for a walk on weekends? From March 2nd to 3rd, the Beijing Baoguo Temple Old Book Market and the First Book Sharing Festival was held under the theme of "Old Books, New Knowledge·Reading to Serve the Country". This event not only carries various traditional classic books, but also promotes the green sharing of culture, allowing old books to find new friends and gain new knowledge from old books.

See you at 8 o'clock for news, more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. As the temperature rises, how can we not go out for a walk on the weekend? From March 2nd to 3rd, the Beijing Baoguo Temple Old Book Market and the - Lujuba

Citizens visit the book market and look for old books. Photographed by Beijing News reporter Xue Jun

At the scene, more than 200 booths were opened in the ancient and second-hand book area, which brought together many precious ancient and second-hand books. In the form of "indoor cultural exhibition + outdoor old and second-hand book market", it provided book lovers with a book shopping experience 's paradise. Many high-quality booksellers, including China Bookstore, Beijing Publishing Group, Confucius Used Books Network, Chinese Studies Times, Beijing Book Building, Guoshu Bookstore, China Yanshi Publishing House, and Electric Power Construction Magazine, will participate in the exhibition. Tens of thousands of high-quality old and used books are divided into categories. Neatly stacked, various types of literary masterpieces, historical classics, character stories, natural sciences, human geography, etc. are all available.

's "National Book Sharing Zone" became a highlight of this event. Book friends brought their own collections of books to display, exchange, or share their reading experiences, forming a unique cultural landscape. "The Book Sharing Festival uses books as a carrier to share classics, inheritance, and development, and what everyone knows and feels about old books." The relevant person in charge of the organizer of the event said, in addition to book exhibitions here, In exchange, you can also exchange your own old books for flowers or coffee.

It is worth mentioning that the "Searching for Fathers' Childhood Memories - Excellent Comics Exhibition" jointly organized by Baoguo Temple and Beijing Rongtang Comics Museum is also eye-catching. Many of the exhibits are excellent comic books that have won national awards.

Li Wei, director of the Beijing Rongtang Comic Book Museum, said, “We have brought four national award-winning comic strips and high-quality comic strips from the collection, such as "Great Changes in the Mountain Country", "Feather Letter", "The Romance of the West Chamber" and other comic strips that won first, second and third prizes. In particular, "Chicken Feather Letter" is the treasure of the museum. It was created by the famous painter Liu Jiyou and is the first comic book published by the state-owned publishing house of New China."

In addition, the organizers also launched the restoration of traditional ancient book pages and the intangible cultural heritage wooden board water rubbing As well as traditional culture study and Hanfu experience, children can better understand the extensive and profound excellent traditional culture through these activities. According to the organizer of the

event, the Beijing Baoguo Temple Antique Book Market will be held on weekends from March to October this year. At the same time, Xicheng District will also promote the prosperity and orderly development of the used book market by building an offline used book circulation platform, a normalized used book exhibition and sales platform, and a common people's used book sharing platform throughout the district, so that valuable used books can be recirculated and more people can use them. people fall in love with reading. Read the full text >>>

At 9:30 today, China Eastern Airlines’ fifth large domestic c919 aircraft, numbered b-919f, performed the mu2999 adjustment flight, departed from Shanghai Pudong International Airport and arrived at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport at 9:51 , officially joined the China Eastern Airlines fleet.

See you at 8 o'clock for news, more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. As the temperature rises, how can we not go out for a walk on the weekend? From March 2nd to 3rd, the Beijing Baoguo Temple Old Book Market and the - Lujuba

The fifth C919 aircraft newly received by China Eastern Airlines took off from Shanghai Pudong International Airport. Photographed by Xu Bingnan

In the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon that just passed, China Eastern Airlines’ four large domestically produced aircraft, c919, all joined the Spring Festival fleet for the first time. The c919 flew a total of 66 commercial flights on the Beijing-Shanghai and Shanghai-Chengdu routes, carrying 9,670 passengers.

At this year’s Singapore Air Show, the world’s first C919 of China Eastern Airlines, aircraft number b-919a, completed its “overseas debut”.

video丨China Eastern Airlines’ fifth C919 enters service>>>

Since he was first elected as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in 1993, 73-year-old Liu Yonghao has served as a member of six National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and a deputy to the National People’s Congress. During his more than 30 years of service at the National People's Congress and the People's Political Consultative Conference, Liu Yonghao has submitted more than 200 proposals, mainly focusing on the growth of private enterprises, pig breeding, and rural revitalization.

See you at 8 o'clock for news, more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. As the temperature rises, how can we not go out for a walk on the weekend? From March 2nd to 3rd, the Beijing Baoguo Temple Old Book Market and the - Lujuba

Liu Yonghao, a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of New Hope Group, said that this year six proposals have been prepared mainly around topics such as enhancing the vitality of the private economy and promoting the high-quality development of the pig industry.

