Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news

entertainment 9994℃

文/Wang Xinxi

A big change during this year’s Spring Festival is that the New Year atmosphere has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks.

Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news  - Lujuba

As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news came out. At around 8:20 pm on February 12, a 10-year-old boy in Weishi County, Kaifeng City, Henan Province was killed by a fireworks display. He was injured and died. The fireworks were similar to the "Howling Wolf" fireworks, with sharp points, and hit the back of a 10-year-old boy's head. The boy was injured and died by the fireworks. Currently, the child's parents have not had any water for three days and are struggling to find the murderer. The child's grandmother is mentally disturbed as a result.

Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news  - Lujuba

People think that setting off fireworks is the only way to celebrate the New Year, but accidents involving injuries or fires due to fireworks occur every year. The author came across a short video not long ago, in which a girl lit a firework, which exploded instantly in almost 0 seconds. The girl's eyes were injured as a result.

After the ban on fireworks was lifted, fireworks manufacturers seemed to have completely let go. The explosions of fireworks they produced were getting louder, cooler, and more powerful. In pursuit of the explosion effect of fireworks, fireworks manufacturers often ignored the fireworks. quality and hidden dangers.

In the incident where a 10-year-old boy in Henan was killed in a bombing, the Howling Wolf fireworks also became a hot topic. From what happened to the boy, this "Howling Fireworks" flew out of the crowd, penetrated into the back of the little boy's head and exploded. . When the child's father arrived, the child was already lying unconscious on the ground with a large amount of blood.

"The fireworks should be set off in the sky, but for some reason they rushed into the crowd." Some people questioned this.

But in fact, Howling Wolf rockets are actually similar to the flying monkeys that were set off by those born in the 80s and 90s when they were young. However, the current Howling Wolf fireworks are large and have a very large amount of gunpowder. Belongs to Class A fireworks.

Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news  - Lujuba

Anyone who has let go of things like Sky Monkey knows that it is not precision-guided, has no fixed trajectory, and some will fly randomly. This Howling Wolf Fireworks is essentially a small, powerful bomb with no fixed trajectory.

Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news  - Lujuba

According to the statement of the child's aunt, the boy was rescued for 5 days and spent more than 200,000 yuan, but he was not rescued in the end. The police are currently involved and are investigating the murderer.

In a similar experience, a man in Hunan was injured by Howling Wolf fireworks. He has been lying in the ICU for nearly ten days. When the man's family asked for compensation from the fireworks seller, they were refused.

Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news  - Lujuba

In addition, on February 5, in Luoyang, Henan, someone set off Howling Wolf fireworks that ignited the insulation layer of the floor. The fireworks flew randomly and blew a hole in a high-rise building.

Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news  - Lujuba

Regarding the Howling Wolf fireworks, some netizens commented, "The angle of this thing is not found right or it is bent, it is equivalent to a small rocket.", "I am most afraid of this kind of fireworks because you don't know where it will fly."

Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news  - Lujuba

Nowadays, there are more powerful fireworks than Howling Wolf fireworks. We can also look at another fireworks accident during the Spring Festival this year. A man (Mr. Deng) set off a 5-inch diameter fireworks bomb on the New Year's Eve and was injured in the face and eyes. He lost his sight and was rescued by the ICU for 8 days but did not pass the critical period.

Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news  - Lujuba

According to Mr. Deng’s son, “The fireworks are 3 inches in diameter and cost 30 yuan each. I bought 11 of them myself, and I have already put two or three of them. His father was on the fifth one when something happened.”

According to the original video, This type of firework was a Category A firework. He also lit the zero-second fuse backwards and put his head above the barrel to ignite, which ultimately led to the accident.

Fireworks production standards and the real dilemma of traceability

To some extent, many consumers still lack a correct understanding of the power of fireworks. According to national standards, fireworks and firecrackers are divided into four levels, with the risk from high to low. The order is a, b, c, d. Class A fireworks are suitable for products set off by professional fireworks under specific conditions and are the most harmful. Howling Wolf fireworks are Class A fireworks.

But now, in order to attract customers, manufacturers of fireworks and firecrackers rarely explain the four levels when selling fireworks, and they focus more on promoting their effects to customers. The sale and display of

a category is generally prohibited in cities and is illegal.Beijing stipulates that Class A products are prohibited from being sold and set off in the city, and only Class C and D fireworks and firecrackers are allowed to be sold and set off within the Fifth Ring Road. Class B varieties can be burned in large outdoor open spaces such as tourist resorts.

Category A and B fireworks are a weapon if they are set off improperly.

