The true crime thriller "Eden" produced by the famous director Ron Howard was successfully completed. The film had adjusted its starring cast in October 2023. The film stars Vanessa Kirby, Sydney Sweeney, Ana de Armas, Jude Law, Daniel Brühl and others, and is adapted from real..

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The true crime thriller 'Eden' produced by the famous director Ron Howard was successfully completed. The film had adjusted its starring cast in October 2023. The film stars Vanessa Kirby, Sydney Sweeney, Ana de Armas, Jude Law, Daniel Brühl and others, and is adapted from real.. - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News The true crime thriller "Eden" produced by the famous director Ron Howard has been successfully completed. The film had adjusted the starring lineup in October 2023.

This film stars Vanessa Kirby, Sydney Sweeney, Ana de Armas, Jude Law, Daniel Brühl and others, and is adapted from real events. The film tells the story of a group of deviants who have been abandoned by society and are looking for a new habitat. Independently turning their backs on society, each driven by a burning desire for change, they leave everything behind and stake their futures in the most unlikely of places, the harsh Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands belong to Ecuador and are located in the Pacific Ocean to the west of the South American continent. They are composed of small islands and reefs solidified by lava erupted by submarine volcanoes. Due to their diverse climate and special natural environment of volcanic landforms, animals with different living habits Plants can grow and multiply at the same time. Darwin visited here for inspection in 1835, published "The Origin of Species" in 1859, and proposed the famous theory of biological evolution. As for the people behind

, Noah Pink ("Genius" and "Tetris") is the screenwriter and plans to start filming in Australia in the fourth quarter. This is the first time Ron Howard has picked up a guide tube since "13 Lives". The story of this film is quite similar to Howard's previous film "Cast Away". However, this time the story is adapted from real history. It is reported that the film is a black comedy-style survival film, based on real people and true events, and uses two different eyewitness reports. Currently, the film has not been scheduled for release, but it is expected to be released within the year.

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