Among the multiple proposals submitted by Liu Yonghao this year, one of them is a proposal on taking multiple measures to promote the high-quality development of the pig industry. In the proposal, Liu Yonghao said that 2023 will be a year that will be tested for the pig breeding industry. From the perspective of breeding income, pig prices have hovered at low levels for a long time. The average pig breeding head loss throughout the year was 76 yuan, entering the bottom period of the pig cycle. Most of the country Farmers and agricultural and animal husbandry companies are all losing money, large pig companies have tight capital chains, asset-liability ratios continue to rise, and individual large pig companies have been forced to reorganize.

To this end, he suggested promoting the transformation and upgrading of breeding enterprises, increasing financial support, and promoting the upgrading of pork consumption. "Strongly encourage pork consumption, explore the issuance of pork or pork product consumption coupons in areas where conditions permit, support the research and development and innovation of pork processed products, enrich the types of pork products, improve product quality, and meet the diverse needs of consumers. Guide government agencies and enterprises Public institutions, universities, middle schools and primary schools should actively purchase safe meat with certified traceability, carry out order farming with large-scale breeding entities, purchase pork at regular prices, broaden pork consumption scenarios, and promote the upgrade of pork consumption." Liu Yonghao suggested.

Rural revitalization and agriculture and farmers are also high-frequency words that Liu Yonghao often mentions. Liu Yonghao pointed out that for a long time, young and middle-aged, educated and high-quality rural talents have continued to drain out. Problems such as low talent quality and structural imbalance are more prominent. There is still a large gap between the implementation requirements of the rural revitalization strategy. Under the current background of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating the construction of an agricultural power, the contradiction between supply and demand for rural talents has become more prominent. In order to effectively stimulate the endogenous power of rural society, it is necessary to create a rural talent ecology that can be cultivated, retained, kept up with, and has a wide space. To do a good job in rural talent work in the new era, we need to work hard in cultivating, retaining, and utilizing talents, so that all types of talents can gather and take root in the fertile soil of rural areas.

Therefore, among the six proposals prepared for this year’s Two Sessions, one is about strengthening the cultivation of rural talents and stimulating the vitality of rural revitalization. Liu Yonghao suggested that we should guide agricultural colleges and universities to strengthen discipline construction to meet the needs of rural industry development in the new era; expand rural industry space, encourage and support young people to start businesses and find jobs locally, and keep talents in the countryside; encourage all sectors of society to participate in rural talent training and jointly create A sustainable and replicable rural talent capacity building system. Read the full text >>>

As the National Two Sessions in 2024 are about to be held, Li Shufu, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Geely Holding Group, submitted suggestions on promoting the automobile industry to achieve the "double carbon" goal.

See you at 8 o'clock for news, more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. As the temperature rises, how can we not go out for a walk on the weekend? From March 2nd to 3rd, the Beijing Baoguo Temple Old Book Market and the - Lujuba

"'Low-carbon' development still needs policy protection." Li Shufu mentioned that international "carbon barriers" are gradually approaching, and the upstream and downstream of the domestic automobile industry industry chain are still in the exploratory stage for carbon emission accounting at the enterprise level and product level. Carbon emission data comes from a wide range of sources and standards are not uniform, further increasing the difficulty of achieving international mutual recognition in the short term. Carbon emission reduction has entered the deep water area, and the promotion cost is high and difficult. The digital management of carbon emissions in the same industry is decentralized and lacks industry standards or supervision.

"The above domestic and foreign carbon-related policy systems and the progress of carbon market construction have not only hindered the domestic automobile industry from achieving the '30·60' goal ahead of schedule, but also restricted the process of internationalization of my country's automobile products. In order to maintain my country's new energy In order to maintain the international leading position of the automobile industry and meet the requirements of international carbon emission policies, it is urgent to accelerate the construction of a national carbon market, introduce carbon management-related mechanisms and policies, and standardize carbon management digital platforms." Li Shufu said.

Li Shufu suggested establishing a unified product carbon footprint management system for the automotive industry and promoting international convergence and mutual recognition of the carbon footprint of automotive products.

my country has become the world's largest exporter of automobile products, and new energy automobile products have obvious advantages at this stage. In order to further expand the export advantages of automobile products and cope with carbon trade barriers in European and American countries, automobile products are urgently needed to issue carbon footprint accounting rules in 2025. and one of the standard products. Read more>>

html December is the Spring Festival month. Affected by factors such as returning home and traveling, the overall transaction volume of Beijing’s rental market is low. However, after the Spring Festival, rental market activity picked up significantly in the last 10 days of February, and the market gradually picked up.The industry predicts that the Beijing leasing market will usher in a small transaction peak in the year in March, and the leasing "Little Indian Spring" is about to come.

See you at 8 o'clock for news, more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. As the temperature rises, how can we not go out for a walk on the weekend? From March 2nd to 3rd, the Beijing Baoguo Temple Old Book Market and the - Lujuba

html In the last 10 days of February, Beijing’s rental market activity picked up significantly, and the market gradually picked up. Data chart

Judging from the transaction volume collected by institutions, in February 2024, excluding the Spring Festival holiday, the average daily transaction volume of the Beijing regional housing rental market of I Love My Home increased significantly compared with January. At present, Beijing's housing rental market has rebounded as scheduled, and the market is operating as normal as before.

