Shenzhen not only defeated Shenzhen, but also won four consecutive victories. However, the tragedy of the Guangdong team was banned again, because they could not escape the wave of downturn. In the Shenzhen-Guangdong battle, they were defeated by the Shenzhen team with a record o

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Shenzhen not only defeated Shenzhen, but also won four consecutive victories, but the Guangdong core was banned.

The tragedy of the Guangdong team reappeared, because they could not escape the wave of downturn . In the Shenzhen-Guangdong battle, they were defeated with a record of 90-97. The Shenzhen team defeated strongly. Du Feng obviously exerted his ultimate fighting power at this stage, but in the end they were still defeated and helped the Shenzhen team successfully win four consecutive victories. No, after the last game, the Shenzhen team ranked among the top six in the league with a record of 25 wins and 13 losses. In terms of points, they are only one game away from the top 4 Guangsha team. This means that as long as they work harder, they are very likely to break into the top four in the league! However, the core player of the Guangdong team was suspended, and Du Feng was even worse. What is going on with ? Next, let’s take a look with the basketball brothers!

Shenzhen not only defeated Shenzhen, but also won four consecutive victories. However, the tragedy of the Guangdong team was banned again, because they could not escape the wave of downturn. In the Shenzhen-Guangdong battle, they were defeated by the Shenzhen team with a record o - Lujuba

I believe everyone knows that the Guangdong team is not a soft persimmon. But in the last two seasons, they have missed players such as Yi Jianlian, Zhao Rui, Zhou Peng and Su Wei, which has caused the Guangdong team's lineup to continue to slip from its peak. Even if Ma Shang and Wilms, the two meritorious foreign players, are still there, judging from their performance on the field, they are no longer at their peak. Especially when the game advances to the critical moment of chasing points, it is difficult for them to maintain their combat power at the peak in long-term and high-intensity confrontations. Their performance in recent games has become the most powerful proof. Even though Zhu Fangyu signed Zhou Qi immediately, his performance was not stable, which made it more difficult for Du Feng.

Shenzhen not only defeated Shenzhen, but also won four consecutive victories. However, the tragedy of the Guangdong team was banned again, because they could not escape the wave of downturn. In the Shenzhen-Guangdong battle, they were defeated by the Shenzhen team with a record o - Lujuba

Waters was suspended, but this does not mean

However, which core player of the Guangdong team was suspended? He is none other than Waters, the super foreign aid of the Guangdong team! In the third quarter of the game, he stretched out his leg and tripped Sun Haoqin. Subsequently, the referee reviewed the situation, and after careful consideration, he confirmed that he had committed a physical foul. It was exactly this physical foul, which brought his total number of physical fouls to six this season. Subsequently, he will be automatically suspended for one game. As a result, he has become the first foreign player in the league to be suspended. But the Guangdong team will have another encounter with the Zhejiang team in the next encounter. Waters’ absence adds more variables to the Guangdong team’s next journey. Without his blessing, the Guangdong team The overall strength will also decline significantly.

Shenzhen not only defeated Shenzhen, but also won four consecutive victories. However, the tragedy of the Guangdong team was banned again, because they could not escape the wave of downturn. In the Shenzhen-Guangdong battle, they were defeated by the Shenzhen team with a record o - Lujuba

But Waters is not the only player who caused controversy in the Guangdong team. At the critical moment of the fourth quarter, Du Runwang also elbowed Shen Zijie in the back of the head. This is a very dangerous move. If you are not careful, it may cause trouble. Losing lives. is such an illegal action, and the referee did not call it illegal, which obviously made the fans even more confused. Are they deliberately protecting the Guangdong team? Judging from their two fouls, Waters used the Fengshen Kick, and Du Runwang used the typical strong dragon but regret. However, Shen Zijie had not yet mastered the magical power of indestructibility, so he lay on the ground holding the back of his head for a long time. If the basketball boy is Zheng Yonggang, I will definitely complain about Du Runwang's intentional injury after the game. After all, they have already reimbursed a Macon.

Shenzhen not only defeated Shenzhen, but also won four consecutive victories. However, the tragedy of the Guangdong team was banned again, because they could not escape the wave of downturn. In the Shenzhen-Guangdong battle, they were defeated by the Shenzhen team with a record o - Lujuba

Shenzhen is once again aiming for the championship, and they are ready.

They do not want their core center to be reimbursed for the season. After all, their goal in the current season is to once again aim for the championship. This not only requires their lineup to remain intact, but also requires their lineup strength to achieve new breakthroughs! is correct! The Shenzhen team did defeat the Guangdong team by 7 points in the last game, but without He Xining's superb performance, it would be difficult for them to win this game. And just in the last encounter, he alone scored 44 points, 3 rebounds and 3 steals for the Shenzhen team. Not to mention his 5 of 13 three-pointers, he also made 17 of 32 mid-range shots. In addition, he made 5 of 7 free throws, which made him the best player in the Shenzhen-Guangdong game. Bright boy.

Shenzhen not only defeated Shenzhen, but also won four consecutive victories. However, the tragedy of the Guangdong team was banned again, because they could not escape the wave of downturn. In the Shenzhen-Guangdong battle, they were defeated by the Shenzhen team with a record o - Lujuba

But Zheng Yonggang still needs to be cautious. Among local players, in addition to He Xining, more local players are needed who can shoulder the team's heavy responsibilities on both offense and defense at critical moments. Instead of like the last game, apart from the fierce He Xining, only Shen Zijie, a local player, managed to score in double figures. This is not enough! What if their opponents this time are strong teams such as Xinjiang, Guangsha and Zhejiang? It would be difficult for He Xining's one-man explosion to pass these strong teams head-on. However, after the game ended, they had more than two days of rest time. During this period, not only the two foreign players Salinger and Adams would adjust their condition back, but also Zhou Peng, Players such as Gu Quan and Feng Xin will also be full of health again.

Shenzhen not only defeated Shenzhen, but also won four consecutive victories. However, the tragedy of the Guangdong team was banned again, because they could not escape the wave of downturn. In the Shenzhen-Guangdong battle, they were defeated by the Shenzhen team with a record o - Lujuba

It is not advisable to hurt people intentionally, Yao Ming needs to be strict

Although the Shenzhen team finally succeeded in defeating the Guangdong team with He Xining's powerful explosion, the two players Waters and Du Runwang were obviously criticized by more fans. Do they think the CBA arena is a martial arts conference? They are not talking about their skills here, but using their martial arts skills to show their worth? However, from the perspective of basketball fans, Yao Ming and Xu Jicheng must have realized the seriousness of this problem, and they will inevitably impose more severe penalties on players who intentionally injure others in future games. If the basketball boy is Yao Ming, I will wave my hand. As long as he hurts someone intentionally, he will be directly fined 200,000 yuan and suspended for 10 games. This will definitely make every team take action!

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