The content of "2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala" is a bit monotonous. It can be summarized as "New and old friends gather together, and there are many things to see around Xiaoxiang." The adaptation of "Joy the Dragon to Welcome the Spring and New Year" was very succ

entertainment 2680℃

The content of "2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala" is a bit single. It can be summarized as "New and old friends gather together, and there are many things to see around Xiaoxiang."

The adaptation of "Joy the Dragon to Welcome the Spring and New Year" is very successful. It is atmospheric and also highlights the Year of the Dragon. When I saw Zhao Zhaoyi, I thought of "Hua Shao 5".

Zhang Zining , Zhao Zhaoyi, and Wang Xingyue all came to Hunan Satellite TV to record a program for the first time. It seemed like it was Chen Xinhai's first time.

The content of '2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala' is a bit monotonous. It can be summarized as 'New and old friends gather together, and there are many things to see around Xiaoxiang.' The adaptation of 'Joy the Dragon to Welcome the Spring and New Year' was very succ - Lujuba

Changsha Little Pride Zhang Yixing brings "God of Wealth to " back to his hometown for the New Year, which is perfect. One program is simply not enough to watch.

"Go to "Xiang" as a place with wind" Is this a disguised promotion of the hit drama "Go to a place with wind"? The long tail effect is so strong!

Zhang Dongliang is the brother who overcomes all obstacles, and Zhi Fu is the sister who rides the wind and waves. It is so suitable for them to interpret this Hunan-style song!

The content of '2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala' is a bit monotonous. It can be summarized as 'New and old friends gather together, and there are many things to see around Xiaoxiang.' The adaptation of 'Joy the Dragon to Welcome the Spring and New Year' was very succ - Lujuba

I especially like to watch the short films that represent local characteristics played by various major TV stations during the Spring Festival Gala. "Fellow's New Year Answer Sheet" is very interesting.

's sketch "Nian Da Zi" stands out among many programs. Tiezi is a popular Internet term, but it is very inconsistent in the sketch.

In fact, Guo Dabao, Jiang Shimeng, He Huan, Gu Shiba, Shi Yuanting and others are more interesting than the sketches just by standing there chatting.

The content of '2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala' is a bit monotonous. It can be summarized as 'New and old friends gather together, and there are many things to see around Xiaoxiang.' The adaptation of 'Joy the Dragon to Welcome the Spring and New Year' was very succ - Lujuba

Before Hunan Satellite TV announced the guest lineup for the New Year's Eve, I guessed that there must be Luo Yunxi, because he was filming Mango's "Water Dragon Yin"

This is Hunan Satellite TV's S+ level drama, and it will be broadcast on stars. Luo Yunxi's stop on the stage is the best promotion for the series.

Wang Xuerou, Sun Rui, Wan Peng, Wang Yu and others jointly presented "How Can There Be Poetry Without Xiaoxiang", which is full of elegant ancient charm.

The content of '2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala' is a bit monotonous. It can be summarized as 'New and old friends gather together, and there are many things to see around Xiaoxiang.' The adaptation of 'Joy the Dragon to Welcome the Spring and New Year' was very succ - Lujuba

The Phoenix Legend Group not only has a festive name, but also has great singing skills and national popularity. The songs are mash-up to form "Sing and Dance Party".

plus the addition of Shi Kai, Yao Chen, and Zhao Rang, as well as the audience's interactive participation off the stage were very high. Push the atmosphere of the party to a climax.

Mr. Deng's magic "The Surprise Can't Stop" and the scene of Shen Mengchen tearing off the mask scared me a little. How did you do it?

The content of '2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala' is a bit monotonous. It can be summarized as 'New and old friends gather together, and there are many things to see around Xiaoxiang.' The adaptation of 'Joy the Dragon to Welcome the Spring and New Year' was very succ - Lujuba

's annual mixed-cut "Life Under the Stars is Hot" is also full of the flavor of the New Year. It is still the flavor of Xiaoxiang, and life must be hot.