According to statistics from the Beijing Lianjia Research Institute, due to factors such as returning home and traveling, the overall transaction volume of the Beijing Lianjia rental market was low in February, declining month-on-month, and the decline was significant compared with the same period last year. In this regard, Wang Yifan, an analyst at Beijing Lianjia Research Institute, pointed out that this is because the transaction volume in the same period last year was after the Spring Festival, and the base number was on the high side. However, after the Spring Festival this year, the rental market activity rebounded significantly in the last 10 days of February, with the average daily transaction volume being about 2.5 times that before the holiday, and the market gradually recovered.

Against this background, looking forward to the trend of the housing rental market in Beijing during the "Little Indian Spring" in March, Fu Liming, the owner of the 21st Century Real Estate Happy Home Store, believes that all the tenants have returned to Beijing in March, and March is also the month of the rental market. In the traditional peak season, owners also want to rent out as soon as possible. Therefore, it is expected that March will be a good month for the rental market. "Spring is blooming, and the rental market will continue to pick up."

Wang Yifan also analyzed that the rental market in March is expected to be booming. In the post-holiday peak season, volume and price will pick up.

I Love My Home Research Institute said that with the return to the city and the return to work, it is expected that the Beijing housing rental market will usher in a small transaction peak in the year in March. The rental "Little Indian Spring" is coming, and the transaction volume may increase significantly compared with February, which may be the same as last year. There is not much difference compared with the same period, and it is expected to exceed the level of the same period last year. Read more>>

After the TV series "Hunting Ice" was aired, the topic caused by the acting of the heroine Yao Anna quickly fermented, and director Gao Qunshu also responded one after another. In an exclusive interview with reporters, Gao Qunshu said frankly that this was the film for which he had received the most responses in person during all his years of filming. He could not watch Zhang Songwen and Yao Anna being wronged.

See you at 8 o'clock for news, more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. As the temperature rises, how can we not go out for a walk on the weekend? From March 2nd to 3rd, the Beijing Baoguo Temple Old Book Market and the - Lujuba

Anna Yao plays Zhao Younan.

Gao Qunshu has not directed many TV series in recent years. The most recent work that has been broadcast so far is "Father's Identity" which was broadcast in 2016. Originally, he had no intention of directing "Ice Hunting" himself. He thought of making a small-budget online drama with non-professional actors to train the young directors and team. Until Zhang Songwen joined, the fate of the drama changed.

Gao Qunshu personally went into battle, re-arranged the script, used a large number of professional actors and directed it himself. Even so, Gao Qunshu admitted that "Hunting Ice" is still a low-cost drama, and there are many regrets and loopholes in creation and production. However, the actors in this drama have fulfilled their roles qualifiedly. If there is a problem, it is also his problem as the director. After all, he was the one who shouted "pass" on the scene, and he should be responsible.

When talking about the controversy caused by Anna Yao's appearance as Zhao Younan, Gao Qunshu said that there is nothing wrong with the appearance, especially like the people in real third-tier cities in the 1990s who usually wore wigs and that kind of clothes. Black silk stockings. Many netizens may not know much about the real life in the 1990s.

Yao Anna has her shortcomings, but the action of raising a gun was taught by a retired coach of the Secret Service. She may not be so skilled in it, after all, the training time is too short. The moment you raise the gun this way, your eyes must look in the opposite direction, it must be like this. This is all taught by the coach. When

was asked whether he thought there would be such a controversial issue when he first started using Yao Anna, Gao Qunshu said: I didn’t expect that she was not so famous at that time. I can only say that I am addicted to challenging non-professional actors, and this may be my problem.

Regarding the various controversies about Yao Anna, Gao Qunshu said, this is my actor. No matter what others say, I have to defend my actors. All my responses were for Songwen and Anna. I was not speaking for myself. I was criticizing myself.The first time I spoke was because someone said that Songwen and I both took big red envelopes from Huawei to praise Yao Anna. What do you think this is? You can't wrongly accuse Zhang Songwen, and of course you can't wrongly accuse me, so I wrote the essay. Mistakes that should be admitted must be made clear even if they are not our fault.

My position for Yao Anna is to graduate from junior high school compulsory education. I told her agent before that you must not make false claims about how good her acting is. I think she completed the task with passing standards. First of all, she has many disadvantages as an actor. She has no life and no experience. After all, it has not been long since she graduated from school. Her living environment is relatively closed and simple, but she has made progress during filming. I really didn’t expect the audience’s response to her acting skills to be so great. Now the audience’s requirement is not just to improve, but to follow Zhang Songwen’s (acting skills), which is definitely over. Read the full text>>>

Editor Liu Zhe Design Xu Xiao Proofreading Zhang Yanjun

Tags: entertainment