In recent years, online micro-short dramas have gradually emerged, and phenomenon-level "hits" have appeared one after another. Recently, Zhao Dongling, a representative of the National People's Congress and former deputy artistic director of Shandong Film and Television Producti

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In recent years, online micro-short dramas have gradually emerged, and phenomenon-level 'hits' have appeared one after another. Recently, Zhao Dongling, a representative of the National People's Congress and former deputy artistic director of Shandong Film and Television Producti - Lujuba

Posters for works written by Zhao Dongling, "Glory of the Fathers" and "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes "

1905 Movie Network News In recent years, online micro-short dramas have gradually emerged, and phenomenal hits have appeared one after another. Recently, Zhao Dongling, a representative of the National People's Congress and former deputy artistic director of Shandong Film and Television Production Center, was interviewed and talked about the rise of online micro-short dramas.

She believes that the key to micro-short dramas is to be able to keenly grasp the audience's emotional points and excitement, and mobilize the audience's emotions within a few minutes.

In her opinion, the emergence of micro-short dramas will have an impact on traditional film and television dramas. As a screenwriter of long-form dramas, she must face the challenges head-on and strive to write better scripts. Regarding the future development prospects of the micro-short drama industry, Zhao Dongling has a positive attitude. After a new thing comes out, it is always like this. With the popularity of micro-short dramas, I believe that relevant laws and regulations will soon be improved.

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