An Indian man did something like this after his wife and daughter were humiliated, the movie "Manslaughter"

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The hottest Indian movie in 2019 is the thriller "Tuner". People suddenly discovered that Indian movies are no longer "dancing if they don't agree". Compared with the over-commercialized "Tuner", another high-scoring work "Manslaughter" is a realm that makes people fidget after reading it.

An Indian man did something like this after his wife and daughter were humiliated, the movie 'Manslaughter' - Lujuba

Since ancient times, the story of "officials forcing the people to rebel, punishing rape and hoeing evil" is the most popular theme among the people. From "Water Margin" to "Robin Hood", the routine repeated for hundreds of years is never tiresome. However, the Indian film "Manslaughter and Hiding the Heavens" gave a story of " people forced the officials to rebel", which was staggering.

must be patience to finish reading

"Manslaughter" Although there is no long-winded song and dance scenes in traditional Indian movies, the lengthy plot is indeed essential. In the

movie, the tit-for-tat two parties are very different in terms of status and status, which is completely an arrangement of characters that bully others in the traditional sense. Vijay, who is born in a low caste, lives peacefully with his family in a remote town. The enthusiastic and kind Vijay usually likes to help others. He loves to fight injustices when he is okay, and even helps the builders who are decorating the police station to fight for benefits. . This kind of character makes others very good, but it also makes grudges with the police in the town. At the same time, Vijay, whose parents have both died since childhood, is an orphan. He also adopted a girl, the eldest daughter in the movie. The first half of the

film gave Vijay a halo with a series of well-designed beddings, which also made the shadows that appeared under the halo appear so dazzling.

An Indian man did something like this after his wife and daughter were humiliated, the movie 'Manslaughter' - Lujuba

Vijay needs to face a domineering female police inspector who can tell from her skin color and accent that her caste is much higher than Vijay. The female inspector is always well-dressed in the movie, meticulously dressed from dress to hairstyle. However, in the later episodes, she used all means to achieve the goal and stepped into the abyss step by step. The female inspector is played by the popular Indian actress Tabu. Another role she is more familiar with for Chinese audiences is the insidious woman who murdered her husband in "Tuner". In the movie

An Indian man did something like this after his wife and daughter were humiliated, the movie 'Manslaughter' - Lujuba

, it is repeatedly emphasized that Vijay, who is from a humble background, did not even graduate from elementary school. He has only a fourth-grade literacy level, but he plays with a group of powerful elites. Vijay has a unique advantage. He is doing the "big" business of the cable TV network in the town. In fact, he plays pirated movies for the folks all day long. Everyday work is sitting in the office and watching movies. This profession gives Vijay the opportunity to get in touch with a large number of police movies. It is such a film enthusiast with elementary school education who subconsciously pieced together all kinds of whimsical crime plots in the movies he watched when his family was threatened, creating a jaw-dropping case.

The numbing "calculation"

After completing the pros and cons of the characters, the movie began a numbing "calculation".

Vijay’s eldest daughter signed up for a summer camp. Although Vijay shivered after hearing the registration fee, he did not hesitate to agree to her daughter’s request. Unexpectedly, this summer camp attracted a lot of attention. A tragedy. An unsophisticated dude took pictures of girls with his mobile phone all day long, and what was even worse was that he even took indecent videos of Vijay's daughter after the summer camp to threaten him and even attempted to abuse the eager mother of the nurse. The

girl missed the evil young man, and then Vijay who came over did not hesitate to choose to cover up the truth for her family. After digging a hole in his garden to bury the body, he discovered that the evil young man killed by his own daughter was the son of the local police inspector. The whole family fell into deep fear. Vijay found that it was easy to bury the victim’s body, but it was more difficult to erase his whereabouts on the day of his death than ascending to the sky. As long as the police compare the time, place and characters, they can point the clue to Vijay’s daughter who had been with the victim in the summer camp. .

Sure enough, the "brave" Indian police found Vijay without any effort. However, what embarrassed the police was that all the evidence found during the interrogation proved the family's "innocence". It turned out that the genius Vijay was so eager to be wise, and came up with a wonderful strategy. The whole family worked together to fabricate evidence of traveling on the day of the incident to get it through.

In the early morning of the next day, the whole family hurriedly packed their luggage and headed to the neighboring city to participate in a game that had already ended.Shu’s evangelistic meeting, how did the witty Vijay of move the next day's outing a day?

