Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with

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Lu Yu, who insists on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year. When the two thin people stood together, they looked at each other and smiled, and were filled with emotion. What's even more touching is their dialogue, which shows a Jia Ling who has become thinner, more beautiful and stronger!

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

Jia Ling’s success is difficult to copy.

Only those who have truly experienced losing weight will understand how difficult it is to lose 100 kilograms of meat. For example, Lu Yu’s weight is about 80 kilograms. Jia Ling is equivalent to losing 100 kilograms of meat every day. Lu Yu, who was wrapped around him, was thrown directly to the ground.

But objectively speaking, Jia Ling’s successful weight loss experience is difficult for ordinary people to copy, and it requires strong financial resources and terrible willpower.

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

On January 3, 2023, Jia Ling began to receive professional weight loss training. To this end, she built a private gym in her company and hired a team of professional coaches.

Many netizens questioned Jia Ling’s weight loss too quickly, why is her skin not sagging? The professional coach scientifically calculated and formulated a 10-month weight loss training plan based on her physical condition, and warned her that "there will be enough muscle support to prevent the skin from sagging."

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

As the saying goes, "30% training, 70% eating", Jia Ling's cousin learned to be a chef. She specially hired her cousin to be responsible for her diet. She strictly controlled the intake every day, 20 grams of oil and 5 grams of salt, which was unbeatable. .

Jia Ling has been working in the entertainment industry for many years and is under a lot of pressure. Jia Ling has long been accustomed to eating and drinking to relieve stress. However, since she started to lose weight, she has reduced social interactions, almost never appeared in public places, and changed her drinking to drinking tea.

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

Regarding the fat-reduction meals she has been eating for nearly a year, Jia Ling humorously described: "Fat-reduction meals are the scum of the food industry! When you swallow the last bite, you will still feel so hungry! They seem to have been here, but , I’ll leave right now!”

As her weight decreases, Jia Ling’s desire for food tastes gradually decreases. “Everything tastes delicious. At first, I wanted to eat Sichuan hot pot, and later it was boiled mutton and Chaoshan beef balls. , steak, and finally salmon, getting healthier and healthier."

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

In July 2023, Jia Ling, who had been "retreating" for 6 months, secretly went to Haikou to watch Jay Chou's concert, and even directed the fans to sing a chorus in front of the auditorium, but because She had lost so much weight that no one recognized or imagined that it was Jia Ling.

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

On September 1, 2023, Jia Ling, who had been losing weight for 8 months, completely collapsed!

She lay on the ground and asked herself: Do people have to live like this? Am I still alive? Is there still a heartbeat? Still have thoughts?

Giving up on herself, she asked her assistant to order a bunch of skewers, opened a bottle of red wine, and begged the assistant: "Come have a drink with me."

That night, Jia Ling ate cucumbers and a few skewers of oil. I ate a side dish, a bunch of chicken feet, and a small glass of red wine. I weighed in and gained 3 pounds the next day. But Jia Ling has no regrets about this. She said frankly: If she hadn’t had that night of indulgence, maybe she would have given up and could only jump higher by squatting down!

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

Sha Yi saw Jia Ling who had successfully lost weight for the first time, patted her back, and asked distressedly: "You haven't become less depressed, have you?" Jia Ling replied lightly: "No!"

This The scene can't help but remind people of a sentence in "Disqualified in the World": "My pride does not allow me to tell others about this day of collapse. Only I know that my heart is completely different in just one night."

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

Jia Ling's spiritual core was upgraded

When filming "Hello, Li Huanying", there was a crying scene that Jia Ling filmed more than 30 times; When filming "Hot and Spicy", in the scene of jumping off a building, Jia Ling carried a 210-pound weight Weight, I kept climbing up the window sill and took pictures 72 times. The last one I used was the 72nd one.

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

When filming "Hello, Li Huanying", Jia Ling didn't even understand the basic professional terminology of filmmaking, so the cost of communication with the photographer was the highest; now, she can express her needs to the photographer with ease, such as When showing her weight loss results, do not use cutaway shots, but always use long shots.

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

Jia Ling said frankly: If "Hello, Li Huanying" is remade now, she is confident that it will be more like a movie.

Last year, the box office of the movie "Barbie" reached US$1.442 billion. Its director, Greta Gerwig, also surpassed Jia Ling and became the female director with the highest box office in the world.

