The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.

entertainment 4920℃

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

html The evil wind at the end of 0 is blowing so hard, sometimes it is Shi Hang and sometimes it is Yang Bo. The appeal of


The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

is so frustrated.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

If you ask me, Shi Hang might as well find a way to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing. This will be his biggest disaster in 2024.

Why? Because the analysis of the Shihang incident that I spent a thousand words writing at that time was not as direct and clear as Yang Bo’s short essay.


Talk show actor Yang Bo was revealed to have cheated on a female college student, his girlfriend was cheating on him, and the girl claimed that she had been cheated on.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

As a result, Yang Bo posted the above-mentioned essay, reprimanding the girl by name, calling her "vicious", "anti-social" and "mentally abnormal".

One of the most important accusations is that the female student Han "knows the best" and actively "forced" Yang Bo to break shoes with her.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

Let me remind you of Shi Hang’s old story again: He was also accused of sexual harassment, he responded by writing articles and posting pictures, and he responded to the woman’s “thief shouting, catch the thief.”

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

History is not always coincidental, but the history of obscene men often remains true to their origins.

The essence of the two incidents is the same. Both Shi and Yang were taking advantage of the power-involved sexual consent loophole.

But Shi is much smarter than Yang.

The excerpt of the chat record he sent contained no words about the relationship between worshiping and being worshiped by both parties, so that those "volunteers" seemed to be very real, so the public opinion environment at that time was still divided, "women also "Not a good thing" theory is rampant, ignoring the invisible oppression caused by objective identity background.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

Yang Bo’s situation is completely different.

In the screenshots of the chat history he sent + the screenshots of the Xiaohongshu chat he admitted, one obvious feature is that the woman is obviously at the bottom of the relationship.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

Yang Bo’s original intention was “Let you take a look at this crazy woman”.

But he didn’t know that times had changed. In the narrative of Dian Po begging for love, even though there was hatred for Dian Po, Neptune, who hugged her from both sides, was the culprit. Netizens still had this awareness.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

The power relationship between the two parties was too clear in the speeches of both parties: idol Yang Bo and fan Ms. Han.

Under this understanding, almost all of the key points Yang used to prove himself in his essay called Qu were boomerangs aimed at him.

Let’s go through them one by one:

1. “She obviously took the initiative to ask me out.”

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

This is indeed the case, but from the chat records posted by Ms. Han, it can be seen that the whole thing is about "a fan who treated the idol's private message as a tree hole was actually replied by the idol", and the idol took the initiative to express interest in the beach near his school, so After he said, "You can ask me to be your tour guide next time you come," he replied, "I plan to go to the beach tonight."

This was the last time a fan sent out a "encounter request" from "I want to see a live celebrity lying on the beach."

If you are confused, please see the picture.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

Unexpectedly, this look is of a fishing type.

Although it is a bit confusing to say that the other party is Yang Bo, the mentality of worshiping a person is basically the same. Sisters can imagine that their own lives have done the same thing, and the time and address were returned instantly after you sent out the "face-to-face" application.

How many people have the determination to say no? Anyway, I didn’t.

Even if you are rational, you must understand that the dark night, the seaside, the private meeting of a man and a woman, there is a somewhat dangerous atmosphere of hormones, but reason is the most insignificant power in the face of the worship of power.

Yang Bo's mouth was his own, and he kissed him himself. In the end, because "she made the appointment first," he came to the conclusion that "it was all voluntary and not forced." The translation is:

She took the initiative to use me as a tree hole. , took the initiative to treat me as an idol, and even took the initiative to apply to "meet celebrities". Doesn't this count as actively sending sexual hints to me?

Han Han all commented sharply: It’s hard to find a true friend.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

2. “She forced me to break her shoes and even asked me to take nude photos of her and keep them to threaten her.”

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

This sentence is really a reckless statement. After reading it, I just want to ask:

Yang Bo, why don’t you read what you wrote?

Shen Qu can't be like your jokes, they are so illogical.

Of course, it’s not that I don’t believe in the authenticity of these two sentences. On the contrary, it was these two sentences that made me completely confirm that the nature of the whole thing was that the idol sexually harassed the fans, and as a result, he met the little bitch who lacked love.

If he was deliberately planning to bring down Yang Bo, presenting himself with nude photos would be an insane act that kills a thousand enemies and hurts himself a thousand dollars.

