Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama "The Boy Who Ming

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text | Mi Li’s mother

As soon as “The Young Man Who Ming Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mother silently started watching the drama.

But what surprised Mi Li’s mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun ’s output in road shows and interviews.

In the drama "The Young Man Who Mings the Dragon", Zhang Ruoyun plays Lei Ming, the head teacher of Class 31. He always puts himself in the shoes of his students. He accidentally becomes a "father" in front of students and can take care of their children's emotions better than many parents.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

So netizens jokingly said that Zhang Ruoyun's "daddy taste" is not greasy at all, which justifies the term.

But when these words reached Zhang Ruoyun’s ears, he began to criticize himself in public.

He said: "My daddy-ness needs to be reflected on. Only one-way output and lack of communication will not work."

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

These seemingly understated sentences not only point out Lei Ming's most fatal shortcoming in the play, He also made it clear why everyone is disgusted with the "dad smell".

After hearing this, Mi Li’s mother almost looked at Zhang Ruoyun with admiration again. A person who can perform good works really has a thorough understanding of the audience's psychology.

No wonder Zhang Ruoyun was able to turn the tide with his acting skills even in " Kyushu Sky City ", a thunder drama that was criticized by everyone on the Internet, and turned a domineering CEO-like most beautiful man in the three worlds into a screen classic.

But in addition to Zhang Ruoyun's consistent and stable performance, the drama "The Boy Who Calls the Dragon" also gave Mi Li's mother another touch.

Unlike many domestic dramas with female themes, "Young Dragon" did not promote "feminism", but it sincerely discussed many sensitive female topics, which made Mi Li's mother think a lot.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

The dark side behind the passion

A campus drama with a college entrance examination theme. Conventionally, it is about filming struggling teenagers, inspiring group portraits, and passionate youth. It can be said that

has room for improvement, but not much.

However, "The Boy Who Sings the Dragon" uses a rare measure to focus on the plight of female students in entering higher education.

At the beginning of the story, the main contradiction is laid out in the open.

Due to the education reform, a key high school and an ordinary high school merged. There are incompatible gaps between the two schools. One is the gap in strength between top students and Puwa, and the other is the huge gap in family and education.

This double contradiction is epitomized by the mathematical genius Cheng Yushan.

Cheng Yushan was born in a family that values ​​boys over girls. She remarried with her mother since she was a child. She was regarded as a loser and a rag in the eyes of her neighbors. She was not even allowed to serve wedding banquets.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

My stepfather opened a mahjong parlor, and Cheng Yushan’s bedroom was located on the first floor of the parlor. The sign on the door that says "Not a toilet!!!" implies that this room has been pushed in by poker players countless times.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

But the eye-catching exclamation mark can stop customers, but it cannot prevent the stepfather with ulterior motives.

Cheng Yushan was horrified to discover one day that his stepfather had installed a camera in his room, and his every move was being watched by him.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

But she discovered her stepfather's perverted behavior, but she didn't dare to expose it. Because Cheng Yushan understood that he and his mother had no say in this family, and the financial resources were firmly in the hands of his stepfather.

If she wanted to finish high school safely, she had to bow to her stepfather again and again for tuition and living expenses.

Cheng Yushan knew she had a talent for mathematics, but when she answered the last big question on the paper, she left a large blank space in front of it.

Because she discovered that this talent was only useful when settling accounts in the mahjong parlor. At other times, it could only become a drag.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

Under the pressure from his family day after day, Cheng Yushan gave up the idea of ​​studying to change his life, and just wanted to escape from his family in the fastest way.

At first, she wanted to find someone to take her to Shanghai to work, but later she came up with the idea of ​​getting married as soon as possible.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

When Lei Ming asked her in the mahjong parlor: " Is it more likely that you will change your destiny by getting married, or is it more likely that you will be admitted to Qingbei?"

Cheng Yushan replied in despair: "Not big, but fast."

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

In other words, Cheng Yushan no longer wants to endure it for one more second. So even if she knew that getting married would mean stepping out of the tiger's den and into the dragon's pond again, she thought she had no choice.

But Lei Ming used the trick at the card table Opportunity caught Cheng Yushan on the edge of the cliff.

“Those who rely on others are small cards, but only by relying on yourself can you play the big cards in life. "

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

These words are probably what Principal Zhang Guimei wants to say to those female students in mountain villages.

When the movie " I am a mountain " caused huge controversy, Teacher Zhang Guimei's documentary once again attracted everyone's attention.

In 2017 Before the transportation reform, Zhang Guimei often spent a day on a home visit. Cars, motorcycles, donkeys, and walking made the difficult home visit journey a difficult road for girls in the mountains to study.

It is more difficult than the road. What is more difficult to overcome is the backwardness of ideas. Zhang Guimei paid an unimaginable price in order to persuade her parents to let her go and to persuade girls to study.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

Many people in the mountains do not believe that studying can change their destiny, and most girls accept marriage from birth. The fate of having children.

The shackles of old ideas, unequal resource distribution, and shackles from the inside out make every step of women's journey more and more difficult.

But fortunately, with the efforts of countless people, many Changes have already taken place.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

No need to be perfect, no need to be sorry

In the drama "The Young Man Who Sings the Dragon", the psychology teacher Sang Xia is a marginal but indispensable character.

In the school, as a psychology teacher, Sang Xia just hangs " "Fake job", doing odd jobs here and there, seemingly without any serious things to do.

But when students have psychological problems, Sangxia can always play a role immediately and lead the students back to the right path.

She was demoted to penniless at home. The worthy Cheng Yushan is in an even more embarrassing situation at school.

Not only has he been bullied on campus all year round, but also because of his beauty, he has become the heroine of "yellow rumors" in the eyes of his classmates.