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

Regarding this, Jia Ling expressed her regret without any secret, but the reason for regret is that her mother's name is on the movie. If it is "Hot and Spicy", she doesn't care.

Lu Yu interviewed Jia Ling on January 22. She asked Jia Ling whether she was confident about the box office of the second movie she directed.

Jia Ling replied: "Hello, Li Huanying" had a box office of 5.4 billion, but at that time I felt that 400 million would be enough; after filming "Hot and Spicy", I had no pressure on the box office. My confidence came from my friends watching the film. The feedback given, "It's not that I have no expectations or expectations for the box office, but I care more about word-of-mouth than box office."

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

Audiences who have watched "Hot and Spicy" will be more or less inspired or even shocked, but Jia Ling is the one who benefits the most from it.

"I have some talent in movies, but this is the first time I have faced my talent! I have always known that I have talent, but the closer I am to success, the more I feel that I am not worthy of the success.

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

Previous When people praise me, I would say 'it's all lucky'; but now, I will happily accept it. This change was established during the filming of the movie.

In the past, if there was a silence at a party, I would be the first to jump out The atmosphere is heated up; but ignore it now, it depends on whether I am interested in joining this topic."

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

People around me have changed because of Jia Ling's changes.

In the movie "Hot and Spicy", there are Jia Ling's good friends Zhang Xiaofei, Ma Li, Sha Yi, Lei Jiayin, Wei Xiang, etc.

As a friend, Jia Ling is a very talkative, loyal and generous person; but as a director on the set, Jia Ling has her own working standards, "Because I am so familiar with it, I will directly state my requirements."

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

When Xie Nan saw Jia Ling after losing weight and watched the test film of "Hot and Spicy", she excitedly said to Jia Ling: "I won't tell you my feelings about watching the movie now. I'm going to sign up." I want to learn acting."

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

Because Jia Ling’s fitness results are there, colleagues in the company are also deeply encouraged. Jia Ling’s private gym has been opened as an employee benefit, and you can reserve time in advance for exercise.

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

Jia Ling: I haven’t changed, I’m just tired.

Many netizens complained about Jia Ling after losing weight, and she looked less happy.

Jia Ling replied with a wry smile: "I haven't had a holiday for more than a year. People think I have changed, but actually I am tired."

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

She even said: "I will never dare to make a movie like this again in my life!" I tried my best on both of these films. "Hello, Li Huanying" was heartbreaking. When I was filming "Hot and Spicy," my mental and physical strength reached the limit. In future works, I may add some Show your talent."

In the movie, the scene where Jia Ling goes from 210 pounds to 110 pounds only lasts two minutes, but it took Jia Ling a full year to show these two minutes.

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

The audience saw a fitness shot of Jia Ling, but it required her to perform the same action several times at different camera positions, even for many days and multiple shots, which drained people's energy and energy.

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

Where will Jia Ling go in the future?

Now Jia Ling has developed a good habit of exercising every day. During the two days when she was editing the film, she forced herself to take two days off. She would lie down in the hotel in her free time, but her health But I really want to go out for a run.

In order to return to her role as an actress, Jia Ling’s current exercise focuses on losing muscle and exercising her body’s agility.

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

Lu Yu accurately described Jia Ling’s 2023: director + actor + fitness fanatic!

Jia Ling responded humorously: If there was a machine that could make people forget their pain, she would definitely make herself forget the pain of this year.

After the filming, Jia Ling returned to Beijing for more than a month. She was at a loss. She didn't know how the audience would view her, nor how to get along with the audience as she was now.

"I am very grateful to so many viewers who have promoted my chubby self to a cute and cute position. I really don't want to lose them, but now I am healthier and happier."

Lu Yu, who has insisted on losing weight all year round and refutes rumors that he only eats a few grains of rice per meal, went to interview Jia Ling, who lost 100 pounds in a year - when the two thin people stood together, looked at each other and smiled, they were filled with  - Lujuba

As of 17:00 on February 21 , the box office of "Hot and Spicy" has reached 3.048 billion. Even if Jia Ling quits the entertainment industry, it will be enough to ensure that she will have enough food and clothing for the rest of her life. Besides, who dares to say that her talent only ends there?

Tags: entertainment