On February 9, the animated film "Bajie: The Lower World of the Canopy" released the ultimate trailer of "The Show Begins", focusing on life after the Lower World of the Canopy. In Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain, he was regarded as a "weirdo" when he first arrived. After a perio

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The movie "Bajie: The Lower World under the Canopy" reveals that "the show is about to begin" Duration: 01:08 Source: Movie Network

The movie "Bajie: The Lower World under the Canopy" reveals that "the show is about to begin" Ultimate trailer Collapse

Duration: 01:08 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News On February 9, the animated movie "Bajie: The Lower World of the Canopy" released the ultimate trailer, focusing on the life after the lower world of the Canopy.

On February 9, the animated film 'Bajie: The Lower World of the Canopy' released the ultimate trailer of 'The Show Begins', focusing on life after the Lower World of the Canopy. In Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain, he was regarded as a 'weirdo' when he first arrived. After a perio - Lujuba

In Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain, he was recognized as a weirdo when he first arrived. After a period of frightening escape, he met his second sister, Uncle Long, Benboerba, Baboerben and other friends in the demon world, and began to interact with everyone. They ran a food stall together, and gradually integrated into this big family that seemed dilapidated and depressed, but was actually happy and happy.

On February 9, the animated film 'Bajie: The Lower World of the Canopy' released the ultimate trailer of 'The Show Begins', focusing on life after the Lower World of the Canopy. In Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain, he was regarded as a 'weirdo' when he first arrived. After a perio - Lujuba

On the other side, Tianpeng's main mission in the lower realm gradually emerged. The demon king took away the golden rake and wanted to rule the three realms. With the help of Uncle Long and the little demons, Tianpeng was determined to fight him to the end. Although he has become a pig demon in the lower realm, his courage and courage as a canopy marshal have never been lost. On the first day of the new year, watch the canopy show begin and fight for justice!

On February 9, the animated film 'Bajie: The Lower World of the Canopy' released the ultimate trailer of 'The Show Begins', focusing on life after the Lower World of the Canopy. In Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain, he was regarded as a 'weirdo' when he first arrived. After a perio - Lujuba

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