When I watched the trailer before, I was introduced to Hua Chenyu as the part-time director who is the spokesperson for Hunan Satellite TV’s Spring Festival Gala. He is very attractive as he wears multiple hats.

"Lighting the Bonfire at the End of the Galaxy" is high-pitched and grand, and is very suitable for performance on the Spring Festival Gala stage. His appearance was the highest-rated time in Huchun.

The content of '2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala' is a bit monotonous. It can be summarized as 'New and old friends gather together, and there are many things to see around Xiaoxiang.' The adaptation of 'Joy the Dragon to Welcome the Spring and New Year' was very succ - Lujuba

"Song of the Four Seasons" danced so well! It is indeed a dance drama that won the "Lotus Award". The dance is graceful and has beautiful meaning. It should be featured in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

Opera performances are also the highlight of the Spring Festival Gala. Combined with sitcoms, the storytelling and interest are greatly enhanced, catering to theater fans.

put together songs containing China and praising the motherland to form "China in Singing", which is a must-have program for the Spring Festival Gala.

The content of '2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala' is a bit monotonous. It can be summarized as 'New and old friends gather together, and there are many things to see around Xiaoxiang.' The adaptation of 'Joy the Dragon to Welcome the Spring and New Year' was very succ - Lujuba

Ma Jia, Wu Yanning, Chang Sisi, and He Liangchen sang very movingly. "Looking at Hometown from Space" Tang Hongbo's blessing is very nice.

"Hemerocallis Flower" by Yu Kewei is very beautiful. It feels like a song related to love, suitable for couples or distant lovers.

's sketch "Full-time Children" is better than "Nian Dazi". Although it is not funny, it reflects the current family and social phenomena.

The content of '2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala' is a bit monotonous. It can be summarized as 'New and old friends gather together, and there are many things to see around Xiaoxiang.' The adaptation of 'Joy the Dragon to Welcome the Spring and New Year' was very succ - Lujuba

Song Muzi, Dasuo, He Wenjun, and Lin Mo still have their own sense of humor, and Zuo Xiaoqing does not disobey when he performs comedy sketches.

The program "Yunshui Xiaoxiang" is also very interesting. The songs are graceful, the dances are elegant, and the dramatic singing is added, which is perfectly integrated with the dances.

"Silk Road Echoes" is a good program. While singing and dancing, Tan Songyun and Xu Weizhou also led the audience to experience exotic customs.

The content of '2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala' is a bit monotonous. It can be summarized as 'New and old friends gather together, and there are many things to see around Xiaoxiang.' The adaptation of 'Joy the Dragon to Welcome the Spring and New Year' was very succ - Lujuba

It’s more interesting than watching a drama. They have a sense of CP. I hope a director will help them make a costume drama, which is also related to the Silk Road. It will definitely be good to watch.

I really didn’t expect that “I Am a Little Green Dragon” would be adapted into rap. After it was sung by Dong Baoshi and Bai Jugang, manliness and cuteness coexisted.

Zhang Jie's song "Bright Rhapsody" becomes more and more enjoyable the more you listen to it. No wonder it was praised by He Jiong. This year’s Times Youth Troupe participated in the four-channel Spring Festival Gala.

The content of '2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala' is a bit monotonous. It can be summarized as 'New and old friends gather together, and there are many things to see around Xiaoxiang.' The adaptation of 'Joy the Dragon to Welcome the Spring and New Year' was very succ - Lujuba

"A Little Sweet" and "Young Beauty" are both unique and appropriate to the situation. The finale of "Spring Welcome Ceremony" and "Deep Blessing" is very suitable.

Hundreds of artists participated in the 2024 Hunan Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala, 80% of whom are old friends. It is very appropriate to describe it as a gathering of old and new friends.

Either the drama has been broadcast in Hunan, or it has been on a Hunan variety show, or it is a Xiaoxiang flavor show, and the publicity is good and full of highlights.

Tags: entertainment