Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, "Hunting Ice" has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f

entertainment 3609℃

Anti-narcotics theme, police-robber showdown, male villain... almost every element is a favorite of popular dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, "Hunting Ice" has been hotly discussed before it is aired.

The public is not only looking forward to Zhang Songwen's first starring new drama after the popularity of "Hurry", but also hopes that he can create new sparks with the anti-drug theme that has a small output but has a strong appeal to the audience. The expectations for "Hunting Ice" are high Quite high.

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

Now that "Hunting for Ice" has premiered, its seven episodes have tied for the first time with three episodes. Judging from the content of the first three episodes, it is a new drama that can be eaten, but it is far from the hit quality expected by the public. .

The rhythm is average, and the villain is supported.

The narrative style at the beginning of "Ice Hunter" is a bit dull. The first episode is almost a formal action arrangement. There are no high-energy clips that make the audience unforgettable, and there is no fascinating "hook" .

Such a rhythm can easily dissuade the audience if it is placed in a police and robbers or suspense genre.

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

The tense atmosphere of the theme is almost entirely supported by the male villain Huang Zongwei (played by Zhang Songwen). After this character appeared on the scene, the tense and oppressive feeling of the police and gangster theme gradually increased, and the unique tension of the theme became present.

If "Hurry" is the fateful game between An Xin and Gao Qiqiang that has been entangled for half their lives, then "Hunting Ice" is more like the personal show of "Breaking Bad" Huang Zongwei. He is more ruthless and vicious than Gao Qiqiang.

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

Gao Qiqiang has the transformation from humiliation to blackening of a low-level person who was trapped by fate. The audience will not recognize his choice, but they will definitely sympathize with his past sufferings and experiences.

But Huang Zongwei is slightly similar to him, but completely different.

He was born in a rural area, and his native family was as unhappy as Gao Qiqiang. The screenwriter hinted through details that Huang Zongwei suffered a lot when he was a child. Almost all male relatives in the family died and all female relatives became monks.

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

In such a growing environment, Huang Zongwei is destined to have a youthful life accompanied by hardships. However, Huang Zongwei, who is highly intelligent and good at strategizing people, knows how to play with life better than Gao Qiqiang, who initially acted as an "honest person".

Gao Qiqiang started out as a small fishmonger, and his starting point was as a director of a state-owned enterprise.

If he continues to work hard, Huang Zongwei may not be rich in life, but he can basically guarantee a comfortable life and a decent job. This is a good destination for many top students today.

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

Of course, what Huang Zongwei cannot let go of the most is his ambition.

What he wants is not a simple well-off life, nor pure wealth, but a strong channel for "making gold", and at the same time, he wants to bring his family and clan members to achieve class leap and become "the glory of the family".

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

So, he used his knowledge of chemistry to start a "Breaking Bad" business. Not only did the quality of his products surpass those of his peers, but his output also left others behind.

is not the kind of output that achieves freedom of wealth with one bag or two bags, but the kind of tonnage of a big drug lord who sells goods at the level of thousands of pounds and has global market ambitions. He starts from an amateur but dares to think about goals and dare to act.

In order to achieve his ambitions, he can ruthlessly eliminate all obstacles that stand in his way. He will kill his partners who are not obedient enough and destroy employees who accidentally broke into the conspiracy.

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

A living life died in front of Huang Zhongwei. The failure of the door lock would not bother him more. There is no one born evil more than this. He has the strength of Breaking Bad, and he also has the chilling ruthlessness.

One good and one evil, the cat-and-mouse game

The male villain is a rare thing in domestic dramas. If a male villain has his own story tension and meets a talented actor, he can become the center of the drama in minutes, which is also the case in "Hunter". The most interesting plot of the first three episodes of "Ice".

But from the perspective of the story structure, "Ice Hunting" should not place its focus entirely on the villain at the beginning. This drama sets up a relatively balanced showdown between the pros and cons. The core figure of the villain camp is the boss Huang Zongwei.

The core of the decent camp is policewoman Zhao Younan (played by Yao Anna).

