Title of work: "Victim" Awards: Excellence Award Creators of the work: Wang Jikang, Zhuo Guocheng, Cai Yiping, Huang Ru, Gao Jing University: Hebei Normal University for Nationalities Girls are keen on online gossip, and often compare worries in real life with Vent your grievance

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Title of work: 'Victim' Awards: Excellence Award Creators of the work: Wang Jikang, Zhuo Guocheng, Cai Yiping, Huang Ru, Gao Jing University: Hebei Normal University for Nationalities Girls are keen on online gossip, and often compare worries in real life with Vent your grievance - Lujuba

Title of the work: " Victim "

Awards: Excellence Award

Creator of the work: Wang Jikang, Zhuo Guocheng, Cai Yiping, Huang Ru, Gao Jing

Affiliated university: Hebei Normal University for Nationalities

Title of work: 'Victim' Awards: Excellence Award Creators of the work: Wang Jikang, Zhuo Guocheng, Cai Yiping, Huang Ru, Gao Jing University: Hebei Normal University for Nationalities Girls are keen on online gossip, and often compare worries in real life with Vent your grievance - Lujuba

Girls are keen on online gossip and often Vent your worries and grievances in real life through online comments.

Title of work: 'Victim' Awards: Excellence Award Creators of the work: Wang Jikang, Zhuo Guocheng, Cai Yiping, Huang Ru, Gao Jing University: Hebei Normal University for Nationalities Girls are keen on online gossip, and often compare worries in real life with Vent your grievance - Lujuba

One day, a stranger sent a verification application, and the girl's life was completely disrupted. Although the stranger did not indicate his intention, the message he sent not only included the girl's residence and work address, but also many snapshots of her daily life. The girl suddenly discovered that she was being followed.

Title of work: 'Victim' Awards: Excellence Award Creators of the work: Wang Jikang, Zhuo Guocheng, Cai Yiping, Huang Ru, Gao Jing University: Hebei Normal University for Nationalities Girls are keen on online gossip, and often compare worries in real life with Vent your grievance - Lujuba

It was dark at night, and there was a sudden knock on the door of the girl's house. The power switch suddenly cut off, and the girl fell into panic. Who was the visitor? What's the purpose of coming? The story is lost in mystery.

Title of work: 'Victim' Awards: Excellence Award Creators of the work: Wang Jikang, Zhuo Guocheng, Cai Yiping, Huang Ru, Gao Jing University: Hebei Normal University for Nationalities Girls are keen on online gossip, and often compare worries in real life with Vent your grievance - Lujuba

"The Victim" is the winner of the Excellent Award for Microfilm Collection at the 6th National College Student Internet Culture Festival. "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into it." The students of the main creative team tried to use fictional stories to explore how to define the boundary between network reality and real life in a highly developed network environment. Freedom of speech and online violence, personal life and information security, all involve us having multiple identities. A small comment may inadvertently make you a perpetrator, and a simple message may put you in trouble at any time. The film ends with an open ending, giving the audience a huge space for imagination, and we hope that every viewer will be inspired to think and find something in reality. Answer.

Title of work: 'Victim' Awards: Excellence Award Creators of the work: Wang Jikang, Zhuo Guocheng, Cai Yiping, Huang Ru, Gao Jing University: Hebei Normal University for Nationalities Girls are keen on online gossip, and often compare worries in real life with Vent your grievance - Lujuba

The 6th "National College Student Internet Culture Festival Microfilm Collection" activity jointly sponsored by the Department of Ideological and Political Work of the Ministry of Education and the Network Social Work Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, and hosted by Wenhui News Agency, has been popular among universities and young students across the country since its launch. The response was enthusiastic and a total of 2,116 submissions were received from 694 universities in 30 provinces across the country. After selection, 108 outstanding works stood out and won awards.


Text/Editor: Hao Xinli Editor: Wang Wei

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Tags: entertainment