A series of gossips, compiled with nose and eyes.

When Cheng Yushan When she was frustrated by rumors in school, Sang Xia, who was also a woman, stood up.

She told Cheng Yushan:

"It's not your fault that you were violated because you wore a short skirt; because you have an open personality and a bright mind. It is not your fault that you are independent or emotional, but being excluded;

being a girl, it is absolutely not your fault. "

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

Yes, being born a woman is not a sin, but she suffers from omnipresent malice.

Use a fabricated yellow rumor to completely destroy women's lives, and the cost cannot be lower.

Some time ago, Mi Li's mother I saw the news about a "high-tech crime". The girl Xiaolin had her face stolen by AI and became the heroine of countless private photos and videos.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

On an ordinary day, Xiaolin's phone suddenly popped up one WeChat message after another saying hello. The messages and comments were all like "little sister, make friends", which were full of suggestive meanings.

Xiaolin, who looked at the messages, noticed something was wrong, and quickly accepted two friend requests and took the opportunity to conduct cross-examination and investigation.

How could she not Unexpectedly, she actually had so many "private photos" that were published online.

In addition to borrowing her appearance, the mapmaker even knew her name, age, home address and other basic information.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

The more he understood the truth behind it, Xiaolin The more frightened she felt. During the tracking, Xiaolin found that the earliest photo was in May last year.

had malicious photos for a year, and Xiaolin couldn't help but doubt the acquaintances around her. This brought great psychological distress to her. Under pressure, she once closed her circle of friends, fearing that she would be targeted again when she shared her daily life.

Because the mapmaker kept changing, canceling, and changing IP addresses, it was difficult for Xiaolin to find out the truth. In order to find the criminal, she searched her "private information" over and over again. "Photo", although "every time I watch it, it is mental pollution."

Under such torture, Xiao Lin suffered from depression and took a lot of medicine.

Until this year, she decided to call the police for help after recovering from the abyss.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

While she was scared, she kept telling herself: "I didn't do anything wrong."

Rather than proving her innocence, she wanted to catch the rumor maker with her own hands and give herself an explanation. Therefore, she fought against the disease, actively cooperated with the police investigation, and would never give up.

"It was disgusting when those people harassed me, but when I think that those bodies are not mine, I have a clear conscience."

With the help of the police and social people, Xiaolin finally succeeded in saving himself, regained trust in the outside world, and also dispelled The inner haze.

Her voice and struggle inspired many girls in the same situation, and also deeply admired Mi Li’s mother.

But just because women can get out of this predicament doesn’t mean the ill will disappear.

To cut off those dark thoughts that are covetous, we need complete legal protection, and more importantly, the popularization of gender education.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

Reverse growth is a choice

Mr. Lu Xun wrote a shocking theory in his essay - "Wake up the sleeping person in the iron room."

If reality is cruel, then those who wake up first are doomed to be miserable, and this is exactly the status quo that feminism faces.

Li Juan wrote in "Winter Pasture": "Although people who are too sensitive will suffer, I would rather suffer the suffering of this sensitivity than be someone else."

Others who made the same choice include Liu Xiaoyang, a rural woman who "would rather suffer than be numb".

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

Liu Xiaomian only has a second-year junior high school education, but she is not willing to live a lifeless life in the countryside. She urgently wants to go out and see.

Liu Xiaomian struggled a lot almost in vain to imagine another life from the words in the book, or to look into the distance through the TV.

Many people don't understand why she is so difficult with herself. She just said:

"I always feel that people should have a little yearning."

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

No matter how long and difficult the journey is, women's awakening is already an irreversible trend.

Recently, the topic of "becoming a Korean girl" in Xiao's book has become more and more popular.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

In many ways, the situation of Korean women echoes ours. But they made a braver decision first.

They choose to read books to death and break out of their cocoons. Instead of studying hard, they become "crazy".

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

Drink iced coffee instead of water, take health supplements, sleep no more than two hours a day, clock in 3,000 words in two days, and finish reading a large modern history book in one day...

The heartbreaking love in the Korean drama is no more It is not the dream of Korean women. In their hearts, they can only keep moving forward and upward, and become fearless helmsmen of life in the huge waves.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

And the young girls who regard them as role models have also shown a fighting spirit that is beyond ordinary people and will not compromise or give in for any reason when making life choices.

Among the middle-aged group, female consciousness is also awakening.

Some time ago, someone posted a complaint on his personal account.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

I cut my hand while cooking and was unable to wash the dishes, but my husband was unwilling to help.

After the daughter washed the dishes, her husband was still angry: "Your mother has experienced the joy of not having to wash the dishes, and she will deliberately cut her hand next time!" After the

video was posted, netizens in the comment area offered suggestions to stop her. Stop spoiling your husband.

This mother relied on advice. Starting from refusing to cook, she gradually regained the right to speak in the marriage.

Article | Mi Li’s mom As soon as “The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon” started airing, Mi Li’s mom silently started watching the drama. But what surprised Mi Li's mother more than the plot was Zhang Ruoyun's performance in road shows and interviews. In the drama 'The Boy Who Ming  - Lujuba

In the recent news, she has obtained the divorce certificate. She has gone from fighting around the family to living for herself, becoming the most powerful role model for her daughter.

It turns out that the trajectory of growth is not static. Those women who choose to grow in reverse and start all over again have created another possibility through their own actions.

Resilience is even more evident in adversity, and women are building a new world of their own.

When we choose to light ourselves up, it may not be for the sake of "thousands of lights", but to light up the path forward for more sisters.

Personal profile: @米里马爱Sharing MiLi’s mother, a returnee from the United States and a parent in Haidian. Focus on learning practical information, educational experience and further education.

Tags: entertainment