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

Zhao Younan is not the noob-type heroine who has been obsessed with domestic dramas in the past. Although she appears as a civilian, she has an unusual professional background: she was a soldier, she has achieved third-class merit many times, and her marksmanship is excellent.

She is a novice when it comes to anti-drugs, but to be an elite, she has already laid the groundwork.

Even if she has no field experience, she can keenly detect the traces left by criminals. In terms of accumulation and application of professional knowledge, she is more sophisticated than many of her predecessors, and has become the invisible leader in solving crimes.

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

Of course, as high as the Taoist is, so is the devil. The righteous character with Zhao Younan as the core is sharp enough, and the villain with Huang Zongwei as the core is also extremely cunning. From the trailer, we already know that the villain is not that easy to catch.

The decent camp is destined to put in more efforts and costs to completely encircle and suppress Breaking Bad. This cost may be greater than we imagine, but if evil does not prevail against good, justice will eventually see the light of day.

Objectively speaking, the screenwriter’s basic design of the decent camp is very balanced. The villains have the high energy of the villains, and the decent ones also have decent arcs. For example, through the grave sweeping and the name, it is hinted that Zhao Younan’s native family favors sons over daughters.

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

She is very distant from her family, and her relationship with her father is even more intense.

One can imagine how many obstacles she would encounter on her growth path, as a professional decathlete, and how much harm the name "Friend Boy" left on her, her mother, and her sister. However, she did not compromise with her family like her eldest sister. Instead,

broke out his own world, resisted the constraints of traditional ideas, and firmly followed the path he wanted to take. It is quite ironic that such a character serves as Huang Zongwei's opponent and control group.

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

Huang Zongwei, the much-anticipated hope of the family, has obviously got a good hand, but he uses illegal means to "bring glory to the family" and steps on the flesh and blood of countless families to rise to power without mercy.

Zhao Younan, who was not valued by her family, started out in a mess, but step by step she walked towards the path of a tenacious and unyielding hero. It was because she did not compromise with injustice in her family relationship, and it was also because she persisted in biting Huang Zongwei in the workplace that she finally defeated the devil.

However, the basic settings of the heroine are excellent, but there are two regrets in the performance.

First of all, the acting skills

The audience can feel Yao Anna's efforts and tension, but they can also see her nervousness and rawness. Playing a professional and keen anti-drug hero, there are many parts of the character that are difficult for the audience to relate to.

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

For example, calmness and composure can be expressed with a dull frown.

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

For example, a demeanor that is incompatible with one's professional background.

Playing a professional role does not mean just removing the makeup and returning to simplicity. The image must have a spirit that matches the role, and the performance must have a sense of empathy that matches the character, so that the audience can be better convinced.

Another regret lies in the details of solving the case decently. In the first three episodes of

, the handling of crime-solving scenes seems a little rough. The clues can be found almost every time, and the key information can be obtained in minutes. As a result, the decent group portraits are not well established.

Anti-narcotics themes, cop-robber showdowns, male villains... almost every element is a favorite of hit dramas. Coupled with gold medal director Gao Qunshu and popular actor Zhang Songwen, 'Hunting Ice' has been hotly discussed before it is aired. The public is not only looking f - Lujuba

lacks a sense of character participation and is more step-by-step.

The two regrets are combined, and the original arc of the decent character is much weaker. As the villain Zhang Songwen performs normally, and has a more powerful setting than Gao Qiqiang, it is difficult for the effect not to be one-sided.

This makes the first three episodes of "Hunting Ice" sometimes tense, and sometimes like a documentary about the male villain. On one side, the decent guy pursues his goals according to the picture, and on the other side, the villain is high-powered. One side is too peaceful, and the other side is too flashy. It's a tense cat-and-mouse game. The effect will not come out.

If it keeps going this way, "Ice Hunter" may progress by amplifying the shortcomings of "Hurry Up", but fortunately the story has just begun and the foundation of the story is strong enough. Perhaps the surprises prepared by the story are still to come.

Tags: entertainment