Vijay, who watched Bollywood movies so thoroughly, immediately thought of a weakness in human nature, and always believed that "seeing is believing". The

family embarked on an illusory journey. They always consciously or unconsciously talked up with others along the way, and always created all kinds of opportunities to appreciate the work of others, so that everyone left a beautiful and deep impression on the family. impression. From the restaurant owner to the movie theater projectionist, from the bus conductor to the hotel attendant, these people were summoned by the police afterwards, and they all proved that the family did indeed appear in another city.

So how did they succeed in getting all the witnesses to get the time wrong? The

family deliberately stayed in a small hotel with lax management, giving Vijay the opportunity to tamper with the check-in date without being prepared.

Then the family deliberately revisited a week later, and deliberately "coincidentally" met these people who would testify in court in the future, repeatedly greeted them enthusiastically, and deliberately mistakenly reminded the other party that they met on the day of the incident. Such strong psychological hints made these witnesses involuntarily give false testimony a few days later.

Just like this, when the police cracked the case, Vijay, who was waiting for him, had already prepared all the personal and physical evidence, and all the evidence was tightly closed. The female inspector had to watch the enemy walk out of the police station under her nose. The

movie filmed here is already no less than any Hollywood suspense blockbuster, but this is only the first half of a numbing "scheme". The real good show of

has just come on stage. The female inspector who has just come on stage,

is so embarrassed and angry that she uses her nirvana and cruelly "tortures a confession." Even if the family was beaten and beaten to death, the family refused to recruit. The furious Indian police attacked Vijay's youngest daughter. The little girl reluctantly confessed the truth and confessed the whereabouts of the victim's body.

When a good show starts in the back garden of Vijay’s house, the distressed female inspector and wife, the frightened Vijay family, the outrageous people eating melons, and the media who watch the excitement are not too big a problem. The actors are here, the stage is set up, just waiting for the gong!

In full view, the Indian police dug up the body of a wild dog, but it was not the victim at all. The female inspector looked back at Vijay in horror and anger, because she knew that she had been "designed" by others, and was played around by Vijay who only had a fourth-grade education in elementary school.

At this time, the opening of the film for Vijay had an effect. Seeing the local "Living Leifeng" was unreasonably "persecuted" by the Indian police, the masses were angry. So the perpetrator instantly became a victim, and no one sympathized with the female inspector who lost her son.

The truth is that Vijay secretly moved the victim's body without telling his family and replaced it with a wild dog. As a result, the situation became uncontrollable, and the invincible female inspector resigned from public office under pressure from the media. The police were prohibited from contacting the Vijay family at will by court ban.

This is the "scheme" carefully planned by Vijay.

in the movie

the scary part of the

movie "Manslaughter" on the surface is a story of the people resisting power, but behind it is buried a place that is scary.

Vijay protects his family by sacrificing his little daughter. In the

movie, it is not difficult to find that Vijay actually predicts that the Indian police will eventually use violence to treat his family, especially the youngest daughter in the family. After all, according to common sense, such a small child would not lie, and in fact, Vijay's youngest daughter finally confessed truthfully after being tortured to extract a confession. It is this critical and wrong information that misled the Indian police that gave Vijay the opportunity to use the media to protect the whole family.

Vijay had to make the whole thing out of control.

For Vijay, a commoner from the low caste class in India, the consequences of provoking the female inspector in the movie can only be a dead end. The methods Vijay adopted were intriguing. Since there was no legitimate legal way to solve the problem, he had to choose the outcome of destroying the opponent by any means. In this unfortunate incident, it is difficult to tell who is right and who is wrong between the rich and the people, and there are only two sad families left.

movie endingThe proud female inspector has become a commoner, and finally finds Vijay begging for the truth. Vijay did not succumb to power, but he could no longer feel at ease with a mother who lost her son. Vijay apologized, but did not express any regrets, because "I can do whatever it takes to protect my family."

So, where is the victim's body? It turned out that a foreshadowing was laid at the beginning of the movie. Vijay helped a builder who renovated the police station so that he had the opportunity to enter the construction site of the police station. Now you should know the whereabouts of the body. The

movie ends, leaving behind a mess of thoughts. In the eyes of the dude, bullying the common people is an uncommon thing, and he did not expect to bring himself to death. For the female inspector in a high position, the game that won or lost without suspense eventually caused herself to be ruined. For the common people Vijay who is retreating all over, is his heart calm?

The movie "Manslaughter" does not give people a Robin Hood-like pleasure, but makes people fidget. The characteristic of an excellent movie is that it does not give out simple and crude values, but leaves enough space for people to think. The movie "Manslaughter" does exactly this.

Tags: movie