And the logical relationship between these two sentences is really very subtle. To force the other party to have an affair with you, you don’t need to hand over your own leverage. Instead, you should use the other party’s leverage, right?

's act of proactively providing nude photos can be regarded as a kind of self-sacrifice to a certain extent, and what else in the world can be more passive than a sacrifice?

Whether it is courtship or rain, the act of sacrifice represents the most decisive and desperate effort to deal with something beyond one's control.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

Ms. Han's general words and deeds are very reminiscent of Jin Lina, who committed suicide for love in "Crossing the Angry Sea". She often killed herself to express her ambitions, and often hurt herself to gain the attention of others.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

With the blessing of the aura of idols, this self-deprecating mentality will only become more intense, as will the extreme behaviors caused by it.

Although I don’t know Ms. Han’s life experience, I sincerely suggest that after this incident, you can seek formal help and establish your true core. This is the permanent way to stay away from scumbags.

3. "In real life, Ms. Han obviously knows three things and does three things."

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

This is the only thing I believe, no matter from the common sense of idol chasing stars, or from the various details of the two people's speeches.

But as mentioned before: under the worship of power, reason is definitely absent.

So in this twisted relationship with extremely unequal power, I really don’t think it’s important whether this is true or not.

Or, the degree of immorality between the two cannot be divided at least based on this.

Do you still remember the crazy woman Amy in "Gone Girl" who made people shiver?

Her outlook on life is: You must love me, or I will kill your whole family.

Yes, she is very scary, and she rarely meets Yang Bo's accusations of being "anti-social".

I killed someone for you

Who else can say this?

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

But I still believe that we all have a little "Amy moment" at one time or another.

Even if you have never been dumped or cheated on, you have always gone crazy because of jealousy, suspicion, lovelorn and other reasons, right?

If you don’t remember the nonsense you accidentally said to your best friend and roommate when you were drunk, someone has already recited it fluently.

Those WeChat messages with hundreds of words sent in the middle of the night, if you withdraw them, someone has already taken screenshots.

come on, what are you talking about on the Internet every day, "Who is not crazy?" How can you forget that you have also been crazy about love when you watch others falling in love? (Of course the degree may be slightly different)

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

I do not require the victim to be perfect, which also includes the imperfection of the victim who lies because he is afraid of imperfection.

Let’s talk about it again, it is indeed a crime to “know three things but not three”, but your girlfriend can scold you, netizens can scold you, but the scumbag himself can’t scold you. He broke his moral code just to be with you. Where do you stand? Gao Gao looks down on the woman.

Just like no one feels sorry for Amy's husband Nick.

A rotten man who is so scumbag that he can have sex with a little girl when his wife’s life or death is uncertain. Whose morals and chastity are you going to judge?

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

’s reason for complaining is “I didn’t hide the cheating from anyone. My mistress knew that I had a girlfriend, and my girlfriend knew that I had a mistress.”

wave, do you want to see what you are talking about?

dividing line

In fact, after reading the whole article, this funny thing is not without its merits.

To a certain extent, Yang Bo completely took off the fig leaf of the Shihangs with his panicked words when he broke through the defense. After

posted this article, Yang also blamed Internet violence and Ms. Han for his girlfriend breaking up with him.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

has no idea why I ended up here. It’s all due to stupidity and arrogance without knowing it.

expressed his grievances while using extremely misogynistic words like "break your shoes", which was able to trick several viewers into being disgusted.

published all the woman’s private information and had the nerve to call her vicious.

They think that the status of a superior person is meant to attract bees and butterflies. They think that girls should know their ugliness and dare not reveal their private affairs to others, so they extend their hands unscrupulously, thinking it is a gift.

He obviously died of exhaustion, but he turned around and scolded the other party for "poisoning a lovesickness trap."

"There are such beast-like people out there."

Don't threaten Ms. Han with "He will not let go even if he is a ghost." pass.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

You should first ask the unemployed talk show actor if he wants to let you go.

can't survive without you.

However, when everyone is trembling with fear for their favorite talk show actors, what I want to say most to Tuochuan is actually:

Sister Li, you deserve to enjoy the Ancestral Temple.

The evil wind at the end of the year is blowing so hard, sometimes Shi Hang and sometimes Yang Bo. Appeal of appeal. The one who is crying is crying. If you ask me, Shi Hang would be better off thinking of ways to block Yang Bo's mouth when he spends all his energy on appealing.  - Lujuba

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