From the death of a 10-year-old boy in Henan, we can see several practical difficulties in setting off fireworks:

One is, Do fireworks manufacturers strictly follow the firework grade standards in their production and sales? How much gunpowder is it? How powerful is it? Whether the running trajectory is controllable and whether it is within the safety standards, manufacturers rarely seem to seriously implement these safety standards. In order to pursue sales and create cool effects, some manufacturers are increasing the amount of gunpowder. This is also As more and more accidents occur, calls for a ban on the sale of Howling Wolf fireworks are getting louder and louder.

Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news  - Lujuba

Secondly, it is difficult to trace the source of the accident. Unlike traffic accidents, it is easy to find the perpetrator, but firecracker accidents injure (kill) people, and it is difficult to identify the perpetrator. When firecrackers explode, especially when many firecrackers are set off together, it is difficult to track down the real culprit. .

Nowadays, the effects of fireworks are getting more and more exciting, but the public still lacks awareness of the hidden dangers of Class A fireworks. When you ignite jet-type fireworks with a range of tens of meters and air explosion, what is the difference between the power of this thing and a firecracker?

Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news  - Lujuba

In the accident where a 10-year-old boy in Henan was injured and killed by Howling Wolf fireworks, for the boy's parents, catching the murderer was the most important thing. However, the current dilemma in pursuing manufacturers and identifying the murderer is that it is difficult to trace the origin of fireworks. , there is no record of who set it off in what area, or from which manufacturer it was purchased. Once an accident occurs, it is difficult to find the person involved.

Many netizens reported that last year, many places would still divide areas for setting off fireworks and firecrackers, but this year everyone has completely relaxed it. Even if the property management area was divided into areas, it was still used everywhere. Setting off fireworks and firecrackers has never been a simple and safe way. In entertainment activities, fireworks are set off and exploded every year.

Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news  - Lujuba

Especially with the power of today's fireworks, such as the Howling Wolf fireworks, the movement trajectory is random. Even if they are not set off at the crowd, there are still people around, and the possibility of casualties still exists. Therefore, after the fireworks incident this year, the ban on fireworks has begun to rise again. Many people have begun to advocate a ban on burning fireworks.

Currently, manufacturers have established a more detailed standard system for the production and shipment of fireworks. They have established system standards for the power of fireworks, product quality, and gunpowder quantity. Those that do not meet the standards cannot be sold out of the factory.

Fireworks are banned, or Howling Wolf fireworks are banned?

In the past few years, fireworks were banned. However, due to the lack of Chinese New Year flavor in recent years, many people clamored to lift the ban on fireworks. Now that fireworks are released, various accidents have occurred, so some people have begun to say that they should be banned. fireworks.

banned it and said there was no Chinese New Year atmosphere, let it go and said it was dangerous, and someone set off firecrackers and fireworks at night and said it disturbed his sleep. Each has its own position and interests.

Judging from the current actual situation, banning the burning of fireworks may not be realistic. However, in view of the increasing danger and uncertainty of the power of fireworks in real life, it may be necessary to establish more stringent and detailed standards for the production, sale and discharge of fireworks. , at present, it is not the fireworks that need to be banned, but the Howling Wolf fireworks.

Text/Wang Xinxi One of the big changes during this year’s Spring Festival is that the flavor of the Spring Festival has become lighter, but more and more people are setting off fireworks. As enthusiasm for setting off fireworks increases, more accidents occur. Recently, sad news  - Lujuba

From the many news incidents related to Howling Wolf fireworks this year, especially the accident in which a 10-year-old boy in Henan was killed innocently, we can see that the harm of Howling Wolf fireworks does not lie in the amount and power of its gunpowder, but in its movement. There is uncertainty in the trajectory. Random turns are equivalent to being able to randomly attack passers-by. This uncertainty is equivalent to being able to randomly cause damage to any surrounding passers-by.

In this case of accident, we need to reflect on whether manufacturers need to have a more detailed standard system for the production and shipment of fireworks. We should establish system standards for the power of fireworks, product quality, and gunpowder quantity. Those that do not meet the standards cannot be sold out of the factory. . What we want to prohibit in is the wanton development and production of various new and highly dangerous rocket-type fireworks by manufacturers.

We also need to establish a recording and registration system for the purchase and sales of fireworks and firecrackers to form a better traceability system. For many people, the Spring Festival is meant to be a lively event, but it is undoubtedly distressing if personal casualties result from the fun.

The death of a 10-year-old boy in Henan is a wake-up call. Unqualified firecrackers and unsafe discharges are the powder keg of accidents. Fireworks discharges need to be managed well from the production side and the sales side. This may need to be managed Attention.

Author: Wang Xinxi tmt senior commentator Reprinting of this article without permission is prohibited

Tags: entertainment