Although he is a famous and successful director, Christopher Nolan has never made a true horror film. In an interview a few days ago, Nolan said that he is very interested in horror films and hopes that he can shoot a horror film.

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Although he is a famous and successful director, Christopher Nolan has never made a true horror film. In an interview a few days ago, Nolan said that he is very interested in horror films and hopes that he can shoot a horror film. - Lujuba

1905 Movie News Although he is a famous and successful director, Christopher Nolan has never made a true horror film. In an interview a few days ago, Nolan said that he is very interested in horror films and hopes that he can shoot a horror film.

Nolan also emphasized that the genre allows for cinematic experimentation. No matter what, Nolan's exploration of horror films will bring new thoughts and perspectives to the film industry. However, some people believe that Nolan is not suitable for overly typed horror films. But for a director like Nolan, making unexpected films is his artistic pursuit. When asked if he would consider making a horror film, Nolan said: I think horror films are very interesting because they rely on cinematic means. Director

further explained: is actually designed to trigger people's intuitive reactions to things. So at some point, I would love to do a horror film. But I think a really good horror film requires a really great idea, and there are very few of those. So I haven't found a story that fits this genre yet. But from a cinematic perspective, it's a very interesting genre. It's also one of the few films that allows studios to make a lot of these films, and they all have a lot of desolate, abstract features. They have a lot of qualities that Hollywood usually doesn't want to put in their movies, but the horror genre just allows for it.

Judging from Nolan's remarks, the British director seems to be ready to enter the horror film. In fact, Nolan's 1997 short film "Antfly" has strong horror film characteristics. Since then, creating an atmosphere of tension and fear in films has always been Nolan's specialty. So it wouldn't be a surprise if he does branch out into the horror genre.

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